Nicolas Dittert

Dr. Nicolas Dittert

Kaufmännischer Geschäftsführer

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Office: Wiener Str. 7
28359 Bremen
Room: 5310 (3. Etage)

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Lebenslauf: Dr. Nicolas Dittert


01/2017 – heute ZMT – Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenforschung (ZMT) GmbH, Bremen
Kaufmännischer Direktor, Geschäftsführer

05/2008 – 01/2017 MARUM – Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften an der Universität Bremen | Exzellenzcluster & Forschungszentrum The Ocean in the Earth System
Head of Administration/Verwaltungsleitung: Personal- und Haushaltsmanagement, EU-Beratung, Vertragsgestaltung, Rechtshilfe, Konfliktregelung/Mediation

11/2003 – 04/2008 MARUM – Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften an der Universität Bremen | Forschungszentrum Ocean Margins
PANGAEA | WDC-MARE: Wissenschafts- und Informa-tionsmanagement; Akquisition und Koordination von internationalen Projekten; Personal- und Finanzmanage-ment, Ausgründung
IMAGES (The International Marine Past Global Changes Study): Stellvertretender Direktor, administrative und wis-senschaftliche Organisation und Koordination

09/1998 – 11/2004 Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer an der Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, Frankreich | Lemar UMR 6539
Wissenschaftsmanagement, Datenmanagement; weltweite Datenakquisition, QC, Kompilation von Datenprodukten, html-Programmierung

05/1993 – 12/1994 Prof. Mull & Partner, Garbsen | M&P Ingenieurgesellschaft
Wissenschaftliche und technische Beratung, software Entwicklung und Aufbau eines Altlasten-GIS in enger Zusammenarbeit mit OFD, BMU, BMG sowie BW, „NVA“, US- und USSR Streitkräften


02/2014 – 12/2015 Berufsbegleitendes Studium „Mediation“ (Mediator Universität Bremen, Prof. Dr. K. Plett)
12/1994 – 04/1998 Promotion an der Universität Bremen (Dr. rer. nat., Prof. Dr. R. Henrich)
10/1987 – 04/1993 Studium der Geologie&Paläontologie an der Universität Hannover (Dipl.-Geol., Prof. Dr. D. Henningsen)
10/1990 – 04/1992 Studium der Informatik (Datenbanken und Informationssysteme) an der Universität Hannover (Prof. Dr. U. Lipeck)



Dittert N, Diepenbroek M, Grobe H (2010) Information and data management for the CMTT synthesis. In: Liu KK, Atkinson L, Quinones R, Talaue-McManus L (eds.): Carbon and nu-trient fluxes in continental margins. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: 617-620.

Ragueneau O, Conley DJ, DeMaster DJ, Dürr HH, Dittert N (2010) Biogeochemical trans-formations of Silicon along the Land-Ocean Continuum and implications for the global car-bon cycle. In: Liu KK, Atkinson L, Quinones R, Talaue-McManus L (eds.): Carbon and nu-trient fluxes in continental margins. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: 515-527.

Dittert N, Anderson D M, Grobe H (2008) What can data tell us about past climate that is use-ful for the future? – Data management in paleoclimatology. PAGES News, 16(2): 30-31.

Dittert N, Schneider R (2008) IMAGES (International Marine Past Global Change Study). PAGES News 16(1): 8.

Pesant S, Diepenbroek M, Huber R, Dittert N, Schindler U (2008). EUR-OCEANS DATA MANAGEMENT PLAN Tools & Services for meta-analysis in Ocean Science, International conference on marine data and information systems IMDIS 2008, 31 March-2 April 2008.

Dittert N, Diepenbroek M, Grobe H (2007) Toward a networked publication and library sys-tem for scientific data – World Data Center Conference 2007, Bremerhaven, Germany, 7-9 May 2007. EOS, Transactions, AGU, 88(48): 524.

Grobe H, Diepenbroek M, Schindler U, Reinke M, Dittert N (2007). Data publishing in Earth System Research (with Pangaea), International Conference of World Data Centers, MARUM/AWI, Bremen/Bremerhaven, 7-9 May 2007.

