Fishing boat far away on the coast of Bangladesh
The project deals with the management of the "Swatch-of-no-Ground" Marine Protected Area (SoNG MPA) in Bangladesh | Photo: Till Heitmann/GIZ

Supporting the Integrated and Effective Management of the SoNG MPA

Since its declaration in 2014, the integrated and effective management of the Swatch-of-No-Ground (SoNG) MPA in Bangladesh remains largely unachieved. Key requirements are: timely access to relevant monitoring data for decision-makers, coordinated and adequately resourced efforts between involved institutions, effective rights for direct users and other local stakeholders, and capable and informed (co)managers and stakeholders. In our project, we build on these assumptions to develop and guide engagement processes of the various stake-, office-, and knowledge-holders involved in the monitoring and management of the SoNG MPA.

Our Vision

We aim to support and complement endeavours to advance the sustainable and equitable management of the SoNG MPA through participatory stakeholder consultations, as well as through piloting tailored training and outreach material. This initiative involves three key objectives:

1. Building on inclusive consultations: Through consultative processes, all relevant stakeholders are identified and motivated to contribute to planning and implementing management of the SoNG MPA.

2. Engaging and empowering local users: Local fishers and other marine resource users are continuously informed about and involved in MPA planning and decision-making processes, (and knowledgeable about their rights in these), and informed about and able to interpret the results of MPA monitoring.

3. Enhancing management capacities: The capacity of key authorities and stakeholders to monitor, safeguard, and manage the SoNG MPA is improved. Representatives from different stake-holder groups have taken part in a first set of MPA management trainings.

Who Benefits?

The main beneficiaries of this project are stakeholders engaged in and/or affected by the management of the SoNG MPA, including decision-makers and staff from relevant government bodies, fishers and fishery-dependent communities, and other actors active in or affected by the MPA. Our project employs a transdisciplinary methodology to acknowledge and include diverse perspectives, needs, and types of knowledge, and conducts  capacity-building initiatives.