A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


A1 certificate

The A1 certificate serves employees to prove that they have social security cover via their home country when travelling abroad on business in Europe. As a result, they do not have to pay double social security contributions.

Employees must always be able to present the A1 certificate while travelling.

Please fill in the questionnaire to apply for an A1 certificate.


Contact: Nele Witt

Vgl. A1-Bescheinigung


ABS - Access and Benefit Sharing

-> Nagoya Protocol


Absence note

If you are not available for some time, you can set up an automatic absence note (also only for internal use) in your e-mail account.

Zimbra → Preferences → Out of office → Don't forget to save!

Vgl. Abwesenheitsnotiz


Academic degrees, foreign

→ Recognition of foreign academic degrees

Vgl. Bildungsabschlüsse, ausländisch



Explanation on accessibility

Vgl. Barrierefreiheit


Accident at work

Accident report

Vgl. Arbeitsunfall


Accident report

Accident report

Accident report form

Contact: Nele Witt, Lena de Carné-Oehlmann (HR),

Bernd Görtler (Safety at work)

Vgl. Unfallanzeige





Account form

The IT unit provides IT equipment and access to ZMT's technical infrastructure on the basis of the account form. Normally, only the working group leaders have access to the account form.

Intranet - Service Point - Account Form

Network access / account form

 Vgl. Accountformular


Allocation of duties plan

The allocation of duties plan serves to clearly identify and describe the work tasks, responsibilities and representation arrangements within ZMT. The plan reflects the positions that are permanently financed from the core budget. Temporary positions financed from the core budget or positions financed through third-party funding are not shown in the plan.

Contact person: Ulrike Schumann

Vgl. Geschäftsverteilungsplan


Allowances for travel abroad (per diems, lodging)

→ Travel Management



ZMT has about 900 alumni from more than 60 countries (March 2022). The alumni network is coordinated by the ZMT Academy / Office for Alumni Relation. You can find the registration for the alumni network here.

Contact: Carolin Müller, Tim Dudeck


Analysis costs chemistry laboratory

Chemistry laboratory

Contact person: Donata Monien

Vgl. Analysekosten Chemielabor



→ Right of appeal

Vgl. Antidiskriminierung


Appeal, right of

Right of appeal


Applying for third-party funding

→Third-party funding

Vgl. Beantragung von Drittmittelprojekten


Bank details of ZMT

→Footer ZMT business paper

Vgl. Bankverbindung des ZMT



Contact: Epiphane Yéyi

Vgl. Batterien


Biology laboratory

→ Laboratories

Contact:  Silvia Hardenberg, Donata Monien

Biology laboratory

Vgl. Biologielabor


Borrowing literature at ZMT


Vgl. Ausleihen von Literatur am ZMT


Bremen Criteria

The principles of scientific ethics, which form the basis for any and all activities performed by ZMT, were defined quite early in the so-called Bremen Criteria and serve ZMT as a guideline for the cooperation with its partners in developing and emerging countries in coastal and marine research. The Bremen Criteria follow the sustainable development goals defined by the United Nations and include measures such as promotion of long-term projects, intensive involvement of scientists from host countries and unrestricted exchange of data and information. Thus, the Bremen Criteria contribute to achieving scientific and developmental goals in ZMT’s partner countries.

Bremen Criteria

Vgl. Bremer Kriterien


Building services

The building services unit is responsible for the functionality of the buildings and technical facilities. Please contact the building services unit via ticket for building, electrical and repair issues.

Ticket system building services

Contact: Facility manager

Vgl. Gebäudetechnik


Business entertainment expenses

ZMT receives grants pursuant to §§ 23, 44 of the State Budget Code, which are financed from tax revenue. Thus, expenditures financed from these funds are viewed particularly critically by the public.

Business entertainment expenses

Vgl. Bewirtungskosten


Business trip

A business trip is an activity outside the city of Bremen for professional reasons. The Travel Management is responsible for the settlement of travel expenses.

Contact for travel bookings: Timo Schumann

Contact for accounting: Mercè Sánchez

Information on business trips

Forms for business trips

Vgl. Dienstreise


Café International

The Café International takes place every Wednesday from 4:00 – 5:00 pm.

The event is organised by the Welcome Center of the U Bremen Research Alliance (UBRA). ZMT is a member of the UBRA.

Socializing at ZMT - Café International


Cafeterias of the University

→ Hungry ?


Canteens of the University

→ Hungry ?


Capacity Development

Capacity Development (CD) refers to the establishment and development of skills to support the educational system, politicians and the business community at local level - i.e. in tropical countries - to use, conserve and protect their coastal ecosystems in a sustainable manner.

Capacity Development Strategy 2025


Carolin Müller, Tim Dudeck (academic Capacity Development) and

Rebecca Lahl (non-academic Capacity Development)

Vgl. Kapazitätsentwicklung


Capacity Development Strategy 2025 of ZMT

Capacity Development Strategy 2025



Please check  section "Catering"


Career and family

Work and family

Contact: Donata Monien


Certificate of employment

With the employment certificate, the employer certifies an existing employment relationship.

Contact: Ulrike Schumann

Vgl. Beschäftigungsnachweis


Chemical register at ZMT

ZMT maintains a system with up-to-date information on chemicals and material data sheets: GoeChem.

