Michael  Kriegl

Michael Kriegl

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

+49 (0)421 23 800 - 0


Office: Fahrenheitstr. 8
28359 Bremen


- Natural resource management & Coastal livelihoods
- Social-ecological systems & Network analysis
- Qualitative modelling & Fuzzy cognitive mapping
- Small-scale fisheries & Sustainable aquaculture
- Marine protected areas & Co-management
- Science communication & Ocean literacy

Focus of research

Marine social-ecologist with a fascination for the interplay between ocean and society. Working towards unravelling the dynamics in Latin American small-scale fisheries management through a network modelling lens. Passionate about science communication, promoting ocean literacy and sparking curiosity in young minds. Extensive experience as a field researcher with sea-going expeditions along the Pacific coast, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean, Arctic Ocean as well as the Red Sea.

Current research project

Humboldt-Tipping II: Alternative futures of the Northern Humboldt Current Upwelling System under Shared Socioeconomic Pathways | Work package on "Participatory Modelling of Social-Ecological Futures in Coastal Peru"

Humboldt Tipping I: Social-ecological tipping points of the Northern Humboldt Current Upwelling System, economic repercussions and governance strategies | Work package on "Social-Ecological Network Modelling of Coastal Benthic Habitats and their Users"

More information: https://humboldt-tipping.org/ and Humboldt-Tipping (ZMT page); leaflet: Humboldt-Tipping I (pdf)

Personal information


