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Ich lehre und betreue Student:innen als Privatdozent an der Universität Bremen im Fachbereich 5 Geowissenschaften und im Fachbereich 2 Biologie und Chemie.
Ich bin als Chefredakteur für die begutachtete internationale Fachzeitschrift Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (ECSS) tätig
Als Vorstandsmitglied und Konferenzkoordinator bin ich bei der Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA) für die strategische Planung und Organisation internationaler Konferenzen auf der ganzen Welt verantwortlich. Aktuell: ECSA 60, Hangzhou, China, 2.-5.September 2024
Hier finden Sie mich und meine Publikationen:
Kürzlich veröffentlichte Bücher: Ecohydrology of Kerala - River Catchments and Coastal Backwaters (2025), Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science (2024, Editor Volume 3 Biogeochemical Cycling).
Berichte Regierungs- und Nichtregierungsorganisationen
Reise, J., Urrutia, C., von Vitorelli, L., Siemons, A., Jennerjahn, T. (2024). Potential of Blue Carbon for global climate change mitigation. Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau, 39 p. https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/publikationen/potential-of-blue-carbon-for-global-climate-change
Begutachtete Fachzeitschriften und Bücher
Vincent, S.G.T., Jennerjahn, T.C., Soman, K., Chattopadhyay, S. (2025). Ecohydrology of River Catchments and Coastal Backwaters in Kerala, India: An Introduction and Synthesis. In Ecohydrology of Kerala - River Catchments and Coastal Backwaters (eds. S.G.T. Vincent, T.C. Jennerjahn, K. Soman, S. Chattopadhyay), Elsevier, p. 1-6. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9780323956062000061
David, S.E., Chattopadhyay, S., Soman, K., Jennerjahn, T.C. (2025). Impact of natural control factors, land use and a large pilgrim centre on the biogeochemistry of suspended particulate organic matter in the Pamba River, Kerala, India. In Ecohydrology of Kerala - River Catchments and Coastal Backwaters (eds. S.G.T. Vincent, T.C. Jennerjahn, K. Soman, S. Chattopadhyay), Elsevier, p. 209-221. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9780323956062000188
David, S.E., Jennerjahn, T.C. (2025). Trophic status and fate of nutrients and organic matter in the Vembanad estuary related to land use in the Pamba River and other contributing rivers. In Ecohydrology of Kerala - River Catchments and Coastal Backwaters (eds. S.G.T. Vincent, T.C. Jennerjahn, K. Soman, S. Chattopadhyay), Elsevier, p. 223-237. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9780323956062000127
Chattopadhyay, S., Jennerjahn, T.C. (2025). Challenges of water governance related to human-induced nutrient input in surface water bodies: Lessons learned from case studies in India, Indonesia and Germany. In Ecohydrology of Kerala - River Catchments and Coastal Backwaters (eds. S.G.T. Vincent, T.C. Jennerjahn, K. Soman, S. Chattopadhyay), Elsevier, p. 309-323. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9780323956062000152
Bourgeois, C., MacKenzie, R.A., Sharma, S., Bhomia, R.K., Johnson, N.G., Rovai, A.S., Worthington, T.A., Krauss, K.W., Analuddin, K., Bukoski, J.J., Castillo, J.A., Elwin, A., Glass, L., Jennerjahn, T.C., Mangora, M.M., Marchand, C., Osland, M.J., Ratefinjanahary, I.A., Ray, R., Salmo III, S.G., Sasmito, S.D., Suwa, R., Tinh, P.H., Trettin, C.C. (2024). Four decades of data indicate that planted mangroves stored up to 75% of the carbon stocks found in intact mature stands. Science Advances 10, eadk5430. https://10.1126/sciadv.adk5430
Zhang, J., Ferse, S.C.A., Jennerjahn, T.C., Clausen, A., Lahl, R. (2024). Linking co-design of research with capacity development in the Ocean Decade. Frontiers in Ocean Sustainability 2, https://10.3389/focsu.2024.1252087
Adame, M.F., Cormier, N., Taillardat, P., Iram, N., Rovai, A., Sloey, T.M., Yando, E.S., Blanco-Libreros, J.F., Arnaud, M., Jennerjahn, T., Lovelock, C.E., Friess, D., Reithmaier, G.M.S., Buelow, C., Muhammad-Nor, S.M., Twilley, R.R., Ribeiro, R.A. (2024). Deconstructing the mangrove carbon cycle: Gains, transformation, and losses. Ecosphere 15(3): e4806. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.4806
Jennerjahn, T.C. (2024). Biogeochemical cycling – An Introduction. Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science, 2nd edition, Academic Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-90798-9.00102-5