Chemicals management

Contact person: Donata Monien

Vgl. Chemikalienkataster am ZMT


Chemistry laboratory

→ Laboratories

Chemistry laboratory

Contact: Donata Monien

Vgl. Chemielabor


Childcare on business trips

Childcare on business trips

Vgl. Kinderbetreuung auf Dienstreisen


Citizen Science

Citizen science involves citizens in the collection and evaluation of data. In this way, citizens are offered active participation in science. Both scientists and the interested public benefit from this mutual exchange of knowledge. For example, citizens can observe and report environmental pollution or the occurrence of certain animal and plant species, as in the "Seagrass Monitoring" project in Hainan, China.

Citizen Science in Hainan

Vgl. Bürgerwissenschaft



You can share files with other users in the ZMT Cloud by generating a direct link. Users can also make the stored files available to external users.



Coffee round

Coffee round

Contact: Christina Staschok

Vgl. Kaffeerunde.


Company agreements

A company agreement is a contract between the employer ZMT and the employee representation, the works council. It contains rights, obligations and binding standards for all parties to the agreement and all ZMT employees.

Company agreements of ZMT

Vgl. Betriebsvereinbarungen


Company doctor

The company doctor of ZMT is Christian Broek of Betriebsarztzentrum Bremen e.V.

Note: Guests and student assistants need a cost acceptance statement. No statement no treatment. Please contact the HR Management.

Preventive medical checkups: ZMT offers various preventive medical checkups. Appointments must be arranged independently six weeks in advance at Betriebsarztzentrum Bremen.

Betriebsarztzentrum Bremen

Contact for guests: Lena de Carné-Oehlmann, Wiebke Harms-Krusemeyer

Contact for student helpers: Wiebke Harms-Krusemeyer

Vgl. Betriebsärztin


Company number

ZMT’s company number is required, among other things, to apply for the A1 certificate when travelling abroad.

Company number: 20499436

Vgl. Betriebsnummer


Company social counselling
ZMT offers all its employees personal, professional support for (anonymous and confidential) company social counselling.


Contact person: Dr Bernd Görtler

Vgl. Betriebliche Sozialberatung


Conference fees

ZMT shall cover the fees for participation in conferences for ZMT members after prior agreement.

Conference fees

Please deposit the invoice or reimbursement of expenses with the approval and signature of the person responsible for the cost centre/cost unit or head of department in the "Accounting" mailbox in F6 or submit it by email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vgl. Konferenzgebühren


Continuing education

Personal & career development


Contractual agreements

In various areas of knowledge and technology transfer, the conclusion of contractual agreements is necessary. First point of contact in these matters is the Office for Knowledge Exchange (OKE), which offers support in drafting contracts.

Alfresco Site Office for Knowledge Exchange.

Contact: Rebecca Lahl

Vgl. Vertragliche Vereinbarungen


Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Covid-Information (external)

Covid-Information (internal)

ZMT Strategy Paper on coping with the Covid-19 pandemic


Corporate Design

Styleguide, logos and templates

Contact: Andrea Daschner and Susanne Eickhoff




Information on customs (import and export at the airport

Contact: Andreas Petermann

Vgl. Zoll

Dangerous goods

Dangerous goods

Vgl. Gefahrgut


Day care centre for children

For its employees, ZMT can arrange a limited number of places at the Technologiepark e.V. daycare center for children.

Day care centre

Contact: Donata Monien

Vgl. Kindertagesstätte



Loss, theft, damage to ZMT property (de-inventorisation)

Damage or loss report

Vgl. De-Inventarisierung


Departments (see Programme Areas)

Programme Areas

Vgl. Programmbereiche


Digital signature

The digital signature shall be used to sign various internal documents, e.g. business trip and holiday application forms. The digital signature is to be used for ZMT-internal purposes only. Please do not use the Adobe Sign Tool.

Instructions for creating a digital signature



Scientific Diving Centre

Vgl. Forschungstauchzentrum


Doctoral Studies Circle

The Doctoral Studies Circle at ZMT is responsible for organising the doctoral programme. Representatives of all status groups include a department head, two working group heads, two postdoctoral students and two doctoral students. The Doctoral Studies Circle meets monthly.

Contact: Carolin Müller, Tim Dudeck


Doctoral Studies Regulations

ZMT has Doctoral Studies Regulations to provide guidance to doctoral students and supervisors.

Contact: Carolin Müller, Tim Dudeck


Doctoral candidates

Junior researchers working on a doctoral thesis. ZMT wants to offer doctoral candidates an academic AND social home.

Academy Website

Alfresco-Site of the ZMT Academy.

Doctoral Studies Regulations.

Representatives of the Doctoral Candidates

Contact: Carolin Müller, Tim Dudeck

Cf. Doktorand:innen


Door signs

Each office is equipped with a door sign.

Contact: Fabian Hüge

Vgl. Türschilder


Electronics workshop

The electronics workshop can check whether defective devices can be repaired. Irreparable devices shall be disposed of there.

Contact: Epiphane Yéyi

Vgl. Elektrowerkstatt



All ZMT staff have their own e-mail address, which is composed of This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

E-mails can be accessed and sent via a so-called e-mail client, e.g. Thunderbird, or via a web interface.

Webmail account information

Vgl. E-Mail



Personnel Selection Procedure


Employment certificate

Employees need a certificate of employment to present to the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Federal Employment Agency) in order to be able to apply for unemployment benefit there. It serves as the basis for calculating the amount of unemployment benefit.

