Internal Scientific Council (“Wissenschaftlicher Rat” – WiR)
The internal Scientific Council (Wissenschaftlicher Rat, WiR) advises the management and Supervisory Board on major research-related strategic topics. It does so based on deliberations during its regular meetings as well as on topics identified and submitted by the bodies representing the scientific staff of ZMT (doctoral students, post-docs and research group leaders) and the director. The WiR submits minutes of its meetings (which are available on the Intranet), and occasionally specific statements, to the director. The WiR furthermore provides specific advice or statements regarding key developments such as changes in department heads, to the Supervisory Board.
The heads of the scientific departments (excluding the Director) are ex officio members. Three additional members are elected by the research staff for a period of three years.
Currently, the members of the WiR are:
- Dr. Annette Breckwoldt (Scientist, elected)
- Prof. Dr. Jan O. Haerter (Head of department - Integrated Modelling)
- Dr. Connie Kwong (Scientist, elected)
- Prof. Dr. Oscar Puebla (Scientist, elected)
- Prof. Dr. Nils Moosdorf (Head of department - Biogeochemistry and Geology)
- Prof. Dr. Achim Schlüter (Head of department - Social Siences)
- Prof. Dr. Martin Zimmer ( Head of department - Ecology)