Sun, X.Y., Li, H.L., Zhang, J.J., He, X., Liao, Y., Jiang, Z.B., Shou, L., Wang, Z.W., Jennerjahn, T.C., Chen, J.F. (2024). Coastal eutrophication driven by long-distance transport of large river nutrient loads, the case of Xiangshan Bay, China. Science of the Total Environment 912: 168875. https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1iBGIB8ccyjdc
Voss, M., Choisnard, N., Bartoli, M., Bonaglia, S., Bourbonnais, A., Frey, C., Holtermann, P., Jennerjahn, T.C., Jickells, T., Weston, K. (2023). Coastal Nitrogen Cycling – Biogeochemical Processes and the Impacts of Human Activities and Climate Change. Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science, 2nd edition, Academic Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-90798-9.00042-1
Jennerjahn, T.C., Chen, J.F., Dsikowitzky, L., Zhao, H.W. (2023). Editorial: Environmental change affecting COastal ecosystems of tropical China during the Anthropocene: Landward vs. OCeanic influence (ECOLOC). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 292: 108443. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2023.108443
Thomsen, E., Herbeck, L.S., Viana, I.G., Jennerjahn, T.C. (2023). Meadow trophic conditions regulate the nitrogen filter function of tropical seagrasses in chronically eutrophied coastal waters. Limnology and Oceanography 68: 1906-1919. https://doi:10.1002/lno.12394
Zhang, S., Jennerjahn, T.C., Chen, F., Jin, G. (2023). Editorial: Changing biogeochemical and ecological dynamics in the South China Sea in times of global change. Frontiers in Marine Science 10: 1165859. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2023.1165859
Gua, X., Qiao, P., Krauss, K.W., Lovelock, C.E., Lin, Q., Adams, J.B., Chapman, S.K., Jennerjahn, T.C., Chen, L. (2023). Changes in mangrove blue carbon under elevated atmospheric CO2. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 9: 0033. https://doi.org/10.34133/ehs.0033
Zhang, J., S. Chen, C. Cheng, Y. Liu, T.C. Jennerjahn (2023). Citizen science to support coastal research and management: Insights from a seagrass monitoring case study in Hainan, China. Ocean & Coastal Management 231: 106403. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2022.106403
Zhang, J., T.C. Jennerjahn, B. Fedder, D.R. Wang (2022). A knowledge exchange framework to connect research, policy, and practice, developed through the example of the Chinese island of Hainan. Environmental Science and Policy 136: 530-541. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2022.07.016
Karcher, D.B., C. Cvitanovic, I.E. van Putten, R.M. Colvin, D. Armitage, S. Aswani Canela, M. Ballesteros, N.C. Ban, M.J. Barragán, A. Bednarek, J.D. Bell, C. Brooks, T.M. Daw, R. de la Cruz Modino, T.B. Francis, E.A. Fulton, A. Hobday, D. Holcer, C. Hudson, T.C. Jennerjahn, A. Kinney, M. Knol-Kauffman, M.F. Löf, P.F.M. Lopes, P. Mackelworth, A. McQuatters-Gollop, E.-K. Muhl, P. Neihapi, J. Pascual-Fernández, S. Posner, H. Runhaar, K. Sainsbury, G. Sander, D.J. Steenbergen, P.M. Tuda, L. Whiteman, J. Zhang (2022). Advancing knowledge exchange at the interface of marine science and policy: lessons from global bright spots. Journal of Environmental Management 314: 114994. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.114994
Thomsen, E., L.S. Herbeck, M. Teichberg, D.R. Wang, S.Q. Chen, T.C. Jennerjahn (2022). Species-specific phenotypic plasticity of two tropical seagrass species to in-situ nutrient enrichment under different trophic conditions. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 270: 107837. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2022.107837
Hapsari, K.A., T.C. Jennerjahn, S.H. Nugroho, E. Yulianto, H. Behling (2022). Sea level rise and precipitation change acting as interactive stressors on development and dynamics of tropical peatlands in coastal Sumatra and South Borneo since the Last Glacial Maximum. Global Change Biology 28: 3459-3479. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16131
Jennerjahn, T.C., T. Rixen, H.E. Irianto, J. Samiaji (2022). Introduction. In Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems (eds. T.C. Jennerjahn, T. Rixen, H.E. Irianto, J. Samiaji), Elsevier, p. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815050-4.00013-4
Jennerjahn, T.C., A. Baum, A. Damar, M. Flitner, J. Heyde, M.C. Lukas, M. Lukman, M.S. Nugrahadi, T. Rixen, J. Samiaji, F. Schröder (2022). Human interventions in rivers and estuaries of Java and Sumatra. In Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems (eds. T.C. Jennerjahn, T. Rixen, H.E. Irianto, J. Samiaji), Elsevier, p. 45-82. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815050-4.00013-4