Contact: Ulrike Schumann

Cf. Arbeitsbescheinigung


Environmental education

ZMT´s Office for Public Relations (PR) and the Office for Knowledge Exchange (OKE) cooperate in the development of materials and formats in environmental education. While the OKE focuses on improving the environmental education and capacity development of civil society actors in the tropics through appropriate formats, ZMT's public relations work addresses its activities mainly on the public and interest groups in Germany and its neighbouring countries.

Environmental education

Vgl. Umweltbildung


Equal Opportunity Officer

Women's Representative

Contact: Annette Breckwoldt

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vgl. Gleichstellungsbeauftragte


EU applications

Application of third-party funded projects to the European Commission:


Beneficiary Data



Every 7 years, the Leibniz Association evaluates whether the institutes funded by the Association still meet the requirements for funding.

Independent experts also provide important information on strengths and weaknesses and any potential that still exists.

The next evaluation of ZMT will take place in 2027.

The Evaluation Procedure conducted by the Senate of the Leibniz Association

Evaluation (internal)

Contact: Agnes Richard

Vgl. Evaluierung



Events / Veranstaltungen


Exemption from work

In specific cases (cf. Section 29 TV-L), employees may be exempted from work with continued payment of their wages.

Contact: Nele Witt

Vgl. Arbeitsbefreiung


External companies at ZMT

External companies at ZMT

Contact: Bernd Görtler

Vgl. Fremdfirmen am ZMT


Family and Career

→ Work and family


Familiy doctor

General practitioner


Fire protection assistant training

ZMT offers training courses for fire protection assistants at regular intervals Participation in the training is open to all ZMT employees and does not require subsequent appointment as a fire protection assistant.

Fire protection assistant training

Fire protection

Contact: Bernd Görtler

Vgl. Brandschutzhelferschulungen


Fire protection regulations

Fire protection regulations

Contact: Bernd Görtler

Vgl. Brandschutzordnung


First aid

First aid

Regulations and information leaflets on first aid

Contact: Bernd Görtler

Vgl. Erst Hilfe


First aiders

ZMT offers regular first-aid training courses and training to become a first-aider.

First-aiders at ZMT

Contact: Bernd Görtler

Vgl. Ersthelfer 


Fixed assets

→ Registration of ZMT property


Foreign academic degrees

→ Recognition of foreign academic degrees

Vgl. Ausländische Bildungsabschlüsse



You can download all ZMT forms from the ZMT intranet Alfresco.

Vgl. Formulare


Further education

Personal & career development


General practitioner (Hausarzt)

A general practitioner is a doctor in private practice who provides basic and primary care to patients. For the patient, he or she is usually the first point of contact for medical problems. If necessary, the general practitioner can refer the patient to a specialist, to a special therapy or to hospital.

→List of general practitioners in Bremen

You cannot get an appointment with a GP?

Cooperating GP practice

Outside normal consultation hours, you can contact the medical on-call service.

→ Medical on-call service

You are not sure what to do?

Patient service

Vgl. Hausarzt / Hausärztin



German language courses

ZMT offers (together with UBRA > U Bremen Research Alliance) German courses for beginners to advanced students. The courses take place weekly for 1.5 hours and run for one semester (approx. 12 weeks). Courses start in March and September. The German courses are open to all ZMT employees and guests who are at ZMT for the entire duration of the course.

Contact: Carolin Müller, Tim Dudeck

Vgl. Deutschkurse



→Publicity material


Good scientific practice

All ZMT scientists have committed themselves to comply with the guidelines for ensuring good scientific practice at the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) GmbH. Our guidelines follow the Leibniz Code of Good Scientific Practice as well as the German Research Foundation's  Guidelines for Ensuring Good Scientific Practice. The guidelines for ensuring good scientific practice at ZMT are accessible to all ZMT members here:

Good scientific practice


Prof. Marie Fujitani (Ombudsperson), e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. Achim Meyer (Deputy Ompudsperson), e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vgl. Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis



Guests and visitors of ZMT are cordially invited to exchange ideas with our scientists and to provide mutual support in their research interests, whereby they concentrate exclusively on their own projects and do not take on any tasks for ZMT.

At least 14 days before the guest's arrival, the host at ZMT will fill in the registration form and send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Rules for guests and visitors (Section 8)

Registration form for guests

Contact: Lena de Carné-Oehlmann, Wiebke Harms-Krusemeyer

Vgl. Gäste


Hazardous waste disposal

Hazardous waste

Vgl. Gefährliche Abfälle



Company social counselling



Personnel Selection Procedure



Holiday entitlement

Application for holiday

Holiday application form (only for educational leave and special leave)

To request for holidays please use the Bosch time and holiday recording system: https://time.leibniz-zmt.de/SES/html

Contact: Nele Witt

Vgl. Urlaub


Human resources management

→ Human resources management

Contact: Ulrike Schumann

Vgl. Personalmanagement


Hungry ?

Bei Kaynak’s

Haus am Walde

Il Lago


Le Café – Bäckerei & Konditorei Behrens-Meyer


Pausenflitzer (ZMT 10:45 / MPI 11:00)

Restaurant Campus



Unique Café Bremen

Trattoria del Bosco (Hotel Munte am Stadtwald)

Zum Platzhirsch

 Vgl. Hungrig ?


