19/09/2024 | The Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) has joined forces with the International Ocean Institute (IOI) to host a summer school on the topic "Ocean Governance for Sustainable Marine Social-Ecological Systems".The event will take place...
29/08/2024 | A study by the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) is employing new methods in coral reef research. Under the leadership of fish ecologist Dr Julian Lilkendey, an international research team utilised innovative AI technologies to...
13/08/2024 | In collaboration with the Institute of Environmental Physics at the University of Bremen, ZMT is happy to welcome Prof. Dr. Manfred Lenzen, Professor of Sustainability Research at the University of Sydney, to Bremen. Manfred Lenzen is an...
07/08/2024 | In this issue we report on ZMT's new strategic institute extension which focuses on earth system modelling. It is a major breakthrough for ZMT and will enable the institute to become a key player in the modelling of the tropical coastal climate in...
09/08/2024 | Seagrass meadows, mangrove forests and salt marshes can absorb and store up to 216 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere worldwide every year. Over centuries to millennia, they form an enormous carbon store of up to 22,000 million...
02/08/2024 | In 2024, three researchers will spend three months at ZMT as part of the NAM Fellowship Programme. The fellowship by ZMT and Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre) is awarded for the...
26/08/2024 | The International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem is celebrated each year on 26 July. It was adopted by the UNESCO almost ten years ago in 2015. The day aims to raise awareness of the vital role of mangrove ecosystems and the...
19/07/2024 | Planted mangrove forests can sequester 75% of the carbon of intact stands within 20 to 40 years. This is the result of a study involving the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), which has just been published in the renowned journal...
12/07/2024 | Although it is surrounded by stressed coral reefs, an island in the Indonesian Spermonde Archipelago has not shrunk but continued to grow. Reef islands hence react dynamically to environmental changes that disturb their reef systems according to a...
30/07/2024 | Earth system modelling will be a focus at ZMT over the course of the summer with a recently launched seminar series on the topic. Scientific director Raimund Bleischwitz has invited renowned experts in the field to give talks at ZMT. Hailing from...