Jennerjahn, T.C., E.R. Ardli, J. Boy, J. Heyde, M.C. Lukas, I. Nordhaus, M.H. Sastranegara, K. Schwerdtner Mañez, E. Yuwono (2022). Mangrove ecosystems under threat in Indonesia: the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, and other examples. In Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems (eds. T.C. Jennerjahn, T. Rixen, H.E. Irianto, J. Samiaji), Elsevier, p. 251-284. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815050-4.00013-4
Mohtadi, M., A. Lückge, S. Steinke, H. Permana, S. Susilohadi, R. Zuraida, T.C. Jennerjahn (2022). Late Quaternary environmental history of Indonesia. In Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems (eds. T.C. Jennerjahn, T. Rixen, H.E. Irianto, J. Samiaji), Elsevier, p. 347-370. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815050-4.00013-4
Hapsari, K.A., S. Biagioni, T.C. Jennerjahn, A. Saad, S. Sabiham, M.D. Corre, E. Veldkamp, H. Behling (2021). Late Holocene ENSO-related fire impact on vegetation, nutrient status and carbon accumulation of peatlands in Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 293: 104482. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.revpalbo.2021.104482
Santos, I.R., D.J. Burdige, T.C. Jennerjahn, S. Bouillon, A. Cabral, O. Serrano, T. Wernberg, K. Filbee-Dexter, J. Guimond, J.J. Tamborski (2021). The renaissance of Odum’s outwelling hypothesis in 'Blue Carbon' science. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 255: 107361. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107361
Herbeck, L.S., U. Krumme, I. Nordhaus, T.C. Jennerjahn (2021). Pond aquaculture effluents feed an anthropogenic nitrogen loop in a SE Asian estuary. Science of the Total Environment 756: 144083. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144083
Jennerjahn, T.C. (2021). Relevance and magnitude of 'Blue Carbon' storage in mangrove sediments: carbon accumulation rates vs. stocks, sources vs. sinks. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 248: 107156. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2020.107027
Jennerjahn, T.C. (2020). Relevance of allochthonous input from an agriculture-dominated hinterland for 'Blue Carbon' storage in mangrove sediments in Java, Indonesia. In Dynamic Sedimentary Environments of Mangrove Coasts (eds. F. Sidik, D.E. Friess), Elsevier, 393-414. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-816437-2.00017-3
Thomsen, E., L.S. Herbeck, T.C. Jennerjahn (2020). The end of resilience: Surpassed nitrogen thresholds led to severe seagrass loss after decades of exposure to aquaculture effluent input. Marine Environmental Research 160: 104986. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.104986
Friess, Daniel A., Erik S. Yando, Guilherme M.O. Abuchahla, Janine B. Adams, Stefano Cannicci, Steven W.J. Canty, Kyle C. Cavanaugh, Rod M. Connolly, Nicole Cormier, Farid Dahdouh-Guebas, Karen Diele, Ilka C. Feller, Sara Fratini, Tim C. Jennerjahn, Shing Yip Lee, Danielle E. Ogurcak, Xiaoguang Ouyang, Kerrylee Rogers, Jennifer K. Rowntree, Sahadev Sharma, Taylor M. Sloey, Alison K.S. Wee (2020). Mangroves give cause for conservation optimism, for now. Current Biology 30: R1-R3. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2019.12.054
Herbeck, L.S., U. Krumme, T.J. Andersen, T.C. Jennerjahn (2020). Decadal trends in mangrove and pond aquaculture cover on Hainan (China) since 1966: mangrove loss, fragmentation and associated biogeochemical changes. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 233: 106531. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2019.106531
Hapsari, K.A., T.C. Jennerjahn, M.C. Lukas, V. Karius, H. Behling (2020). Intertwined effects of climate and land use change on environmental dynamics and carbon accumulation in a mangrove-fringed coastal lagoon in Java, Indonesia. Global Change Biology 26: 1414-1431. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14926
Gillis, L.G., D.A. Saavedra Hortua, M. Zimmer, T.C. Jennerjahn, L.S. Herbeck (2019). Interactive effects of temperature and nutrients on mangrove seedling growth and implications for establishment. Marine Environmental Research 151: 104750. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2019.104750
Contreras-Rosales, L.A., T. Jennerjahn, S. Steinke, M. Mohtadi, E. Schefuß (2019). Holocene changes in biome size and tropical cyclone activity around the Northern South China Sea as recorded by alkane biomarkers. Quaternary Science Reviews 215: 45-63.