Illness of children

Illness of children

Contact: Nele Witt

Vgl. Krankheit von Kindern


Impact Brochure

If we want to be sure that all aspects of our mission are fulfilled in a meaningful and successful way, it is important to trace and critically reflect on the societal impact of our activities: What difference does ZMT's work make in our partner countries? To what extent have joint efforts with our partners delivered sustainable solutions to real-world problems in the tropics? How do we want to shape our research and related activities to do better in the future?

Impact Brochure "Concepts - Collaborations - Common Grounds: The impact of our work beyond research and academia"


Inability to work

In case of inability to work, the HR management (mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and the working group leader must be informed immediately. If the inability to work exceeds a period of three days, a medical certificate must be provided at the latest on the fourth day of illness stating both the inability to work and its expected duration.

Inability to work

Notification of inability to work

→ Obligation to give notice and to furnish evidence in case of illness

Contact: Nele Witt

Vgl. Arbeitsunfähigkeit


Inability to work during holiday

 Incapacity for work during holiday

→Obligation to give notice and to furnish evidence in case of illness

Contact: Nele Witt

Vgl. Arbeitsunfähigkeit während des Urlaubs


In-house mail



Instructions to operate active panel in W7

→ Large screen W7 (Box)


Intercultural training

Every 6 months the ZMT Academy offers an intercultural training for all interested employees.

ZMT Academy Courses

Contact: Carolin Müller, Tim Dudeck

Vgl. Interkulturelles Training


Internal Integration Management

ZMT wants all employees to be healthy and successful in their work. Therefore, a company agreement on Internal Integration Management (Betriebliches Eingliederungsmanagement, BEM) was concluded. All employees who have been unable to work for more than 6 weeks in a 12-month period, regardless of the calendar year are entitled to apply for BEM. The aim of BEM is to prevent and overcome incapacity to work, to ensure that sick and disabled employees have a safe workplace and to prevent accidents and chronic diseases.


Contact: Carola Stefes, Lena de Carné-Oehlmann

Vgl. Betriebliches Eingliederungsmanagement


Internal Scientific Council

Internal Scientific Council

Vgl. Wissenschaftlicher Rat (WiR) 



ZMT offers internships which are mandatory pursuant to provisions of school law, training regulations, or higher education law.

Furthermore, internships of up to three weeks can be carried out as orientation for vocational training or studies.

As a general rule, interns in the laboratories must be at least 18 years old.

Please send applications to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact: Carina Seemann, Lena de Carné-Oehlmann


Vgl. Praktikum



Personnel Selection Procedure




Contact person: Anke Würthele

Vgl. Inventarisierung



The international M.Sc. programme ISATEC comprises the joint training and specialisation of German and foreign students in research on tropical aquatic ecosystems. Further information on the programme and the application procedure can be found on the ISATEC website of the University of Bremen.


IT code of practice

see > IT tutorials


IT initial equipment

Account form


IT manuals

→ IT Tutorials

Vgl. IT Anleitungen


IT ticket system

IT-related issues, questions and problems are quickly assigned and resolved via the IT ticket system. A colleague from the IT support team will contact you shortly after you have generated a ticket.

IT  Ticket system

Vgl. IT Ticket-System



IT tutorials

IT Tutorials offer guidance of all kinds in video format, e.g.:

1. Alfresco

2. Windows

3. Eduroam:  IT-Ticketsystem → Knowledge Base → WLAN → Verbinden mit dem WLAN "Eduroam"

4. Add printer

5. Map a network drive

6. Safe your files

7. VPN certificate

8. Change Thunderbird signature

9. Edit your changeable data in the intranet

10. Bookmarks in Firefox

11. ZMT cloud

12. Web mail

IT Tutorials


IT ticket system

IT-related issues, questions and problems are quickly assigned and resolved via the IT ticket system. A colleague from the IT support team will contact you shortly after you have generated a ticket.

IT  Ticket system

Vgl. IT Ticket-System



Job ticket

All employees with an employment contract of at least 12 months can obtain a so-called job ticket through the HR-department. Costs are deducted directly from your salary. The ticket must be issued for at least one year.

Job ticket

Contact: Carina Seemann, Ulrike Schumann


Junior research group

At ZMT there are various junior research groups (currently lead by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). If you are a junior researcher looking for additional funding you can take a look at the Junior Research Program Overview and make yourself acquainted with the requirements of the different programmes.

Contact: Carolin Müller, Tim Dudeck



If ZMT hires new employees, the working group leader must inform the administration what keys are needed. After the administration has been informed, keys can be collected on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. or upon prior arrangement.

Contact: Fabian Hüge

Vgl. Schlüssel


Knowledge transfer

Transfer of knowledge and technology describe processes to make research results available outside the institute. The term "technology transfer" refers to direct (economic) exploitation whereas "knowledge transfer" refers to non-commercial use of research results. Transfer services shall help to address social challenges, to take political decisions and thus to achieve sustainable development based on knowledge and research. Formats used for knowledge exchange include Citizen Science, capacity development, spin-offs and other activities. These activities do not only take place in one direction, but are regarded as transdisciplinary exchange with partners on an equal footing from which all participants can take advantage. In this context, the Office for Knowledge Exchange (OKE) is an important interface to non-scientific stakeholders.