Grobe H, Diepenbroek M, Dittert N, Reinke M, Sieger R (2006) Archiving and distributing earth-science data with the PANGAEA information system, Antarctica: contributions to global earth sciences. In: Fütterer D et al. (eds) Proceedings of the IX International Sym-posium of Antarctic Earth Sciences Potsdam. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York: 403-406.

Grobe H, Diepenbroek M, Dittert N, Schindler U, Sieger R (2006) PANGAEA - Open Access library for georeferenced data, GEBOC Bathymetric Science Day 2006, June 15th, Brem-erhaven, Germany.

Reinke M, Sieger R, Grobe H, Diepenbroek M, Dittert N, Schindler U(2006).Lessons learned from the data management of large scientific projects, XXIX SCAR Meeting with Open Science Conference, 8 - 19 July 2006, Hobart, Tasmania.

Dittert N, Bakker D, Bendtsen J, Corrin L, Gehlen M, Heinze C, Maier-Reimer E, Michalopou-los P, Soetaert KER, Tol RJS.(2005). Integrated Data Sets of the EU FP5 Research Pro-ject ORFOIS: Origin and fate of biogenic particle fluxes in the ocean and their interactions with atmospheric CO2 concentrations as well as the marine sediment (Vol. 1), WDC-MARE Reports 2, 50 pp, incl. CD-ROM.

Heinze C, Dittert N (2005) Impact of paleo circulations on the silicon redistribution in the world ocean. Marine Geology 214 (1-3): 201-213.
Rageneau O, Moriceau B, Gallinari M, Passow U, Dittert N (2005) Diatoms and carbon fluxes to the ocean interior, ASLO Summer meeting 2006, Santiago de Compostella, Spain.

Bakker DCE, Dittert N, Kozyr A, Watson AJ (2004) Towards better access to and safe keep-ing of oceanic CO2 and carbon data: data collection for the CDIAC and WDC-MARE data-bases in ORFOIS. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 6, 01573, 2004, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU04-A-01573.
Fischer G, Wefer G, Romero O, Dittert N, Ratmeyer V, Donner B (2004) Transfer of particles into the deep Atlantic and the global Ocean: Control of nutrient supply and ballast produc-tion. In: Wefer G, Mulitza S, Ratmeyer V (eds) The South Atlantic in the late Quaternary. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York: 21-46.

Grobe H, Diepenbroek M, Dittert N, Reinke M, Sieger R (2004) PANGAEA - Longterm-archive and Library for Multidisciplinary Data from Antarctic Research, XXVIII SCAR Open Science Conference, 25-31 July, Bremen, Germany.

Grobe H, Diepenbroek M, Dittert N, Reinke M, Sieger R (2004) PANGAEA - An Information System for Earth Science Data, GeoLeipzig 2004, Geowissenschaften sichern Zukunft, 29.9.-1.10.2004, Tagung der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft.

Grobe H, Reinke M, Schlitzer R, Sieger R, Diepenbroek M, Dittert N, Wefer G (2004) PAN-GAEA - an Information System for Geosciences, XXVIII SCAR Open Science Conference, 25-31 July 2004, Bremen, Germany.

Dittert N, Grobe H (2003) PANGAEA: Eine Datenbibliothek für Geowissenschaften und Um-weltforschung. geoscience online (scinexx). December 03, 2003:

Dittert N, Diepenbroek M, Huber R (2003) World Data Center for Marine Environmental Sci-ences provides lessons in marine Geosciences data management. EOS, Transactions, AGU, 84(16): 149.

Heinze C, Hupe A, Maier-Reimer E, Dittert N, Ragueneau O (2003) Sensitivity of the marine biospheric Si cycle for biogeochemical parameter variations. Global Biogeochemical Cy-cles 17(3), 1086, doi:10.1029/2002GB001943.