Kusumaningtyas, M.A., A.A. Hutahaean, H.W. Fischer, M. Pérez-Mayo, D. Pittauer, T.C. Jennerjahn (2019). Variability in the organic carbon stocks, sources, and accumulation rates of Indonesian mangrove ecosystems. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 218: 310-323. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2018.12.007
Dsikowitzky, L., A. Damar, S. Ferse, H.E. Irianto, T.C. Jennerjahn, M.C. Lukas, I. Nordhaus, T. Pohlmann, J. Schwarzbauer, K. Sugama, B. Sumiono (2019). Java Island. In World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation (ed. C. Sheppard), Vol. 2, Elsevier, 459-490.
Schlüter, S. Partelow, L.E. Torres-Guevara, T.C. Jennerjahn (2019). Coastal commons as social-ecological systems. In Handbook of the Study of the Commons (eds. B. Hudson, J. Rosenbloom, D. Cole), Routledge, New York, 170-187.
Hapsari, K.A., S. Biagioni, T.C. Jennerjahn, P. Reimer, A. Saad, S. Sabiham, H. Behling (2018). Resilience of a peatland in Central Sumatra, Indonesia to past anthropogenic disturbance: improving conservation and restoration designs using palaeoecology. Journal of Ecology. doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.13000
Kegler, H.F., P. Kegler, T.C. Jennerjahn, M. Lukman, C. Hassenrück, J. Jompa, A. Gärdes (2018). Small tropical islands with dense human population: Differences in physicochemical properties and biogeochemical composition of coastal waters result in distinct bacterial communities. PeerJ 6:e4555; DOI 10.7717/peerj.4555.
Jennerjahn, T.C., E. Gilman, K.W. Krauss, L.D. Lacerda, I. Nordhaus, E. Wolanski (2017). Chapter 7: Mangrove ecosystems under climate change. In 'Mangrove Ecosystems: A Global Biogeographic Perspective Structure, Function and Services' (eds. V. Rivera-Monroy, S.Y. Lee, E. Kristensen, R.R. Twilley). Springer Publishing Company, New York, 211-244.