ZMT homepage Office for Knowledge Exchange

Office for Knowledge Exchange on Alfresco

Contact: Rebecca Lahl

Vgl. Wissensaustausch



Information about the laboratories on the ZMT website:

Biology laboratory

Chemistry laboratory

Geology laboratory


Information about the laboratories on Alfresco:

Lab work

Project application laboratories

Chemistry lab

Biology lab


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vgl. Labore


Language Courses (German)

German language courses


Large screen W7 (Box)

The large screen (ActivePanel) in the box (W7) can be used in meetings, workshops, etc.

Instruction manual

Vgl. Bildschirm W7 (Box)


Letter of recommendation

Letter of recommendation

Vgl. Empfehlungsschreiben



The scientific library of ZMT MEDIA Unit provides specialised literature for all ZMT members. Furthermore, the library can also be used by ISATEC students for work and research. The library provides A6-size borrowing slips, which must be filled in completely on one's own.

Location: Second floor in the annex of Fahrenheitstraße 6, room 2209 (at the very back).

Contact: Clara Bruns

Vgl. Bibliothek



Technologies, inventions or other types of know-how developed in the course of our research may be of interest for commercial use. As licensor, ZMT may grant permission (licence) to a beneficiary (the licensee) to use an intellectual property right (e.g. a patent) under a license agreement.

Manual on inventions, patents and licences

Contact: Rebecca Lahl

Vgl. Lizenzen


Location plan

Overview of our buildings

Vgl. Lageplan


There are letterboxes for all employees in the main building. In-house mail can be distributed via these boxes, incoming mail is placed in the letterboxes by the colleagues of the purchasing department. Outgoing mail must be put in suitable envelopes with the correct recipient's address in the box "Postausgang". The Purchasing Department then stamps and sends the letters.

Contact: Susanne Boin

Vgl. Post


Mailing lists

There are various e-mail lists at ZMT. In some lists, you are automatically a member, e.g. @zmtall. You can see which lists you are currently a member of in your webmail account (Zimbra) under Contacts > Distribution list. If you want to join a specific list to which you were not added automatically, please contact the responsible person. Doctoral candidates and postdocs should register for the respective mailing lists as well as for the science list.

Mailing lists

Vgl. Mail-Listen


Mandatory courses

Courses which ZMT employees must attend are listed here:

Mandatory courses

Contact person: Bernd Görtler

Vgl. Pflichtkurse


Mandatory examinations

Examinations which ZMT employees must undergo are listed here:

Mandatory examinations

Contact person: Bernd Görtler

Vgl. Pflichtuntersuchungen


Mandatory on the job training

Mandatory on the job training which ZMT employees must attend is listed here:

Mandatory trainings

Contact person: Bernd Görtler

Vgl. Pflichtunterweisungen


Manual to operate ActivePanel

→ Large screen W7 (Box)



Company doctor

General practitioner


Medical Check-up

→ Preventive medical check-up


Medical emergency service

At night, on weekends and public holidays, you can call the medical emergency service for illnesses that do not pose a threat to life on 116 117 (nationwide, without area code, free of charge on landlines and mobile phones). The emergency ambulance for Bremen city center is located in the St. Joseph-Stift, entrance Notaufnahme (emergency room), Schubertstraße.

Vgl. Ärztlicher Notdienst


Mental health

Depression, lack of motivation and other mental health issues are a concern for young scientists and others. There is a lot of information on the Academy's Alfresco page for those affected or supervisors looking for support. General information on workplace health management can be found here.


Carolin Müller, Tim Dudeck

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vgl. Mentale Gesundheit


Nagoya Protocol

The Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS) was adopted at the tenth Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity in 2010 and governs access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of their utilization.

The Nagoya Protocol at ZMT

Nagoya on Alfresco

Contact: Dr. Achim Meyer


Occupational health examination for employees travelling abroad

The German Ordinance on Preventive Occupational Health Care (Arbeitsmedizinische Vorsorgeverordnung, ArbMedVV) requires that preventive occupational health examinations be carried out when employees travel abroad for work, namely for countries in the tropics, subtropics and for other stays abroad with special climatic stresses and risks of infection.

Arrange an appointment with our company doctor in good time.

No health examination ->no travel to the tropics!

Company doctor

Vgl. Arbeitsmedizinische Vorsorgeuntersuchung bei Auslandsaufenthalten


Office workplaces

Correct use of office chairs

Vgl. Büroarbeitsplätze


Office for Knowledge Exchange

Office for Knowledge Exchange(external)

Office for Knowledge Exchange(internal)

Contact: Rebecca Lahl

Vgl. Büro für Wissensaustausch



The ombudsperson is a contact point for the implementation of good scientific practice.


Contact person: Prof. Dr. Marie Fujitani



For newcomers to the ZMT, information on many matters is available on the internal welcome page on Alfresco. Onboarding for doctoral candidates and postdocs is coordinated by the Academy, among others. Once a year, there is a ZMT Welcome week on the topic of "Marine Research in an Inter- and Transdisciplinary Environment". The Welcome Center of the UBRA offers a lot of information and assistance for newcomers (for example, accommodation, insurance, kindergarten registration, etc.).

Welcome to ZMT

Contact: Carolin Müller, Tim Dudeck



All orders must be processed via the purchasing department.


