Sonia Bejarano

Dr. Sonia Bejarano

Programmbereichsleiterin (PB 2), Arbeitsgruppenleiterin

+49 (0)421 23800 - 51

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Office: Fahrenheitstr. 6, Anbau
28359 Bremen
Room: 2008 (Erdgeschoss)


- Ökosystemprozesse und Funktionsweise von Korallenriffen
- Überleben von riffbildenden Korallen (und nicht riffbildenden Korallen) bei Umweltveränderungen
- Großräumige Folgen des Klimawandels auf Korallenriffe (z. B. Verschiebungen im Verbreitungsgebiet und in der Vielfalt der Arten)
- Zusammenhänge zwischen der Morphologie von Organismen und ihrer Ökosystemfunktion
- Zusammenhänge zwischen Ökosystemfunktionen und Ressourcen und Nutzen für den Menschen
- Reaktionsvielfalt und Anfälligkeit der Arten gegenüber Störungen
- Traditionelle und proaktive Maßnahmen zur Erhaltung und/oder Wiederherstellung funktionierender Korallenriff-Ökosysteme
- Natürliche und anthropogene Einflussfaktoren auf die funktionelle Vielfalt in Korallenriffen
- Fischerei und funktionale Ökologie der Fische


Bitte siehe mein Profil unter Publons, Google Scholar.


Peer-reviewed papers

  1. Scardino G, Rovere A, Barile C, Nandasena NAK, Chauveau D, Dahm M, Boyden P, Bejarano S, Casella E, Kelly H, Mijts E and G Scicchitano (in pressCoastal boulders emplaced by extreme wave events impacting the ABC islands (Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao; Leeward Antilles, Caribbean). Quaternary Science Reviews 109136

  2. Flandrin U, Mouillot D, Albouy C, Bejarano S, Casajus N, Cinner J, Edgar G, Ghilardi M, Leprieur F, Loiseau N and MacNeil A (2024) Fish communities can simultaneously contribute to nature and people across the world’s tropical reefs. One Earth 7(10):1772-85.

  3. Estradivari, Kartika I, Adhuri DS, Adrianto L, Agung F, Ahmadia GN, Bejarano S, Campbell SJ, Fachri FR, Kushardanto H, Marlessy C and Pane B (2024) Prospective ecological contributions of potential marine OECMs and MPAs to enhance marine conservation in Indonesia. Ocean & Coastal Management 258:107411.

  4. von Hammerstein H, Fett TM, Ferse SCA, Helfer V, Kinninmoth S and S Bejarano (2024) Individual mangrove trees provide alternative reef fish habitat on backreefs. Scientific Reports 14: 18574

  5. Schlotheuber M, Voolstra CR, de Beer D, Camp EF, Klatt JM, Ghilardi M, Neumüller K, Ousley S and S Bejarano (2024) High temporal resolution of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) dynamics during heat stress does not support a causative role in coral bleaching. Coral Reefs 43: 119-133

  6. Lucas CC, Lima IC, Garcia TM, Tavares TCL, Carneiro PBM, Teixeira CEP, Bejarano S, Rossi S and MO Soares (2023) Turbidity buffers coral bleaching under extreme wind and rainfall conditions. Marine Environmental Research 192: 106215

  7. Dubuc A, Quimbayo JP, Alvarado JJ, Araya-Arce T, Arriaga A, Ayala-Bocos A, Casas-Maldonado JJ, Chasqui L, Cortés J, Cupul-Magaña A, Olivier D, Olán-González M, González-Leiva A, Reyes-Bonilla H, Smith F, Rivera F, Rodríguez-Zaragoza FA, Rodríguez-Villalobos JC, Segovia J, Zapata FA and S Bejarano (2023) Patterns of reef fish taxonomic and functional diversity in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Ecography 2023: e06536

  8. Soares MO, Garcia TM, Giarrizzo T, Martinelli-Filho JE, Tavares TCL, Ziveri P, Smith TB, Bejarano S and CE Peres-Texeira (2023) Marine debris provide long-distance pathways for spreading invasive corals. Science of the Total Environment 900: 165637

  9. Ghilardi M, Salter M, Parravicini V, Ferse S, Rixen T, Wild C, Birkicht M, Perry C, Berry A, Wilson R, Mouillot D and S Bejarano (2023) Temperature, species identity and morphological traits predict carbonate excretion and mineralogy in tropical reef fishes. Nature Communications 14: 985

  10. Soares MO, Kitahara MV, Alves-Santos ME, Bejarano S, Fontenele-Rabelo E and IC Silva-Cruz (2022) The flourishing and vulnerabilities of zoantharians on Southwestern Atlantic reefs. Marine Environmental Research 173:105535

  11. Grutter A, Sun D, Bejarano S and PJ Mumby (2022) Indirect effects of cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus on fish grazing per reef area and benthic community structure. Marine Biology 169:135