Mohtadi, M., M. Prange, E. Schefuß, T.C. Jennerjahn (2017). Late Holocene slowdown of the Indian Ocean Walker circulation. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00855-3
Hapsari, K.A., S. Biagioni, T.C. Jennerjahn, P. Meyer Reimer, A. Saad, Y. Achnopha, S. Sabiham, H. Behling (2017). Environmental dynamics and carbon accumulation rate of a tropical peatland in Central Sumatra, Indonesia. Quaternary Science Reviews 169: 173-187. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.05.026
Nordhaus, I., T. Salewski, T.C. Jennerjahn (2017). Interspecific variations in mangrove leaf litter decomposition are related to labile nitrogenous compounds. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 192: 137-148. doi:10.1016/jecss.2017.04.029
Poliakova, A., K.A.F. Zonneveld, L. Herbeck, T.C. Jennerjahn, Haryadi Permana, C. Kwiatkowski, H. Behling (2017). High resolution multi-proxy reconstruction of environmental changes in coastal waters of the Java Sea, Indonesia, during the late Holocene. Palynology, 41: 297-310. doi:10.1080/01916122.2016.1162865
David, S.E., M. Chattopadhyay, S. Chattopadhyay & T.C. Jennerjahn (2016). Impact of human interventions on nutrient biogeochemistry in the Pamba River, Kerala, India. Science of the Total Environment 541: 1420-1430. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.09.092
Contreras-Rosales, L.A., E. Schefuß, V. Meyer, L. Palamenghi, A. Lückge, T.C. Jennerjahn (2016). Origin and fate of sedimentary organic matter in the northern Bay of Bengal during the last 18 ka. Global and Planetary Change 146: 53-66. doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2016.09.008
Kumaran, N.K.P., D. Padmalal, R.B. Limaye, S. Vishnu Mohan, T. Jennerjahn, P.G. Gamre (2016). Tropical peat and peatland development in the floodplains of the Greater Pamba Basin, South-western India during the Holocene. PLOS ONE, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154297
Mitchell, S.B., T.C. Jennerjahn, S. Vizzini & W. Zhang (2015). Changes to processes in estuaries and coastal waters due to intense multiple pressures – an introduction and synthesis. In Changes to processes in estuaries and coastal waters due to intense multiple pressures, (eds. S.B. MITCHELL, T.C. JENNERJAHN, S. VIZZINI & W. ZHANG), special issue, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 156: 1-6. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2014.12.027
Contreras-Rosales, L.A., T. Jennerjahn, T. Tharammal, V. Meyer, A. Paul, A. Lückge & E. Schefuß (2014). Evolution of the Indian Summer Monsoon and terrestrial vegetation in the Bengal region during the past 18 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews 102: 133-148.
Poliakova, A., T. Rixen, T. Jennerjahn & H. Behling (2014). Eleven Month High Resolution Pollen and Spore Sedimentation Record off SW Java in the Indian Ocean. Marine Micropaleontology 111: 90-99. doi:10.1016/j.marmicro.2014.06.006
Herbeck, L.S., M. Sollich, D. Unger, M. Holmer & T.C. Jennerjahn (2014). Impact of pond aquaculture effluents on seagrass performance in NE Hainan, tropical China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 85: 190-203. DOI:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.05.050
Jennerjahn, T.C. & S.B. Mitchell (2013). Pressures, stresses, shocks and trends in estuarine ecosystems – an introduction and synthesis. In Pressure, stresses, shocks and trends in estuarine ecosystems, (eds. T.C. Jennerjahn & S. Mitchell), special issue, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science130: 1-8. doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2013.07.008.
Jennerjahn, T.C., I. Jänen, C. Propp, Seno Adi & Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (2013). Environmental impact of mud volcano inputs on the anthropogenically altered Porong River and Madura Strait coastal waters, Java, Indonesia. In Pressure, stresses, shocks and trends in estuarine ecosystems, (eds. T.C. Jennerjahn & S. Mitchell), special issue, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 130: 152-160. doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2013.04.007
Santos, E.S., T. Jennerjahn, T. Leipe, P.R.P. Medeiros, W.F.L. Souza, B.A. Knoppers (2013). Origin of organic matter in the sediments of the estuarine-delta São Francisco River (in Portuguese). Geochimica Brasiliensis 27: 37-48.
Jennerjahn, T.C., Seno Adi & F. Schroeder (2013). Editorial – Human activities and natural disasters affecting water quality and ecology of the Brantas River and Madura Strait coastal waters, Java, Indonesia. In Environmental change affecting the Brantas River and Madura Strait coastal zone, Java, Indonesia, (eds. T.C. Jennerjahn, Seno Adi & F. Schroeder), special issue, Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution 10: 1-3.
Adi, S., I. Jänen & T.C. Jennerjahn (2013). History of development and attendant environmental changes in the Brantas River basin, Java, Indonesia, since 1970. In Environmental change affecting the Brantas River and Madura Strait coastal zone, Java, Indonesia, (eds. T.C. Jennerjahn, Seno Adi & F. Schroeder), special issue, Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution 10: 5-15.
Jennerjahn, T.C. & S. Klöpper (2013). Does high silicate supply control phytoplankton and particulate organic matter composition in two eutrophied reservoirs in the Brantas River catchment, Java, Indonesia? In Environmental change affecting the Brantas River and Madura Strait coastal zone, Java, Indonesia, (eds. T.C. Jennerjahn, Seno Adi & F. Schroeder), special issue, Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution 10: 41-53.