Contact: Susanne Boin, Andreas Petermann

Vgl. Bestellungen


Ordinance on Hazardous Substances

Ordinance on Hazardous Substances

Vgl. Gefahrstoffverordnung


Organisational chart

Organisation chart of ZMT

Vgl. Organigramm



For detailed information on overheads and their allocation, please check our Alfresco site.



Meet me in the Palaver


Pandemic plan

In case of a pandemic, the ZMT-specific pandemic plan applies which can be accessed by all persons connected to ZMT via Alfresco's Corona Information site. This site also contains collected e-mails sent by the management on issues related to the covid pandemic.

Further information on preventive measures at ZMT in connection with the Covid pandemic is available on our homepage.

Vgl. Pandemieplan


Parental leave

After the birth of a child, both parents are entitled to parental leave. The ZMT HR Management answers questions and provides advice to find the best solution in each case. Please contact the HR Management at least 2 months before you plan to take parental leave.

Parental leave

Vgl. Elternzeit


Parent-child office

The parent-child office is located in the ZMT main building (Fahrenheitstraße 6) and is equipped with two workstations in the front area. One permanently installed computer can be used by all ZMT employees who have a ZMT account. A second desk can be used with mobile devices. The children's area is located in the back room. Here, drawing accessories, toys and a ball pool are available. There is also a nappy-changing and rest area.

Work and family

Contact: Donata Monien

Vgl. Eltern-Kind-Büro


Patents / patenting

→ Licences

Kontakt: Rebecca Lahl

Vgl. Patente / Patentierung


Per diem and lodging allowances for stays abroad

→ Travelling

Vgl. Reisen


Personal & career development

The ZMT Academy advises on career issues within and outside of science. The ZMT Academy would like to support this with courses and consulting services. You can find a lot of information on the topic on the Alfresco page. For currently offered courses, klick ZMT Academy Courses.

ZMT Academy Courses

Contact: Carolin Müller, Tim Dudeck

Vgl. Weiterbildung & Karriereberatung 


Personnel Selection Procedure

The purpose of the personnel selection procedure is to find the most suitable person for a position in a structured and comprehensible way.

A detailed description of the process, a clear flow chart and the corresponding forms are available in Alfresco.

Personnel Selection Procedure

Contact: Ulrike Schumann

Vgl. Personalauswahlverfahren


PhD / PostDoc circle

Doctoral Studies Circle


PhD guidelines

Doctoral Studies Regulations


General practitioner


Policy Briefs

ZMT Policy Briefs serve as recommendations for political decision-makers in tropical countries. They belong to a series of short dossiers aiming to inform about research at ZMT and to formulate specific environmental recommendations based on current research results. Hence, Policy Briefs illustrate the high practical and political relevance of ZMT research for the management of tropical coastal areas. Every Policy Brief is published in English and in the language of the partner country, if appropriate. For detailed information, please visit ZMT Homepage – Policy Briefs.

Contact person: Rebecca Lahl


PostDoc / PhD circle

Doctoral Studies Circle



Postdoctoral researchers are referred to as postdocs. The ZMT Academy offers advice, courses and services for postdocs. The postdoc representatives contribute further ideas and concepts for support programs for postdocs. For more information on the topic, see the Alfresco page.

Contact: Carolin Müller, Tim Dudeck

Vgl. Postdoktoranden 



ZMT does not have in house facilities to print posters. If required, ZMT members shall contact the purchasing unit.

How to order → Purchasing Guideline

Contact: Susanne Boin, Andreas Petermann


Poster templates

ZMT provides templates as a basis for designing posters.

Poster templates

Contact: Andrea Daschner


Preventive medical check-up

Be aware that appointments with the company doctor must be arranged 6 weeks in advance!

Fit for the tropics and fit for diving

Company doctor

Vgl. Vorsorgeuntersuchungen


Privacy Policy

→ Data protection declaration/data protection officer

Vgl. Datenschutz



Company social counselling


Process manual

The process manual is a systematic documentation of tasks and processes.


Contact: Elke Kasper

Vgl. Prozesshandbuch


Procurement guideline

cf. Purchasing guideline


Project Proposal

Anyone who wants to submit a project proposal to a funding body must go through a standardised, digital procedure EARLY. However, communication within the working group and department is the first step; the requirements of the funding body must be clarified in a second step. The indicative, final budget is to be agreed with the Head of Accounting. The Scientific Director makes the final decision on the submission.

ZMT process for the approval of third-party funding proposals

Kontaktperson: Agnes Richard


Promotional material

Advertising material, such as flyers and brochures, can be distributed to project partners or displayed at events. Small give-aways with ZMT logo can also be used. The materials currently available can be obtained from the PR department.

Contact: Andrea Daschner

Vgl. Werbematerial



Anyone who wants to submit a proposal to a funding body must go through a standardised, digital procedure EARLY. However, communication within the working group and department is the first step; the requirements of the funding body must be clarified in a second step. The indicative, final budget is to be agreed with the Head of Accounting. The Scientific Director makes the final decision on the submission.

ZMT process for the approval of third-party funding proposals

Kontaktperson: Agnes Richard


Purchasing guideline

Purchasing Guideline on Alfresco

Contact: Susanne Boin, Andreas Petermann



ZMT offers its employees the opportunity to register with Qualitrain at favourable conditions.

For more information, visit Health Management on Alfresco.


Recognition of foreign academic degrees for doctroral studies

ZMT budget funds cannot be used to pay for the recognition of foreign academic degrees. In exceptional cases, payment from project funds may be possible.

