Marie Fujitani

Prof. Dr. Marie Fujitani


Tel.: +49 (0)421 23800 - 126

Fax: +49 (0)421 23800 - 30

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Office: Fahrenheitstr. 8
28359 Bremen
Room: 3113 (1. Etage)

Research interests

- Management natürlicher Ressourcen
- Deliberative Prozesse
- Partizipative Wissenschaft und Governance
- Nachhaltiger Tourismus
- Erholungs- und kommerzielle Fischerei


Referierte Fachzeitschriften

Riepe, C., Fujitani, M., Aas, O., Kochalski, S., and R. Arlinghaus.Values, Beliefs, Norms, and
Conservation-Oriented Behaviors Towards Native Fish Biodiversity in Rivers: Evidence From Four European Countries. Society & Natural Resources, 34:6 703-724

Nelson, K. M., Partelow, S., Stäbler, M., Graci, S., & Fujitani, M. 2021. Tourist willingness to pay for local green hotel certification. Plos one, 16(2), e0245953.

Sánchez-Jiménez, A., MacMillan, D., Wolff, M., Schlüter, A., and M. Fujitani. 2021. The Importance of Values in Predicting and Encouraging Environmental Behavior: Reflections From a Costa Rican Small-Scale Fishery. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:137.

Fujitani, M. L., C. Riepe, T. Pagel, J. Cucherousset, and R. Arlinghaus. 2020. Ecological and social constraints are key for voluntary investments into renewable natural resources. Global Environmental Change, 63, 102125.

Riepe, C., Meyerhoff, J., Fujitani, M., Aas, O., Radinger, J., Kochalski, S., and R. Arlinghaus. 2019. Managing river fish biodiversity generates substantial economic benefits in four European countries. Environmental Management 63:759–776

Partelow, S., Fujitani, M., Soundarajan, V., and A. Schlüter. 2019. Transforming the social-ecological
systems framework into a knowledge exchange and deliberation tool for comanagement. Ecology and Society 24:1

Kochalski, S., Riepe, C., Fujitani, M., Aas, Ø., and R. Arlinghaus. 2019. Public perception of river fish
biodiversity in four European countries. Conservation Biology 33:164-175

Sánchez Jiménez, A., Fujitani, M., MacMillan, D., Schlüter, A., and M. Wolff. 2019. Connecting a
Trophic Model and Local Ecological Knowledge to Improve Fisheries Management: The Case of Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:126

Fujitani, M. L., L. R. Gerber, J. Torre, and E. P. Fenichel. 2018. Synthesizing ecological and human use
information to understand and manage coastal change. Ocean and Coastal Management 162: 100-109.

Goldbach, C., M.L. Fujitani, and A. Schlüter. 2018. Analyzing potential effects of migration on coastal
resource conservation in Southeastern Ghana. J. of Environmental Management. 209:475-483

Fujitani, M. L., McFall, A, Randler, C., and Arlinghaus, R. 2017. Participatory adaptive management
leads to environmental learning outcomes extending beyond the sphere of science.
Science Advances 3: e1602516

Riepe, C., M. L., Fujitani, T. Pagel, J. Cucherousset, and R. Arlinghaus. 2017. What determines the
behavioral intention of local-level fisheries managers to alter fish stocking practices in freshwater recreational fisheries of two European countries? Fisheries Research 194:173-187

Arlinghaus, R., J. Alos, B. Beardmore, K. Daedlow, M. Dorow, M. Fujitani, D. Huhn, W. Haider, L. M.
Hunt, B. M. Johnson, F. Johnston, T. Klefoth, S. Matsumura, C. Monk, T. Pagel, J. R. Post, T. Rapp, C. Riepe, H. Ward, and C. Wolter. 2017. Understanding and managing freshwater recreational fisheries as complex adaptive social-ecological systems. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture 25:1-41.

Fujitani, M. L., McFall, A, Randler, C., and Arlinghaus, R. 2016. Efficacy of lecture-based
environmental education for biodiversity conservation: A robust controlled field experiment with recreational anglers engaged in self-organized fish stocking. Journal of Applied Ecology 53:25-33

Fujitani, M. L., E. P. Fenichel, J. Torre, and L. R. Gerber. 2012. Implementation of a marine reserve
has a rapid but short-lived effect on recreational angler use. Ecological Applications 22(2):597-605

Sonstige Fachzeitschriften

Schlüter, A., Partelow, S., and M. Fujitani. 2018. Coastal systems in transition: from a ‘natural’ to an ‘anthropogenically-modified’ state. Ocean and Coastal Management 162:1-5

Fujitani, M.L., R.C. Jones, M.B. Rust. 2015. First annual report on aquaculture and policy in the United States of America for the 2013 UJNR panel. Bulletin of Fisheries Research Agency 40:21-31

Rust, M., P. Olin, A. Bagwill, and M.L. Fujitani (editors). 2013. Hatchery Technology for High Quality Juvenile Production: Proceedings of the 40th U.S.-Japan Aquaculture Panel Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 22-23, 2012. U.S. Dept. Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-136.

Allgemeine Publikationen

Fujitani, M., S. Solano, and A. Schlüter. 2018. Tourism and Wasterwater: A Field Study in Montezuma, Costa Rica. Pages pp. 401-414 in G. Hempel, K. Hempel, and H. A-K, editors. Scientific Partnership for a Better Future – Bremen’s Research Along Tropical Coasts. Edition Falkenberg.

Arlinghaus, R., Cyrus, E.-M., Eschbach, E., Fujitani, M., Hühn, D., Johnston, F., Pagel, T., Riepe, C.
2015. Hand in Hand für eine nachhaltige Angelfischerei: Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen aus fünf Jahren praxisorientierter Forschung zu Fischbesatz und seinen Alternativen. (Hand in hand for sustainable recreational fisheries: results and recommendations from five years of practical research on fish stocking and its alternatives. Reports of the IGB, Issue 28.

Theis, S., Riepe, C., Fujitani, M., Arlinghaus, R. 2017. Typisierung von Angelvereinen in Bezug auf den
Einsatz von Hegemaßnahmen. AFz-Fischwaid, 3/2017, 18-20

Fujitani, M. L. 2014. Marine reserves with fisheries management: regulations aimed at people to hit biological targets. Ph.D. Dissertation. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.

Fujitani, M. L. 2010. The rapid assessment of a new marine reserve in the Gulf of California, Mexico.
Master’s Thesis. Arizona State University.