Jänen, I., Seno Adi & T.C. Jennerjahn (2013). Spatio-temporal variations in nutrient supply of the Brantas River to Madura Strait coastal waters, Java, Indonesia, related to human alterations in the catchment and a mud volcano. In Environmental change affecting the Brantas River and Madura Strait coastal zone, Java, Indonesia, (eds. T.C. Jennerjahn, Seno Adi & F. Schroeder), special issue, Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution 10: 73-93.
Propp, C., I. Jänen & T. Jennerjahn (2013). Sources and degradation of sedimentary organic matter in coastal waters off the Brantas River estuary, Java, Indonesia. In Environmental change affecting the Brantas River and Madura Strait coastal zone, Java, Indonesia, (eds. T.C. Jennerjahn, Seno Adi & F. Schroeder), special issue, Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution 10: 95-115.
Zhang, J., D.R. Wang, T. Jennerjahn & L. Dsikowitzky (2013). Land-Sea Interactions at the East Coast of Hainan Island, South China Sea: A Synthesis. In Land – Sea Interactions in Tropical Ecosystems of Hainan, China, (eds. T.C. Jennerjahn, J. Zhang, D.R. Wang & L. Dsikowitzky), special issue, Continental Shelf Research, in press. doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2013.01.004.
Jennerjahn, T.C., L. Dsikowitzky, J. Zhang & D.R. Wang (2012). Editorial - Land–Sea Interactions in Tropical Ecosystems of Hainan, China. In Land – Sea Interactions in Tropical Ecosystems of Hainan, China, (eds. T.C. Jennerjahn, J. Zhang, D.R. Wang & L. Dsikowitzky), special issue, Continental Shelf Research, in press. doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2012.11.013.
Wu, Y., H. Bao, D. Unger, L.S. Herbeck, Z. Zhu, J. Zhang & T.C. Jennerjahn (2012). Biogeochemical behavior of organic carbon in a small tropical river and estuary, Hainan, China. In Land – Sea Interactions in Tropical Ecosystems of Hainan, China, (eds. T.C. Jennerjahn, J. Zhang, D.R. Wang & L. Dsikowitzky), special issue, Continental Shelf Research, in press. doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2012.07.017
Herbeck, L.S., D. Unger, Y. Wu & T.C. Jennerjahn (2012). Effluent, nutrient and organic matter export from shrimp and fish ponds causing eutrophication in coastal and back-reef waters of NE Hainan, tropical China. In Land – Sea Interactions in Tropical Ecosystems of Hainan, China, (eds. T.C. Jennerjahn, J. Zhang, D.R. Wang & L. Dsikowitzky), special issue, Continental Shelf Research, in press. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2012.05.006
Jennerjahn, T.C. (2012). Biogeochemical response of tropical coastal systems to present and past environmental change. Earth Science Reviews 114: 19-41. doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2012.04.005.
Unger, D., L. Herbeck, M. Li, H. Bao, Y. Wu, J. Zhang & T. Jennerjahn (2012). Sources, transformation and fate of particulate amino acids and hexosamines under varying hydrological regimes in the tropical Wenchang/Wenjiao Rivers and estuary, Hainan, China. In Land – Sea Interactions in Tropical Ecosystems of Hainan, China, (eds. T.C. Jennerjahn, J. Zhang, D.R. Wang & L. Dsikowitzky), special issue, Continental Shelf Research, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2012.02.014.
Herbeck, L.S., D. Unger, U. Krumme, S.M. Liu & T. Jennerjahn (2011). Typhoon-induced precipitation impact on nutrient and suspended matter dynamics of a tropical estuary affected by human activities in Hainan, China. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 93: 375-388.
Nordhaus, I., T. Salewski & T.C. Jennerjahn (2011). Food preferences of mangrove crabs related to leaf nitrogen compounds in the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesia. Journal of Sea Research 65: 414-426.
Dsikowitzky, L., I. Nordhaus, T. Jennerjahn, P. Khrycheva, Y. Sivatharshan, E. Yuwono & J. Schwarzbauer (2011). Anthropogenic organic contaminants in water, sediments and benthic organisms of the mangrove-fringed Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesia. Marine Pollution Bulletin 62: 851-862.