University Bremen, International Office

 Vgl. Anerkennung ausländischer Bildungsabschlüsse für die Promotion


Recording of working hours

Working time registration

Please use the Bosch working time and holiday recording system to record your working hours: https://time.leibniz-zmt.de/SES/html

Contact: Nele Witt

Form for recording working hours for student assistants

Contact: Wiebke Harms-Krusemeyer

Vgl. Arbeitszeiterfassung



ZMT pays great attention to recycling. The waste separation system at ZMT works as follows:

  • There are bins for residual waste and paper in the office.
  • Each building has a yellow bin for packaging made of plastic, metal or composite materials.
  • At the car park of F6 there are bins for paper and residual waste.
  • Waste glass: is emptied and disposed of in the waste glass container. Glass containers are located on Parkallee in the direction of Finnbahn Bürgerpark and on the corner of James-Watt and Loebener Straße


Reimbursement of expenses

Reimbursement of expenses

Form for reimbursement of expenses

Contac: Svenja Ehlers, Anke Würthele

Vgl. Auslagenerstattung


Reporting Channel (Whistleblower Protection Act)

The Whistleblower Protection Act, which implements the European Union's Whistleblower Directive at national level in Germany, has been in force in Germany since 2 June 2023. Individuals who report information about misconduct that they have received in a work context within the organisation concerned or an external authority, or who disclose it to the public, are protected by this law. 

Reporting Channel (Whistleblower Protection Act)


Research Infrastructure

Research infrastructure 


Research Integrity

Research conducted with integrity allows others to have trust and confidence in the methods used and in the resulting findings. Good research practices at the ZMT are based on fundamental principles of research integrity. These principles are as defined by the European code of conduct (Allea, page 4).

see https://www.leibniz-zmt.de/en/research/research-integrity.html

Good scientific practice and ombudsservices at ZMT

→  The Nagoya Protocol at ZMT


Right of appeal

General Act on Equal Treatment

§ 13 Right of Appeal

(1) Employees shall have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent department in the firm, company or authority when they feel discriminated against in connection with their employment relationship by their employer, superior, another employee or third party on any of the grounds referred to under Section 1. The complaint shall be examined and the complainant informed of the result of the examination.

(2) The rights of worker representatives shall remain unaffected.

Competent office for ZMT employees:

Verein zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung in der Freien Hansestadt Bremen (VFwF e.V.)

Contact: Claudia Prang

Vgl. Beschwerderecht


Risk assessment

Risk assessment

Contact person: Bernd Görtler

Vgl. Gefährdungsbeurteilung


Room reservations

Room reservations

Vgl. Raumreservierungen

Safety at work

The aim of work safety is to support the ZMT in preventing accidents, work-related illnesses and work-related health hazards.

Safety at work

Contact: : Bernd Görtler

Vgl. Arbeitssicherheit


Safety representatives

Safety officers are persons appointed in writing to assist ZMT, managers, occupational safety officers, company doctors and colleagues in preventing accidents, work-related illnesses and work-related health hazards.

Safety representatives

Vgl. Sicherheitsbeauftragte


Salary projection

Salary projections can be requested from the financial accounting unit if required (e.g. in the case of third-party funding applications). The information required is salary group, salary group level and project duration or calculation period.

Contact person: Eva Räthe

Vgl. Gehaltshochrechnung


Schedule an event

DFN scheduler

DFN Terminplaner: Datenschutzkonforme Doodle Alternative.

Vgl. Terminumfrage


Scientific Diving Centre

Scientific Diving Centre

Contact: Michael Schmid

Vgl. Forschungstauchzentrum

Scientific Programme Areas

Scientific Programme Areas

Vgl. Wissenschaftliche Programmbereiche

Secondary employment

 Any paid or unpaid activity performed outside the main occupation must be reported to ZMT (§ 40 No. 2 Para. 2 TV-L) and is subject to approval.

ZMT's personnel management must be informed in writing in due time prior to taking up any secondary employment.

Contact: Ulrike Schumann


Short business trip

Is a “business trip” within the city of Bremen. A short business trip shall be considered as having been sufficiently ordered or approved if an informal e-mail sent to the working group leader is confirmed in writing.

Short business trip

Vgl. Dienstgang


Sick note

→Unable to work

Vgl. Krankmeldung


Skin protection

Skin protection

Vgl. Hautschutz


Special leave

→ Exemption form work

Vgl. Sonderurlaub



Spin-offs represent a good opportunity for ZMT to establish targets in society as regards sustainability and protection of tropical coastal ecosystems.

By founding own companies, scientists can use their research to develop marketable products and services. The Office for Knowledge Exchange (OKE) explicitly supports scientists in potential spin-offs.

Office for Knowledge Exchange

Contact: Rebecca Lahl

Vgl. Ausgründung



External companies and other interested parties can support ZMT with contributions either in kind or services by concluding sponsoring agreements. As consideration, ZMT can offer to arrange a presentation of the sponsor's company at a conference or to place the sponsor's logo or otherwise. For detailed information, please visit the Alfresco Site Office for Knowledge Exchange.

Contact person: Rebecca Lahl

Vgl. Sponsoring


Sports offer

ZMT offers its employees various sports activities. Registration with Qualitrain at favourable conditions is also possible.

Health Management .

