Annette Breckwoldt

Dr. Annette Breckwoldt

Programme Area Lead (PA 5), Senior Scientist

+49 (0)421 23800 - 820

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Office: Fahrenheitstr. 6, Anbau
28359 Bremen
Room: 2205 (2. Etage)

Lebenslauf: Dr. Annette Breckwoldt


- Marine social sciences
- Science-Stakeholder Interactions
- Reef passages
- Integrated coastal management
- Small-scale fisheries
- Local marine resource use and management realities
- Environment and development in small island states
- Island Studies
- Environmental perceptions
- Inter- and transdisciplinarity: Interfaces Ecology / Social Sciences / Human Geography


Most recent:

Saulnier, E., Breckwoldt, A., Robert, M., and D. Pelletier (2025). Remote underwater video for monitoring reef fish spawning aggregations. ICES Journal of Marine Science 82(1): fsae194,

Kochalski, S., Kluger, L.C. und A. Breckwoldt (2024). Kleine Küstenfischerei und Meeresschutzgebiete: Ein gemeinsamer Weg zu „30x30“? Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ). Herausgeber: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn und Eschborn.


Google Scholar



Projects and Responsibilities

SOCPacific1   Our Project Website:

  • 2023 - 2025: Co-PI PASSES project (Reef PASsages within coastal Social-Ecological Systems: Implications for biodiversity conservation and fisheries sustainability in the Southwest Pacific); PI Dr. Dominique Pelletier, IFREMER
  • 2024 - 2027: WP1+6 Co-Lead BiodivERsA+ project MOOBYF (Monitoring Open-Ocean BiodiversitY with Fishers) (together with Dr. Manuela Capello as PI and Dr. Sebastian Ferse as WP Co-Lead)

image002logo moobyf final vecto pixels transparentProject Website:

  • 2024 - 2027: WP5 Lead INDIFUN-AI project (stakeholder interactions for participatory development of marine plancton biodiversity indicators); PI Dr. Alexandra Kraberg, Alfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Bremerhaven, Germany

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  • Vice-Chair, IGU Commission on Islands (; with Chair Prof. Dr. Anica Cuka (University of Zadar, Croatia); International Geographical Union (IGU,
  • Co-Chair, IMBER Human Dimension Working Group (with Ass. Prof. Dr. Samiya Selim), Integrated Marine Biospere Research (IMBeR)

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