Stefan Koenigstein

Dr. Stefan Koenigstein


+49 (0)421 23800 - 0

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Office: Fahrenheitstr. 8
28359 Bremen
Room: 3014 (Erdgeschoss)


Environmental drivers of marine fish populations and food-webs (mechanistic ecological modeling & ecophysiology)
Climate impacts and adaptation in marine social-ecological systems
Participatory modeling & sustainable ocean governance

Primäre Forschungsprojekte

Humboldt-Tipping II (2023-25): Alternative futures of the Northern Humboldt Current Upwelling System under Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Work package 6: Participatory ecosystem-based management strategies for shifts among pelagic-demersal resources. Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) Bremen. (Postdoctoral scientist)

FutureSeas 2.0 (2020-2023): Impact of climate and ecosystem change on the California Current forage complex and the fishing communities and predators it sustains. University of California Santa Cruz & NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Fisheries Resources Division, La Jolla CA, USA. (Co-PI, Project scientist)

FutureSeas (2018-2020): A Physics-to-Fisheries Management Strategy Evaluation for the California Current System. University of California Santa Cruz & NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Environmental Research Division, Monterey CA, USA. (Project scientist) 

HumboldtTipping (2017-18): Tipping points of the Humboldt Current Upwelling System and Economic Repercussions. University of Bremen, artec Sustainability Research Centre. (Postdoctoral scientist)

BIOACID III (2015-2017): Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification. University of Bremen & Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Integrative Ecophysiology section. (PhD student)

BIOACID II (2012-2015): Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification. University of Bremen & Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Integrative Ecophysiology section. (PhD student)