Matthias Wolff

Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff

Professor für Marine Synökologie / Fischereibiologie (Universität Bremen) - im Ruhestand

+49 (0)421 23800 - 127

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Office: Fahrenheitstr. 8
28359 Bremen
Room: 3204 (2. Etage)

Lebenslauf: Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff


- Konzepte der aquatischen Ökologie
- Fischereibiologie
- Populationsdynamiken und Ressourcenbewertung
- Trophische Modellierung aquatischer Ökosysteme
- Populationsdynamiken mariner Invertebraten mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Jakobsmuscheln und Krebstieren
- Anwendungen und Entwicklung von Fischereimodellen
- Trophische Netzwerkmodellierung von Ökosystemen mit Schwerpunkt auf Auftriebssystemen und tropischen, küstennahen Systemen
- Tropisches Küstenzonen-Management
- Entwicklung integrativer Ansätze für die nachhaltige Nutzung tropischer Küstensysteme und Ressourcen
- El Niño Effekte auf Arten, Gemeinschaften und Nährstoffflüsse u.a. im peruanischen Auftriebssystem


Referierte Fachzeitschriften

Ferrol-Schulte, D., Wolff, M., Ferse, S., Glaser, M. (2013) Sustainable Livelihoods Approach in tropical coastal and marine social-ecological systems: A review. Marine Policy, 42, pp. 253-258. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2013.03.007.

Espinoza, A., Espejel, I., Wolff, M., & J.A. Zepeda-Dominguez, 2011. Contextual factors influencing sustainable fisheries in Mexico. Marine Policy, 35:343–350.

Espinoza-Tenorio, A., Wolff, M., Taylor, M.H.& I. Espejel,, 2011. What Model suits Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management?-A plea for a structured planning process. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, DOI 10.1007/s11160-011-9224-8

Mendo, T., Koch,V., Wolff.M., Sinsel, F.& C. Ruiz-Verdugo, 2011. Feasibility of intertidal bottom culture of the penshell Atrina maura in Bahia Magdalena, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Aquaculture, 2011. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2011.01.044.

Ruiz, D. and M. Wolff, The Bolivar Channel Ecosystem of the Galapagos Marine Reserve:Energy flow structure and role of keystone groups. Journal of Sea Research, 2011 doi:10.1016/j.seares.2011.05.006

Wolff, M. 2010. Galapagos does not show recent warming but increased seasonality. Galapagos Research, 67: 38-44.

Lachica-Alino,L.,David, L.T.,Wolff, M.,Alino,P.M., & C:G.Ranola, 2009. Distributional Patterns, Habitat overlapp and trophic interactions of species caught bt trawling in the Ragay Gulf, Phlippines. Phillip.Agric. Scientist, 2009. 92(1):46-65.

Nordhaus, I., K. Diele, & M. Wolff, 2009.Activity patterns, feeding and burrowing behaviour of the crab Ucides cordatus (Ucididae) in a high intertidal mangrove forest in North Brazil. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 374:101-112

Badjeck, M., C.,Mendo,J.,Wolff,M. & H. Lange, 2009. Climate variability and the Peruvian Scallop Fishery: the role of formal institutions in resilience building. Journal of Climatic Change, 94:211-232.

Knittweiss,L.,Jompa,J. Richter,C.& M. Wolff,2009. Population dynamics of the mushroom coral Heiofungia actiniformis in the Spermonde Archipelago, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Coral Reefs, 28:793-804

Krupp, L.S., Cortes, J. & M. Wolff, 2009. Growth Dynamics and state of the seagrass Thalassia testudinum in the Gandoca-Manzanillo National Wildlife Refuge, Caribbean,Codsta Rica. Rev.Biol.Trop, 57 (suppl.1):187-201

Ardlii, E.R. & M. Wolff, 2008. Land use and land cover change affecting habitat distribution in the Segara Anakan lagoon, Java, Indonesia. Reg. Environ. Change, 2008. DOI 10.1007/s10113-008-0072-6: 1-9
Arias-Schreiber, M., Wolff, M., Cano, M., Martínez-Daranas, B., Marcos, Z., Hidalgo, G., Castellanos, S., del Valle, R., Abreu, M. Martínez, J. C., Diaz, J. & A. Areces, 2008. Changes in benthic assemblages of the Gulf of Batabanó (Cuba) - results from cruises undertaken during 1981-85 and 2003-04. . Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 3(1): 49-60

