Course Program
Course name
Doctoral Thesis Workshop – Lifting Off
Target groupDoctoral candidates
Date 09.01.2025
Bremen Doctoral Researcher Symposium on Marine Sciences 2025: Engage, Learn, and Network
Target groupDoctoral candidates
InstructorMARUM, the graduate school GLOMAR, and ZMT
Date 08.-09.04.2025

Artificial Intelligence tools for scientific writing
Target groupOpen to everyone at ZMT
InstructorDr. Daniel Mertens
Date 12.02.2024

ZMT Intercultural Training 2023: Connecting Across Cultures
Target groupall interested ZMT staff members, mandatory for new doctoral candidates
InstructorMichael Blech
Date March 16 & 17, 2023
German language Course (various levels)
Target groupall international ZMT scientists
InstructorAnne Gudat
Date February 27 - June 23, 2023 (day depening on the level - see course description)
ZMT Welcome Course Tropical Marine & Coastal Research in an Inter- and Transdisciplinary Environment
Target groupall interested ZMT staff members, mandatory for new doctoral candidates
InstructorProf. Dr. Nils Moosdorf, Prof. Dr. Achim Schlüter, Dr. Janine Reinhard, Dr. Achim Meyer
Date September 12 - 14, 2022
Postdoc Retreat 2022. Teaching and Learning in Academia
Target groupZMT Postdocs
InstructorKatharina Günther (Lernenswert)
Date November 25, 2022
Deep Work. Effective Self- and Time Management Strategies for more concentration and focus
Target groupDoctoral candidates and postdocs, all interested ZMT staff members
InstructorDr. Lisa Heindl (Yellow Couch Consulting)
Date October 13, 2022 | 9:30 - 15:30
Creating clear and effective scientific figures
Target groupZMT PhD students - Postdocs & Master’s students will also be invited
InstructorSteve Doo, Fridolin Haag, Irene Kruse, Alexandra Nozik, Christiane Schmidt
Date September - November, 2022
Agile Work in Science
Target groupZMT & Marum Postdocs, all interested ZMT staff members
InstructorLea Feldhaus, Dr. Julia Rummel (Innoki Consultant)
Date September 9, 12, 27, 2022
ZMT Doctoral Retreat 2022. Mental Health in Academia
Target groupZMT Doctoral candidates
InstructorDr. Janine Reinhard, Dr. Ulrike Holzwarth
Date July 11, 2022
Intercultural Training: Connecting Across Cultures
Target groupall interested ZMT staff members, mandatory for new doctoral candidates
InstructorMichael Blech
Date March 3 and 4, 2022 | 9:00- 13:00
Workshop (Lateral) Leadership & Supervision
Target groupResearchers in first leadership position
InstructorDr. Neela Enke
Date Live Attendance November 19, 2021 (9.30h – 17.00h) | Online December 3, 2021 (9.30h – 12.45h) | Online December 10, 2021 (9.30h – 12.45h)
How to get your papers published and how to referee papers
Target groupDoctoral candidates, Postdocs, MSc
InstructorPD Dr. Tim Jennerjahn
Date 10 November, 2021 | 12-15:30 (CEST)
ZMT Postdoc Retreat 2021
Target groupPostdoctoral Researchers
Date October 8, 2021
Tropical Marine & Coastal Research in an Inter- and Transdisciplinary Environment (Welcome Course 2021)
Target groupDoctoral Candidates at ZMT. Guest researchers and interested Postdocs or Master Students can participate as well. The Course is compulsory for all Doctoral Candidates that have started from October 2020 onwards.