Baumgart, A., T. Jennerjahn, M. Mohtadi & D. Hebbeln (2010). Distribution and burial of organic carbon in sediments from the Indian Ocean upwelling region off Java and Sumatra, Indonesia. Deep-Sea Res. 57: 458-467.
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Jennerjahn, T.C., B. Knoppers, W.F.L. de Souza, C.E.V. Carvalho, G. Mollenhauer, M. Hübner & V. Ittekkot (2010). Factors controlling the production and accumulation of organic matter along the Brazilian continental margin between the equator and 22°S.- In Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes in Continental Margins: A Global Synthesis, (eds. K.K. Liu, R. Quinones, L. Talaue-Mcmanus & L. Atkinson). CMTT/IGBP, Springer Publishing Company, New York, 427-442.
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Jennerjahn, T.C., B. Nasir & I. Pohlenga (2009). Spatio-temporal variation of dissolved inorganic nutrients in the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesia. In Segara Anakan, Java, Indonesia, a mangrove-fringed coastal lagoon affected by human activities, (eds. T.C. Jennerjahn & Edy Yuwono), special issue, Regional Environmental Change 9: 259-274. DOI 10.1007/s10113-008-0077-1.
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Jennerjahn, T.C., K. Soman, V. Ittekkot, I. Nordhaus, S. Sooraj, Priya R.S. & N. Lahajnar (2008). Effect of land use on the biogeochemistry of dissolved nutrients and suspended and sedimentary organic matter in the tropical Kallada River and Ashtamudi estuary, Kerala, India. Biogeochemistry 90: 29-47.
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Zhang, J., Y. Wu, T.C. Jennerjahn, V. Ittekkot & Q. He (2007) Distribution of organic matter in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary and their stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic rations: Implications for source discrimination and sedimentary dynamics. Mar. Chem. 106: 111-126.
Edy Yuwono, T.C. Jennerjahn, I. Nordhaus, Erwin Ardli Riyanto, M. Husein Sastranegara, Rudhi Pribadi (2007) Ecological status of Segara Anakan, Java, Indonesia, a mangrove-fringed lagoon affected by human activities. Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution 4: 61-70.
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Cook, P.J., B.U. Haq, G.R. Heath, J.L. Hyland, T.C. Jennerjahn, C.S. Johnston, J.M. Skei, C.P. Summerhayes & P.K. Takahashi (1992). Group report: Offshore petroleum hydrocarbon exploitation - reserves, impacts, and alternatives.- In Use and Misuse of the Seafloor (eds. K.J. Hsü & J. Thiede), Dahlem Workshop Reports, Environmental Sciences Research Report 11, Wiley & Sons, Chichester: 337-356.
Kempe, S. & T.C. Jennerjahn (1988). The vertical particle flux in the northern North Sea, its seasonality and composition.- In Biogeochemistry and Distribution of Suspended Matter in the North Sea and Implications to Fisheries Biology (eds. S. Kempe, G. Liebezeit, V. Dethlefsen & U. Harms), Mitt. Geol.-Paläontol. Inst. Univ. Hamburg 65: 229-268.
Vincent, S.G.T., T. Jennerjahn, K. Ramasamy (2021). Microbial Communities in Coastal Sediments: Structure and Functions. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 208 p.
Jennerjahn, T.C. (2020). Relevance of allochthonous input from an agriculture-dominated hinterland for 'Blue Carbon' storage in mangrove sediments in Java, Indonesia. In Dynamic Sedimentary Environments of Mangrove Coasts (eds. F. Sidik, D.E. Friess), Elsevier, 393-414.
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Dsikowitzky, L., A. Damar, S. Ferse, H.E. Irianto, T.C. Jennerjahn, M.C. Lukas, I. Nordhaus, T. Pohlmann, J. Schwarzbauer, K. Sugama, B. Sumiono (2019). Java Island. In World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation (ed. C. Sheppard), Vol. 2, Elsevier, 459-490.
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Unger, D. & T. Jennerjahn (2009). Regional variability in the biogeochemistry of settling particles in the tropical Indian Ocean.- In Indian Ocean Biogeochemical Processes and Ecological Variability, (eds. J. Wiggert, S.W.A. Naqvi, S. Smith & R.R. Hood), American Geophysical Union, Washington DC, 257-280.