  12. Carneiro PBM, Ximenes Neto AR, Jucá‐Queiroz B, Teixeira CEP, Feitosa CV, Barroso CX, Matthews‐Cascon H, de Morais JO, Freitas JEP, Santander‐Neto J, de Araújo JT, Monteiro LHU, Pinheiro LDS, Braga MDA, Cordeiro RTS, Rossi S, Bejarano S, Salani S, Garcia TM, Lotufo TMC, Smith TB, Faria VV and MO Soares (2022) Interconnected marine habitats form a single continental‐scale reef system in South America. Scientific Reports 12:17359

  13. Casella, E, Lewin P, Ghilardi, Rovere A, S Bejarano (2022) Assessing the relative accuracy of coral heights reconstructed from drones and structure from motion photogrammetry on coral reefs. Coral Reefs 41:869–875

  14. Quitzau M, Frelat R, Bonhomme V, Möllmann C, Nagelkerke L and S Bejarano (2022) Traits, landmarks and outlines: Three congruent sides of a tale on coral reef fish morphology. Ecology and Evolution 12:e8787

  15. Bejarano S, Diemel V, Feuring A, Ghilardi M and T Harder (2022) No short-term effect of sinking microplastics on heterotrophy or sediment clearing in the tropical coral Stylophora pistillata. Scientific Reports 12:1468

  16. Ousley S, de Beer D, Bejarano S and A Chennu (2022) High-resolution dynamics of hidrogen peroxide on the surface of scleractinian corals in relation to photosynthesis and feeding. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:812839

  17. Moreira-Saporiti A, Bejarano S, Viana IG, Belshe EF, Mtolera MSP and M. Teichberg (2021) Local victory: Assessing interspecific competition in seagrass from a trait-based perspective. Frontiers in Plant Science (Functional Plant Ecology) 12: 709257

  18. Sanchez JA, Bejarano S, S Herrera (2021) SeaFlower Biosphere Reserve: Biodiversity and Ecosystem change in the largest Caribbean coral reef complex (Editorial). Frontiers in Marine Science (Marine Conservation and Sustainability) 8:772150

  19. Ghilardi M, Schiettekatte NMD, Casey JM, Brandl SJ, Degregori S, Mercière, Morat F, Letourneur Y, Bejarano S, and V Parravicini (2021) Phylogeny, body morphology, and trophic level shape intestinal traits in coral reef fishes. Ecology and Evolution 11:13218–13231

  20. Ford A, Jouffray JB, Norström A, Moore BR, Nugues MM, Williams G, Bejarano S, Magron F, Wild C, SCA Ferse (2020) Local human impacts disrupt relationships between benthic reef assemblages and environmental predictors. Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 571115

  21. Grutter AS, Bejarano S, Cheney KL, Goldizen AW, Sinclair-Taylor T and PA Waldie (2020) Effects of the cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus on grazing fishes and coral reef benthos. Marine Ecology Progress Series 643: 99-114

  22. Prinz N, Story R, Lyon S, Ferse SCA and S Bejarano (2020) To feed or not to feed? Coral reef fish responses to artificial feeding and stakeholder perceptions in the Aitutaki Lagoon, Cook Islands. Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 145

  23. Bejarano S, Pardede S, Campbell SJ, Hoey AS, and SCA Ferse (2019) Herbivorous fish rise as a destructive fishing practice falls in an Indonesian marine national Park. Ecological Applications 29(8) e01981

  24. McAndrews R, Eich A, Ford AK, Bejarano S, Lal RR, and SCA Ferse (2019) Algae sediment dynamics are mediated by herbivorous fishes on a nearshore coral reef. Coral Reefs 38: 431-441

  25. Roff G, Bejarano S, Priest M, Marshell A, Chollett I, Steneck RS, Doropoulos C,  Golbuu Y, PJ Mumby (2019) Seascapes as drivers of coral reef ecosystem function, Ecological Monographs 89: e01336

  26. Ford A, Bejarano S, Nugues M, Viser PM, Albert S and SCA Ferse (2018) Reefs under siege – the rise, putative drivers and consequences of benthic cyanobacterial mats. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:18

  27. Gauff R, Bejarano S, Madduppa HH, Subhan B, Dugeny EMA, Perdana YA and SCA Ferse (2018) Influence of predation risk on the sheltering behaviour of the coral dwelling damselfish Pomacentrus moluccensis. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 101:639-651

  28. Ford AK, Eich A, McAndrews RS, Mangubhai S, Nugues MM, Bejarano S, Moore BR, Rico C, Wild C and SCA Ferse (2018) Evaluation of coral reef management effectiveness using conventional versus resilience-based metrics. Ecological Indicators 85: 308-317

  29. Peiffer F, Bejarano S, Palavicini de Witte G, and Wild C (2017) Ongoing removals of invasive lionfish in Honduras and their effect on native Caribbean prey fishes. PeerJ 5:e3818