Instructor Prof. Dr. Achim Schlüter, Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff, Dr. Janine Reinhard, various experts from ZMT; Dr. Achim Meyer
Date September 22- 24, 2021 (9:00-17:00h)
German language courses MPI / Marum / ZMT in WS 2021/22
Target groupverschiedene Niveaus (A1 - C1)
Date September 13, 2021 - February 6, 2022
Online Presentation Skills
Target groupZMT doctoral candidates, postdoctoral and guest researchers
InstructorDr. Lisa Heindl
Date June 25, 2021
Genomics: An introduction to genome sequencing, data processing and analysis
Target groupZMT alumni, doctoral candidates and postdocs
InstructorDr. Martin Helmkampf (WG Fish Ecology and Evolution)
Date 6 and 7 July, 2021 | 14:00 to 16:00 (CET)
Introduction to Research Data Management: Why? When? How?
Target groupZMT alumni, doctoral candidates and postdocs
Instructor Dr. Birte Pfeiffer (Data Curator at ZMT)
Date 15 and 19 June 2021 | 12:00 - 13:30
Scientific surveys using Unmanned Aircraft Systems: 3D reconstruction of coastal environments
Target groupZMT alumni, doctoral candidates and postdocs
InstructorDr. Elisa Casella (WG DigiZ - Data Science and Technology)
Date 9, 10 June, 2021
Writing Workshop / short Course ZMT Policy Brief 2.0: How to reach your audience
Target groupDoctoral Candidates, Postdocs, Guest Researchers
InstructorRebecca Lahl
Date November 11, 2020
Data science & programming Talk to your data in python and R
Target groupPhD candidates in the 4D-REEF project, as well as any other interested participants at ZMT
InstructorDr. Arjun Chennu and Dr. Fridolin Haag
Date September 25 - October 8, 2020, 9:30 - 13:00
Teaching Online. The Challenge of Digital Education (Online)
Target groupAll ZMT staff teaching online and facilitating online workshops
InstructorDr. Lisa Heindl
Date September 21, 2020 | 12:00 - 16:00 (CEST)
Marine Research in an Inter- and Transdisciplinary Environment (ZMT Welcome Course 2020)
Target groupNew scientific staff
InstructorProf. Dr. Matthias Wolff, Prof. Dr. Achim Schlüter, Dr. Achim Meyer, Dr. Janine Reinhard
Date September 9 - 11, 2020
Intercultural Training (Virtual)
Target groupAll ZMT employees
InstructorMichael Blech
Date July 10 & 17, 2020
Deep Work & Motivation in Academia (Virtual)
Target groupDoctoral Candidates, Postdocs
InstructorLisa Heindl
Date May 6, 12, 2020
Time Series Analysis and Geostatistics in R
Target groupAll ZMT employees
InstructorProf. Dr. rer. nat. João Marcelo Brazão Protázio (Federal University of Pará, Brazil)
Date August 13, 2019
Intercultural Training
Target groupAll ZMT employees and guests
InstructorMichael Blech
Date December 2, 2019 and December 3, 2019
Introduction to Research Data Management
Target groupDoctoral candidates (also interested Postdocs, MSc)
InstructorDr. Birte Pfeiffer
Date November 21, 2019
Motivation, Focus and Concentration – Time & Self Management in Academia
Target group Doctoral candidates (also interested Postdocs, MSc, guests)
InstructorDr. Lisa Heindl
Date November 25-26, 2019
Marine Research in an Inter- and Transdisciplinary Environment
Target groupDoctoral candidates (also interested Postdocs, MSc)
InstructorProf. Dr. Achim Schlüter, Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff
Date October 23 - 25, 2019
Postdoc Retreat: Science Communication
Target groupPostdocs, Junior Research Group Leaders
InstructorDr. Julia Offe, Andreas Laurenz Maier
Date September 9-10, 2019
Supervision of Doctoral Candidates
Target groupPostdocs, Junior Research Group Leaders, Workgroupleaders
InstructorSabine Lerch
Date October 21 - 22, 2019