Jennerjahn, T.C. (2009). Natural vs. human factors controlling dissolved and particulate river loads of tropical Asia. In Critical States: Environmental Challenges of Development in Monsoon Southeast Asia, (eds. L. Lebel, A. Snidvongs, C.-T.A. Chen). A Joint APN-START-MAIRS Assessment Report. Gerakbudaya, Kuala Lumpur, p. 281-291.
Jennerjahn, T.C. (2008). Global climate and regional environmental change affecting coastal ecosystems: 1. Biogeochemistry during Anthropocene. In Coastal Ecosystems – Hazards, Management and Rehabilitation, (ed. R.K. Datta). Centre for Science & Technology of the Non-Aligned And Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre), Daya Publishing House, Delhi, p. 64-77.
Knoppers, B., P.R.P. Medeiros, W.F.L. de Souza & T. Jennerjahn (2006). The São Francisco Estuary, Brazil. In Water Pollution in Estuaries. Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 5., P.Wangersky (Ed.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, p. 51-70.
Jennerjahn, T.C., B.A. Knoppers, W.F.L. de Souza, G.J. Brunskill & E.I.L. Silva (2006). Factors controlling dissolved silica in tropical rivers.- In The Silicon Cycle. Human Perturbations and Impacts on Aquatic Systems., (eds. V. Ittekkot, D. Unger, C. Humborg & N. Tac An), SCOPE 66, Island Press, Washington D.C., p. 29-51.
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Jennerjahn, T.C., V. Ittekkot & C.E.V. Carvalho (1996). Preliminary data on particle flux off the São Francisco River, Eastern Brazil.- In Particle Flux in the Ocean (eds. V. Ittekkot, P. Schäfer, S. Honjo & P.J. Depetris), SCOPE Report 57, Wiley, Chichester: 215-222.
Jennerjahn, T.C., G. Liebezeit, S. Kempe, L.Q. Xu, W.B. Chen & H.K. Wong (1992). Particle flux in the northern South China Sea.- In Marine Geology and Geophysics of the South China Sea (eds. J. Xianglong, H.R. Kudrass & G. Pautot), China Ocean Press: 228-235.
Cook, P.J., B.U. Haq, G.R. Heath, J.L. Hyland, T.C. Jennerjahn, C.S. Johnston, J.M. Skei, C.P. Summerhayes & P.K. Takahashi (1992). Group report: Offshore petroleum hydrocarbon exploitation - reserves, impacts, and alternatives.- In Use and Misuse of the Seafloor (eds. K.J. Hsü & J. Thiede), Dahlem Workshop Reports, Environmental Sciences Research Report 11, Wiley & Sons, Chichester: 337-356.
Kempe, S. & T.C. Jennerjahn (1988). The vertical particle flux in the northern North Sea, its seasonality and composition.- In Biogeochemistry and Distribution of Suspended Matter in the North Sea and Implications to Fisheries Biology (eds. S. Kempe, G. Liebezeit, V. Dethlefsen & U. Harms), Mitt. Geol.-Paläontol. Inst. Univ. Hamburg 65: 229-268.
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Hapsari, K.A., T.C. Jennerjahn, H. Behling (2022). The future of the past: Applications of paleoecological findings in peatland restoration in Indonesia. PAGES Magazine 30(1). https://doi.org/10.22498/pages.
Jennerjahn, T. & E. Krain (2005). Natürlicher Schutz vor Tsunamis - das deutsch-indonesische SPICE-Programm. E.velop - Das Entwicklungsmagazin der Bundesregierung, online-Publikation, Nr. 29, 04/2005
Eickhoff, S., V. Ittekkot & T. Jennerjahn (2004). Der gestörte Siliziumkreislauf.- Forschung – Das Magazin der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Okt. 2004.
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Jennerjahn, T.C. & S. Kempe (1991). Tschernobyl in der Nordsee - Schwebstoffe schreiben die Atomkatastrophe in das Geschichtsbuch der Erde.- In Kurs Nord - Meeresforschung mit Valdivia (ed. H. Thiel), Westholsteinische Verlagsanstalt Boyens & Co., Heide: 31-36.
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