The habitat representation of an Indonesian coral reef by day and by night. in the permanent exhibition at the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt | Photo: A. Daschner, ZMT
The habitat representation of an Indonesian coral reef by day and by night. in the permanent exhibition at the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt | Photo: A. Daschner, ZMT

Overall project TemPe:

Museums are places of education, communication and knowledge transfer. With their exhibitions, they address a broad public audience. The aim of the TemPe project is, to make current socially relevant topics and research results more comprehensible for the public in static permanent exhibitions. The effect of different  communication approaches towards the broadest possible audience will be investigated. For this purpose, a flexible and innovative exhibition module is being developed - the TemPe-Transformer. It has analog, digital and participatory elements. During the project it will (temporarily) look at three different perspectives of knowledge transfer with actors from society, art and science and be implemented at a fixed area in a permanent exhibition (permanence). Audiovisual and interactive elements will promote the exchange with the visitors. The project evaluates how the module is experienced and how it can be further developed through extensive visitor feedback research. This makes the module adaptable to other exhibition and presentation formats. The TemPe-Transformer is being tested as a prototype in the redesigned permanent exhibition "Tropical Coral Reef" in the Senckenberg Natural History Museum Frankfurt.

ZMT support:

ZMT will advise the cooperation partners in the project management and the development of suitable communication and transfer formats as well as provide extensive support in the conception and design of the three perspectives of knowledge transfer. With this project, ZMT promotes participatory and interactive solutions for knowledge transfer through the interaction of various communication approaches with the aim of integrating society more closely into the public discourse on current topics.

Project page (in German) "Triff das Riff":


Project Partners

Senckenberg Institution for Biodiversity and Earth System Research (SGN)

German Institute for Adult Education – Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning (DIE)