German Language Course for Marine Scientists
Target groupAll ZMT employees
InstructorAnne Gudat
Date September 2019 - February 2020
ZMT Welcome Day
Target groupAll new ZMT employees and guests
InstructorZMT staff
Date June 13, 2019
Intercultural Training
Target groupAll new ZMT employees and guests
InstructorMichael Blech
Date May 16, 2019
Presentation Skills & Science Communication
Target groupPhD Candidates
InstructorDr. Lisa Heindl
Date April 9-10, 2019
Analysis of next generation sequencing data
Target groupPhD students, Postdocs, MSc
InstructorChristiane Hassenrück et al
Date March 11 - 15, 2019
Scientific Survey using Unmanned Aircraft Systems and 3D reconstruction of coastal environments with the Structure from Motion method
Target groupPhD students, Postdocs, MSc
InstructorElisa Casella
Date January 25, 2019
Scientific Survey using Unmanned Aircraft Systems and 3D reconstruction of coastal environments with the Structure from Motion method
Target groupPhD Candidates, Master, Postdocs
InstructorDr. Elisa Casella (ZMT)
Date December 14, 2018 | 9:30 – 17:30
Science2Market An Introduction into Technology Transfer
Target groupZMT PhD students
InstructorNadine Schmieder-Galfe, MBA
Date 10 December, 2018
How to get your papers published and how to referee papers
Target groupDoctoral candidates, Postdocs, MSc
InstructorProf. Dr. Mike Elliott (University of Hull), Dr. Tim Jennerjahn (ZMT)
Date December 6, 2018
Publishing in International Journals
Target groupPhd Candidates, Master, Guest Researchers
InstructorPD Dr. Tim Jennerjahn (ZMT), Prof. Dr. Mike Elliott (University of Hull)
Date December 6, 2018 10am - 1pm
Target groupPhD Candidates
InstructorISATEC course, tbd
Date December, 2018 (3 weeks) | Via e-mail to
Ocean and Coastal Governance
Target groupPhD Candidates, Master, Postdocs
InstructorDr. Werner Ekau (ZMT), Prof. Dr. Anna-Katharina Horndige (University of Bremen, ZMT)
Date November 29 - December 1, 2018
Introductory course on Mathematical Modelling and Python Programming
Target groupDoctoral candidates, Postdocs, MSc
InstructorAgostino Merico
Date November 27, 2018
Intercultural Training
Target groupPhD Candidates, new employees at ZMT
InstructorJane Neugebauer (external)
Date November 23, 2018 | ZMT Welcome Week
Marine Research in an Inter- and Transdisciplinary Environment
Target groupPhD Candidates, new employees at ZMT
InstructorProf. Dr. Achim Schlüter (Jacobs University, ZMT)
Date November 20 - 22, 2018 | ZMT Welcome Week | Over
Time & Self Management
Target groupPhD Candidates (priority), Master, Postdocs
InstructorLisa Heindl (external)
Date October 25 - 26, 2018
Course Program
Course name Target group Instructor Date
Doctoral Thesis Workshop – Lifting Off Doctoral candidates 09.01.2025
Bremen Doctoral Researcher Symposium on Marine Sciences 2025: Engage, Learn, and Network Doctoral candidates MARUM, the graduate school GLOMAR, and ZMT 08.-09.04.2025

Artificial Intelligence tools for scientific writing Open to everyone at ZMT Dr. Daniel Mertens 12.02.2024

ZMT Intercultural Training 2023: Connecting Across Cultures all interested ZMT staff members, mandatory for new doctoral candidates Michael Blech March 16 & 17, 2023
German language Course (various levels) all international ZMT scientists Anne Gudat February 27 - June 23, 2023 (day depening on the level - see course description)
ZMT Welcome Course Tropical Marine & Coastal Research in an Inter- and Transdisciplinary Environment all interested ZMT staff members, mandatory for new doctoral candidates Prof. Dr. Nils Moosdorf, Prof. Dr. Achim Schlüter, Dr. Janine Reinhard, Dr. Achim Meyer September 12 - 14, 2022