Criales-Hernandez, M.I., Schwamborn,R., Graco,M., Ayon,P., Hirche, H.-J.& M. Wolff, 2008. Zooplankton vertical distribution and migration off Central Peru in relation to the oxygen minimum layer. Helgol Mar Res, 62 (suppl. 1):85-100

Goetz, S., Wolff,M., Stotz, W. & M.J.Villegas, 2008 Interactions between the South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) and the artisianal fishery off Coquimbo, northern Chile. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 65 (DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsn 152): 1-8.

Keyl, F., Arguelles, J.,Wolff,M. & C. Yamashiro, 2008. A Hypothesis on range expansion and spatio-temporal shifts in size-at-maturity of jumbo squid (dosidicus gigas) in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. CaLCOFI 49:119-128

Keyl, F.,& M. Wolff,2008. Climate and fisheries: what can models do? Reviews in fish biology and fisheries, 18:273-299

Leal-Florez, J., Rueda, M.& M. Wolff,2008. Role of the fish Oreochromis Niloticus in the long-term variation of abundance and species composition of the native ichthyofauna in a Caribbean Estuary. Bulletin of Marine Science, 82(3): p. 365-380.

Ortiz, M.& M. Wolff, 2008. Mass-balanced trophic and loop models of complex benthic systems in northern Chile (SE Pacific) to improve sustainable interventions: a comparative analysis. Hydrobiologia, (605): 1-10.

Tam, J., Taylor, M.H., Blaskowic, V., Espinoza, P., Ballon, R.M., Diaz, E. , Wosnitza-Mendo, C., Argüelles, J., Purca, S., Ayon, P. Quipuzcoa, L., Guitierrez, D., Goya, E., Ochoa, N.& M. Wolff, 2008. Trophic flows in the Northern Humboldt Current Ecosystem, Part 1: comparing 1995-96 and 1997-98. . Progress in Oceanography 79:352-365

Taylor, M.H., Wolff, M., Mendo, J. & C. Yamashiro, 2008.Changes in trophic flow structure of Independencia Bay, Peru over an ENSO cycle. Progress in Oceanography 79: 336-351

Taylor, M.H., Tam,J., Blascovic, V., Espinoza,P. Ballon,R.,M., Wosnitza-Mendo,C., Arguelles,J., Diaz, E., Purca,S.,Ochoa,N., Ayon, P.,Goya, E., Gutierrez, D., Quipuzcoa, L. & M. Wolff, M. 2008. Trophic modelling of the Northern Humboldt Current Ecosystem, Part II:Elucidating ecosystem dynamics from 1995-2004 with a focus on the impact of El Nino. Progress in Oceanography 79:366-378.

Taylor, H.M., Wolff, M., Vadas, F.& C.Yamashiro, 2008. Trophic and environmental drivers of the Sechura Bay Ecosystem (Peru) over an ENSO cycle. Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen,(Suppl.1):15-32

Nordhaus, I.and M. Wolff , 2007. Feeding ecology of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Ocypodidae): food choice, food quality and assimilation efficiency. Marine Biology, 151:1665-1681.

Taylor, H.M.& M. Wolff, 2007. Trophic modeling of Estern Boundary Current Systems: a review and prospectus for solving the "Peruvian Puzzle". Rev. peru. biol.14(1):1-14.

Wolff, M., Taylor, M.H., Mendo, J. & C. Yamashiro, 2007. A catch forecast model for the Peruvian scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) based on estimates of spawning stock and settlement rate. Ecological Modelling, 209: 333-341.

Nwosu, F.M. & M. Wolff, 2006.Population Dynamics of the Giant African River Prawn Mcrobrachium vollenhovenii Herklots 1857 (Crustacea, Palaemonidae) in the Cross River Estuary, Nigeria. West Africa Journal of Applied Ecology,9: 1-14.

Schweers, T., Wolff, M. & V. Koch, 2006. Population dynamics of the chocolate clam Megapitaria squalida (Bivalvia: Veneridae) at Magdalena Bay, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Revista de Biologia Tropical 54(3):1003-1017

Stern-Pirlot, A.& M. Wolff,2006. Population dynamics and fisheries potential of Anadara tuberculosa (Bivalvia:Arcidae) along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Rev. Biol. Trop. 54(Suppl.1):87-99.

