Most recent:
Partelow, S., Schlüter, A., Ban, N.C., Batterbury, S., Bavinck, M, Bennett, N.J., Bleischwitz, R., Blythe, J., Bogusz, T., Breckwoldt, A., Cinner, J.E., Glaser, M., Govan, H., Gruby, R., Hatje, V. , Hornidge, A.-K., Hovelsrud, G.K., Kittinger, J.N., Kluger, L.C., Kochalski, S., Mawyer, A., McKinley, E., Olsen, J., Pittman, J., Riechers, M., Riekhof, M.-C., Schwerdtner Manez, K., Shellock, R.-J., Siriwardane-de Zoysa, R., Steins, N.A., Van Assche, K., and S. Villasante (2023). Five social science intervention areas for ocean sustainability initiatives. npj Ocean Sustainability 2:24,
Breckwoldt, A., Ratter, B., Wang, W.-C., and H. von Storch (2023). Editorial: Fishing for Human Perceptions in Coastal and Island Marine Resource Use Systems – Volume II. Editorial, Front. Mar. Sci. - Marine Conservation and Sustainability.
Fache, E. and A. Breckwoldt (2023). Women’s Active Engagement with the Sea Through Fishing in Fiji. Anthropological Forum, (SI ‘Environment & Socialities in Oceania: Practices of Transformation & Cooperation’)
Fache, E. and A. Breckwoldt (2023). Recherches émergentes, Rapport de projet : A Sea of Connections: Contextualizing Fisheries in the South Pacific Region (SOCPacific). Journal de la Société des Océanistes 156: 109-115.
Projects and Responsibilities
- Seit März 2019: ZMT's Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte
- Seit Januar 2021: Member of ZMT's Scientific Council (Wissenschaftlicher Rat - WiR)
- 2023-2025: Co-PI PASSES-Project (Reef PASsages within coastal Social-Ecological Systems: Implications for biodiversity conservation and fisheries sustainability in the Southwest Pacific)
- 2018-2022 & 2024-2027: German PI on binational French-German Research Projects SOCPacific & SOCPacific2R (together with Dr. Elodie Fache as French PI)
Our Project Website:
- 2024-2027: WP1+6 Co-Lead on the biodiversa+ project MOOBYF (Monitoring Open-Ocean BiodiversitY with Fishers) (together with Dr. Manuela Capello as PI and Dr. Sebastian Ferse as WP Co-Lead)
- Associated scientist for science-stakeholder interactions at Alfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Bremerhaven, Germany
- Associate Editor Marine Conservation and Sustainability, Frontiers in Marine Science
- Editorial Board Member: Pacific Geographies, Journal of Marine and Island Cultures, Ocean and Society
- Co-Chair, IMBER Human Dimension Working Group (with Ass. Prof. Dr. Samiya Selim), Integrated Marine Biospere Research (IMBeR)
- Vice-Chair, IGU Commission on Islands (; with Chair Prof. Dr. Huei-Min Tsai, National Taiwan Normal University International Geographical Union (IGU,
- Member, Scientific and Technical Advisory Group for Monitoring and Evaluation (STAG) of the Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR)
Member PACPATH Project (Pacific Ocean Pathways in support of sustainable development), Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Action (CRA) on Transdisciplinary Research for Pathways to Sustainability.