Postdoc Retreat 2022. Teaching and Learning in Academia ZMT Postdocs Katharina Günther (Lernenswert) November 25, 2022
Deep Work. Effective Self- and Time Management Strategies for more concentration and focus Doctoral candidates and postdocs, all interested ZMT staff members Dr. Lisa Heindl (Yellow Couch Consulting) October 13, 2022 | 9:30 - 15:30
Creating clear and effective scientific figures ZMT PhD students - Postdocs & Master’s students will also be invited Steve Doo, Fridolin Haag, Irene Kruse, Alexandra Nozik, Christiane Schmidt September - November, 2022
Agile Work in Science ZMT & Marum Postdocs, all interested ZMT staff members Lea Feldhaus, Dr. Julia Rummel (Innoki Consultant) September 9, 12, 27, 2022
ZMT Doctoral Retreat 2022. Mental Health in Academia ZMT Doctoral candidates Dr. Janine Reinhard, Dr. Ulrike Holzwarth July 11, 2022
Intercultural Training: Connecting Across Cultures all interested ZMT staff members, mandatory for new doctoral candidates Michael Blech March 3 and 4, 2022 | 9:00- 13:00
Workshop (Lateral) Leadership & Supervision Researchers in first leadership position Dr. Neela Enke Live Attendance November 19, 2021 (9.30h – 17.00h) | Online December 3, 2021 (9.30h – 12.45h) | Online December 10, 2021 (9.30h – 12.45h)
How to get your papers published and how to referee papers Doctoral candidates, Postdocs, MSc PD Dr. Tim Jennerjahn 10 November, 2021 | 12-15:30 (CEST)
ZMT Postdoc Retreat 2021 Postdoctoral Researchers various October 8, 2021
Tropical Marine & Coastal Research in an Inter- and Transdisciplinary Environment (Welcome Course 2021) Doctoral Candidates at ZMT. Guest researchers and interested Postdocs or Master Students can participate as well. The Course is compulsory for all Doctoral Candidates that have started from October 2020 onwards. Prof. Dr. Achim Schlüter, Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff, Dr. Janine Reinhard, various experts from ZMT; Dr. Achim Meyer September 22- 24, 2021 (9:00-17:00h)
German language courses MPI / Marum / ZMT in WS 2021/22 verschiedene Niveaus (A1 - C1) September 13, 2021 - February 6, 2022
Online Presentation Skills ZMT doctoral candidates, postdoctoral and guest researchers Dr. Lisa Heindl June 25, 2021
Genomics: An introduction to genome sequencing, data processing and analysis ZMT alumni, doctoral candidates and postdocs Dr. Martin Helmkampf (WG Fish Ecology and Evolution) 6 and 7 July, 2021 | 14:00 to 16:00 (CET)
Introduction to Research Data Management: Why? When? How? ZMT alumni, doctoral candidates and postdocs Dr. Birte Pfeiffer (Data Curator at ZMT) 15 and 19 June 2021 | 12:00 - 13:30
Scientific surveys using Unmanned Aircraft Systems: 3D reconstruction of coastal environments ZMT alumni, doctoral candidates and postdocs Dr. Elisa Casella (WG DigiZ - Data Science and Technology) 9, 10 June, 2021
Writing Workshop / short Course ZMT Policy Brief 2.0: How to reach your audience Doctoral Candidates, Postdocs, Guest Researchers Rebecca Lahl November 11, 2020
Data science & programming Talk to your data in python and R PhD candidates in the 4D-REEF project, as well as any other interested participants at ZMT Dr. Arjun Chennu and Dr. Fridolin Haag September 25 - October 8, 2020, 9:30 - 13:00
Teaching Online. The Challenge of Digital Education (Online) All ZMT staff teaching online and facilitating online workshops Dr. Lisa Heindl September 21, 2020 | 12:00 - 16:00 (CEST)