  30. Bejarano S, Jouffray JB, Chollett I, Allen R, Marshell A, Roff G, Steneck R, Ferse S and PJ Mumby (2017) The shape of success in a turbulent world: Wave exposure filtering of coral reef herbivory. Functional Ecology 31: 1312-1324

  31. Casella E, Rovere A, Harris D, Ferse S, Bejarano S, Parravicini V (2017) Mapping coral reefs using drones and structure from motion photogrammetry techniques. Coral Reefs 36: 269-275

  32. Ford AK, Bejarano S, Marshell A, and PJ Mumby (2016) Linking the biology and ecology of key herbivorous unicornfish to fisheries management in the Pacific. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 26: 790-805

  33. Hedley JD, Roelfsema CM, Chollett I, Harborne AR, Heron SF, Weeks S, Skirving WJ, Strong AE, Eakin CM, Christensen TRL, Ticzon V, Bejarano S, and PJ Mumby (2016) Remote sensing of coral reefs for monitoring and management: A review. Remote Sensing 8(2): 118

  34. Lohr K, Bejarano S, Lirman D, Schopmeyer S, and C Manfrino (2015) Optimizing the productivity of a coral nursery focused on staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis. Endangered Species Research 27: 247-250

  35. Bejarano S,  Lohr K, Hamilton S and C Manfrino (2015) Relationships of invasive lionfish with topographic complexity, groupers, and native prey fishes in Little Cayman. Marine Biology 162: 253-266

  36. Roff G, Bejarano S, Bozec, YM, Nugues M, Steneck RS, and PJ. Mumby (2014) Porites and the Phoenix effect: unprecedented recovery after a mass coral bleaching event at Rangiroa Atoll, French Polynesia. Marine Biology 161: 1385-1393

  37. Bejarano S, Golbuu Y, and PJ Mumby (2013) Changes in the herbivore spear fishery associated with the grouper closure in Palau. Animal Conservation 17 (2):133–143

  38. Bejarano S, Golbuu Y, T Sapolu and Mumby PJ (2013) Ecological risk and the exploitation of herbivorous fish in Micronesia. Marine Ecology Progress Series 482: 197-215

  39. Mumby PJ, Bejarano S, Golbuu Y, Steneck RS, Arnold SN, van Woesik R and A Friedlander (2013) Empirical relationships among resilience indicators on Micronesian Reefs. Coral Reefs 32:213-226

  40. Bozec YM, Yakob L, Bejarano S, and PJ Mumby (2012) Reciprocal facilitation and non-linearity maintain habitat engineering on coral reefs. Oikos 122(3): 428-440

  41. Ticzon V, Mumby PJ, Samaniego B, Bejarano S and L David (2012) Microhabitat use of juvenile coral reef fish in Palau. Environmental Biology of Fishes 95(3): 355-370

  42. Bejarano S, Mumby PJ and I Sotheran (2011) Predicting the structural complexity of reefs and fish abundance using remote sensing (RoxAnn). Marine Biology 158:489-504

  43. Bejarano S, Mumby PJ, Hedley J and I Sotheran (2010) Combining optical and acoustic data to enhance the accuracy of coral reef habitat maps. Remote Sensing of Environment 114: 2768-2778

  44. Rodriguez-Ramirez A, Reyes–Nivia MC, Zea S, Navas-Camacho R, Garzon-Ferreira J, Bejarano S, Herron P and C Orozco (2010) Recent dynamics and condition of coral reefs in the Colombian Caribbean. Revista de Biologia Tropical 58 (Suppl 1): 107-131

  45. Gil-Agudelo D, Navas-Camacho R, Rodriguez-Ramirez A, Reyes – Nivia MC, Bejarano S, Garzon-Ferreira J and G Smith (2009) Coral diseases and their research in Colombian coral reefs. Boletin de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras INVEMAR 38(2): 189-224

  46. Manrique-Rodriguez N, Bejarano S and J Garzón-Ferreira (2006) Growth of the gorgonian seafan Gorgonia ventalina (Linnaeus, 1758) (Cnidaria: Gorgoniidae) in Santa Marta, Colombian Caribbean. Boletin de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras INVEMAR 35: 77-90

  47. Bejarano S, Zea S, and JM Diaz (2004) Sponges and other microhabitats for ophiuroids on coral reefs of the San Bernardo Archipelago Boletin de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras INVEMAR 38(2): 189-224

  48. Friedlander A, Sladek-Nowlis J, Sanchez JA, Appledoorn R, Usseglio P, McCormick C, Bejarano S and M. Chui (2003) Designing effective marine protected areas in Sea flower biosphere reserve, Colombia, based on biological and sociological information. Conservation Biology 17 (6): 1769-1784

  49. Garzon-Ferreira J, Rodriguez-Ramirez A, Bejarano S, Navas R and C Reyes-Nivia (2002). State of the coralline reefs. Boletin de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras INVEMAR, 27(102): 29-40