Contact: Nele Witt, Lena de Carné-Oehlmann

Vgl. Sportangebot


Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder engagement describes the process in which an organisation involves all persons and groups (concerned) in a solution or decision making process or in the implementation of research results.

Fact Sheets

Stakeholder Engagement Guide.

Contact: Rebecca Lahl

Vgl. Stakeholder Engagement


Student assistants

Hiring student assistants

Contact: Wiebke Harms-Krusemeyer

Vgl. Studentische Hilfskräfte



A consistent appearance in all media is of great importance in order to be perceived as a homogenous and recognisable brand in the conscience of both the public and the decision-makers that are important to us.

ZMT Styleguide

Contact: Andrea Daschner

Vgl. Styleguide



Company social counselling


Sustainability @ Leibniz

Sustainability is an important guiding factor for the Leibniz Association and its member institutions. As a research organisation, the Leibniz Association contributes to sustainable development in the fields of research and knowledge transfer, as well as through its management and operations. The political frame of reference is provided by the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which guide the Leibniz Association’s actions – through sustainability research and through sustainable research processes and operations.

=> Sustainability Mission Statement: The Sustainability Mission Statement provides a framework for a ‘culture of sustainability’ in the Leibniz Association and its member institutions – a culture that must be established and continuously built on within the various spheres of activity. The mission statement is also intended to encourage the employees of the Leibniz institutions to reflect on their actions and to contribute to the sustainable development of the association.

Tax number

The Value Added Tax Identification Number (abbreviated: USt-IdNr., VAT-ID) is a unique identification code of a company within the European Union for VAT purposes.

VAT ID No. of ZMT: DE 266278207

Vgl. Steuernummer



Basically, all ZMT offices are equipped with telephones. If employees move to another office and want to keep their phone number, they have to write a ticket to IT. The IT support team will contact you.

Vgl. Telefon




Contact: Wiebke Harms-Krusemeyer

Vgl. Arbeitszeugnis



Loss, theft, damage to ZMT property (de-inventorisation)

Damage or loss report

Vgl. Diebstahl


Third-party funding

Third-party funding portal

International and national funding opportunities

EU funding

Contact: Agnes Richard, Fabio Nicoletti

Vgl. Drittmittel



→ Datalab

→ Building services

→ IT-Support

→ Mechanics workshop

All services accessible via ZMT-Ticketsystem

- Job-Ticket for Bremen, Lower Saxony

Vgl. Tickets


Time sheet

For student assistants

For employees

Vgl. Stundenzettel




Contact: (Sarah Becker), Mercè Sánchez, Timo Schumann

Vgl. Reisen


Travel allowances


→ Travelling

Vgl. Reisen


University restaurant(s)

→ Hungry ?

Vgl. Hungrig ?



You can find information on how to apply for a visa on the official websites of the respective country representation. For Germany, this is the Federal Foreign Office. Travellers must apply for the correct visa themselves. Travel Management can assist in case of questions; the Directorate issues any necessary official letters of invitation after consultation with the department head or supervisor.

→ Visa affairs

Cf. vVsa



Hazardous waste (special waste) is dangerous to the environment and/or health. They must be disposed of professionally.

Contact: Christina Staschok

Vgl. Abfälle

Webmail account information

For business trips and other types of mobile work you can use a web-mail account.

Vgl. Webmail-Kontoinformationen


Welcome to ZMT

We warmly invite new colleagues and guests to visit our Welcome Site on the intranet. You will receive your login and password for the Welcome Site with your first e-mail from our human resources management. On the Welcome Site you will find important information related to your work at ZMT in Bremen. We will be happy to answer any further questions you may have. Please feel free to contact us.


Wiebke Harms-Krusemeyer (Student assistants)
Elke Kasper (General issues)

Vgl. Willkommen am ZMT


Welcome week

Each year, ZMT Academy offers a Welcome week for new researchers. The course introduces to “Marine and Coastal in an Inter- and Transdisciplinary Environment”.

Contact: Carolin Müller, Tim Dudeck


Whistleblower Proetcion Act

Reporting Channel (Whistleblower Protection Act)


Women's representative

→ Equal Opportunity Officer

Vgl. Frauenbeauftragte


Working abroad

Work safety in the field

Work safety when travelling abroad

Vgl. Auslandsaufenthalte


Work and family

Work-life balance (Homepage)

Work and family (Alfresco)

Contact: Donata Monien

Vgl. Beruf und Familie


Working time

Employees working at ZMT are subject to the collective agreement of the State of Bremen. The weekly working hours for full-time staff amounts to 39.2 hours/week.

Work that requires approval

Working time

Vgl. Arbeitszeit


Recording of working hours

Working time registration

Form for recording working hours

Form for recording working hours for student assistants

Contact: Nele Witt

Vgl. Arbeitszeiterfassung


Works Council

The works council represents the ZMT's employees on an institutionalised basis. The Works Constitution Act (Betriebsverfassungsgesetz) provides the legal basis for the works council in Germany.→Works council

Vgl. Betriebsrat



ZMT Academy

ZMT Academy

Vgl. ZMT Akademie


ZMT Capacity Development Strategy

Capacity Development Strategy 2025 des ZMT






ZMT PUB is a platform for publications by ZMT affiliated authors or editors, as well as a repository for scientific publications, and enables the institute to meet its reporting obligations with respect to its supervisory bodies.

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.