Marine Research in an Inter- and Transdisciplinary Environment (ZMT Welcome Course 2020) New scientific staff Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff, Prof. Dr. Achim Schlüter, Dr. Achim Meyer, Dr. Janine Reinhard September 9 - 11, 2020
Intercultural Training (Virtual) All ZMT employees Michael Blech July 10 & 17, 2020
Deep Work & Motivation in Academia (Virtual) Doctoral Candidates, Postdocs Lisa Heindl May 6, 12, 2020
Time Series Analysis and Geostatistics in R All ZMT employees Prof. Dr. rer. nat. João Marcelo Brazão Protázio (Federal University of Pará, Brazil) August 13, 2019
Intercultural Training All ZMT employees and guests Michael Blech December 2, 2019 and December 3, 2019
Introduction to Research Data Management Doctoral candidates (also interested Postdocs, MSc) Dr. Birte Pfeiffer November 21, 2019
Motivation, Focus and Concentration – Time & Self Management in Academia Doctoral candidates (also interested Postdocs, MSc, guests) Dr. Lisa Heindl November 25-26, 2019
Marine Research in an Inter- and Transdisciplinary Environment Doctoral candidates (also interested Postdocs, MSc) Prof. Dr. Achim Schlüter, Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff October 23 - 25, 2019
Postdoc Retreat: Science Communication Postdocs, Junior Research Group Leaders Dr. Julia Offe, Andreas Laurenz Maier September 9-10, 2019
Supervision of Doctoral Candidates Postdocs, Junior Research Group Leaders, Workgroupleaders Sabine Lerch October 21 - 22, 2019
German Language Course for Marine Scientists All ZMT employees Anne Gudat September 2019 - February 2020
ZMT Welcome Day All new ZMT employees and guests ZMT staff June 13, 2019
Intercultural Training All new ZMT employees and guests Michael Blech May 16, 2019
Presentation Skills & Science Communication PhD Candidates Dr. Lisa Heindl April 9-10, 2019
Analysis of next generation sequencing data PhD students, Postdocs, MSc Christiane Hassenrück et al March 11 - 15, 2019
Scientific Survey using Unmanned Aircraft Systems and 3D reconstruction of coastal environments with the Structure from Motion method PhD students, Postdocs, MSc Elisa Casella January 25, 2019
Scientific Survey using Unmanned Aircraft Systems and 3D reconstruction of coastal environments with the Structure from Motion method PhD Candidates, Master, Postdocs Dr. Elisa Casella (ZMT) December 14, 2018 | 9:30 – 17:30
Science2Market An Introduction into Technology Transfer ZMT PhD students Nadine Schmieder-Galfe, MBA 10 December, 2018
How to get your papers published and how to referee papers Doctoral candidates, Postdocs, MSc Prof. Dr. Mike Elliott (University of Hull), Dr. Tim Jennerjahn (ZMT) December 6, 2018
Publishing in International Journals Phd Candidates, Master, Guest Researchers PD Dr. Tim Jennerjahn (ZMT), Prof. Dr. Mike Elliott (University of Hull) December 6, 2018 10am - 1pm
Statistics PhD Candidates ISATEC course, tbd December, 2018 (3 weeks) | Via e-mail to
Ocean and Coastal Governance PhD Candidates, Master, Postdocs Dr. Werner Ekau (ZMT), Prof. Dr. Anna-Katharina Horndige (University of Bremen, ZMT) November 29 - December 1, 2018
Introductory course on Mathematical Modelling and Python Programming Doctoral candidates, Postdocs, MSc Agostino Merico November 27, 2018
Intercultural Training PhD Candidates, new employees at ZMT Jane Neugebauer (external) November 23, 2018 | ZMT Welcome Week
Marine Research in an Inter- and Transdisciplinary Environment PhD Candidates, new employees at ZMT Prof. Dr. Achim Schlüter (Jacobs University, ZMT) November 20 - 22, 2018 | ZMT Welcome Week | Over
Time & Self Management PhD Candidates (priority), Master, Postdocs Lisa Heindl (external) October 25 - 26, 2018