A woman and a man looking at tanks in an aquarium facility

Experimental science in Portugal and Germany

AQUATROPHYS is a mobility project between Germany (Reef Systems Research group at ZMT) and Portugal (Seatox Lab at Universidade Nova de Lisboa). Its main objective is to develop mutual capacities and an expanded network in order to promote excellence and innovation in research on the effects of climate change on marine biota.

Capacity-development activities are grounded on a Systems-Biology approach implemented to unravel molecular networks underpinning phenotypic plasticity of tropical marine organisms under global change scenarios.

Ultimately AQUATROPHYS established a long-term network of researchers for collaborative experimental biology and marine multi-omics projects with access to state-of-the-art infrastructures.

Mobility activities included i) one joint experimental fieldtrip, ii) two summer schools open to early career researchers, iii) nine workshops, iv) four research stays of Portuguese and German researchers, v) one-to-one mentoring, vi) advanced training in high-throughput techniques, vi) plenary talks delivered during networking visits to a variety of experimental climate change research groups and laboratories (working on corals and fish) in both Portugal and Germany, and vii) the preparation of two joint proposals.

Noteworthy successes of AQUATROPHYS are five completed MSc theses (three more ongoing), 5 ongoing BSc theses, and two ongoing PhD dissertations, as well as the development of new collaborations beyond Portugal and Germany involving at least eight researchers affiliated to seven institutions in five other countries.

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