Tréguer P, Legendre L, Rivkin RT, Ragueneau O, Dittert N (2003) Water column biogeo-chemistry below the euphotic zone. In: Fasham MJR (Ed.) Ocean biogeochemistry: a syn-thesis of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS): 145-156.

Dittert N (2002) Carbonate Compensation Depth (CCD). In: Lerner KL, Lerner BW (eds.) World of Earth Science. Detroit, Thomson-Gale Group.

Dittert N (2002) Calcareous ooze. In: Lerner KL, Lerner BW (eds.) World of Earth Science. Detroit, Thomson-Gale Group.

Dittert N (2002) International Council of Scientific Unions’ World Data Center system. In: Ler-ner KL, Lerner BW (eds.) World of Earth Science. Detroit, Thomson-Gale Group.

Dittert N (2002) Scientific data management in Earth sciences. In: Lerner KL, Lerner BW (eds.) World of Earth Science. Detroit, Thomson-Gale Group.

Dittert N, Diepenbroek M, Grobe H, Schlitzer R, Sieger R, Wefer G (2002) WDC-MARE / PANGAEA: a convenient RDBMS partner with MARGINS ? MARGINS Newsletter 9: 16-21.

Dittert N, Corrin L, Diepenbroek M, Grobe, H, Heinze C, Ragueneau O (2002) Managing (pale-) oceanographic data sets using the PANGAEA information system: The SINOPS example. Computers & Geosciences 28(7): 789-798, doi:10.1016/S0098-3004(01)00112-1.

Dittert N, Diepenbroek M, Grobe H (2002) Archiving, publishing and distributing of data sets from Global Change research using a scientific information system (PANGAEA) and a da-ta center (WDC-MARE) that both are available online. EOS, Transactions, AGU, 83(4): 333.

Ragueneau O, Dittert N, Pondaven P, Tréguer P, Corrin L (2002) Si/C decoupling in the world ocean: is the Southern Ocean different? Deep-Sea Research II 49(16):3127-3154.

Ragueneau O, Dittert N, Heinze C, Corrin, L (2002) Improving biogenic silica as a paleoproductivity proxy: a global study of Si and C decoupling in the World Ocean. EOS, Transactions, AGU, 83(4): 122.

Dittert N, Diepenbroek M, Grobe H (2001) Scientific data must be made available to all. Na-ture 414(6862): 393.

Dittert N, Ragueneau O, Heinze C, Leynaert, A (2001) Hunting and gathering silicon data to tackle climate forecasting. EOS, Transactions, AGU, 82(9): 113-117.

Dittert N, Henrich R (2000) Carbonate dissolution in the South Atlantic Ocean: Evidence by Globigerina bulloides ultrastructure breakdown. Deep-Sea Research I, 41: 1733-1743.

Heinze C, Dittert N, Hupe A, Ragueneau O (2000) Combination of modelling and observa-tions for the quantitative use of marine opal sediment as paleoclimate tracer. EOS, Tran-sactions, AGU, 81(48): OS62E-11.

Dittert N, Baumann K-H, Bickert T, Henrich R, Huber R, Kinkel H, Meggers H (1999) Carbo-nate dissolution in the deep-sea: Methods, quantification and paleoceanographic applica-tion. In: Fischer G, Wefer G (eds), Use of proxies in paleoceanography: Examples from the South Atlantic. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: 255-284.

Dittert, N (1998) Late Quaternary planktic foraminifera assemblages in the South Atlantic Ocean: Quantitative determination and preservational aspects. Berichte FB Geowiss. Uni Bremen, 126: 165 pp.

Dittert N, Schrader S, Skowronek A, Wrobel F, Michalzik D (1994) Sedimentationszyklen im Messinium des Lorca-Beckens (SE-Spanien). Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil I 7-8:841-851.

Wrobel F, Dittert N, Mauthe F, Michalzik D, Schrader S, Skowronek A (1993) Obermiozäne Sedimentationszyklen im "pull apart"-Becken von Lorca (SE Spanien, Prov. Murcia). - Geologica et Palaeontologica 27:320-321.


Bremen, den 15. März 2019