Wolff, M.,2006. Biomass flow structure and resource potential of two mangrove estuaries: insights from comperative modeling in Costa Rica and Brazil. Rev.Biol.Trop.,54 (Suppl.1):69-86.

Akim A. González-Yáñez, Puga Millán, R, Estela de León, M.,Cruz-Font, L, & M. Wolff, 2006.Modified Delury Depletion Model applied to Spiny Lobster, Panulirus argus (Latreille, 1804) Stock, in the Southwest of the Cuban Shelf. Fisheries Research, 79(1-2):155-161.

Arntz, W.E., V.A. Gallardo,D.Gutiérrez, E. Isla, L.A. Levin, J.Mendo, C. Neira, G.T. Rowe, J.Tarazna, & M. Wolff, 2006. El Niño and similar perturbation effects on the benthos of the Humboldt, California, and Benguela Current upwelling ecosystems. Advances in Geosciences, 6: 243-265.

Criales-Hernandez, M.I., Garcia, C..B. & M. Wolff, 2006. Flujos de biomasa y estructura de un ecosistema de surgencia tropical en la Guajira, Caribe Colombiana. Revista de Biologia Tropical, 54(4):1257-1282

Dominici-Arosema, A. & M. Wolff, 2006. Reef fish community structure in the Tropical Estern Pacific (Panama): living on a relatively stable rocky reef environment. Helgol.Mar.Res,60:287-305

Lachica-Aliño, L., Wolff, M. & L.T. David, 2006. Past and future fisheries modeling approaches in the Philippines. Review of Fish Biology and Fisheries, 16(2):201-212.

Nordhaus, I., Wolff, M. & K.Diele, 2006.Litter processing and population food intake of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus in a high intertidal forest in northern Brazil. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 67:239-250.

Dominici-Arosoma, A. &M. Wolff, 2005. Reef fish community structure in Bocas del Toro (Caribbean, Panama): Gradients in habitat complexity and exposure. Caribbean Journal of Science, 41 (3).:613-637

Fischer, S. &M. Wolff, 2005. Fisheries assessment of Callinectes arcuatus (Brachyura, Portunidae) in the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica, with remarks on its socioeconomic relevance. Fisheries Research, 77:301-311

Koch, V., Wolff, M.& K. Diele,2005. Comparative population dynamics of four fiddler crabs (Ocypodidae, Genus Uca) from a North Brazilian Mangrove Ecosystem. Mar.Ecol.Prog.Ser, 291:177-188.

Taylor, M.H., Koch, V., Wolff, M. & F. Sinsel, 2005. Evaluation of different shallow water culture methods for the scallop Nodipecten subnodosus using biologic and economic modeling. Aquaculture, 254:301-316.

Velez, J.A., Watson, W., Arntz, W., Wolff, M.& S.B. Schiel, 2005. Larval fish assemblages in Independencia Bay, Pisco, Peru: temporal and spatial relationships. Marine Biology. 147 (1):77-91.

Ortiz, M. & M. Wolff, 2004.Qualitative modelling for the Caeté Mangrove Estuary (North BrazilI: a preliminary approach to an integrated eco-social analysis. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,. 61:243-250.

Thoms, C.,Wolff, M.,Padumakumar, K.,Ebel, R. & P.Proksch, 2004.Chemical defense of Mediterranean Sponges Aplysina cavernicola and Aplysina aerophoba. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 59c: 113-122.

Mendo, J.& M. Wolff, 2003. El impacto de El Nino sobre la produccion de concha de abanico (Argopecten purpuratus) en Bahia de Independencia, Pisco, Peru. Ecologia Aplicada, 2(1): 51-57

Ortiz, M., Jesse, S., Stotz, W.& M. Wolff, 2003. Feeding behaviour of the asteroid Meyenaster gelatinosus in response to changes in abundance of the scallop Argopecten purpuratus in northern Chile. Arch. Hydrobiol. 157(2):213-225.

Velez, J.A., Watson, W., Sandknop, E. M., Arntz, W. & M. Wolff, 2003. Larval and osteological development of the mote sculpin (Normanichthys crockeri) (Pisces: Normanichthyidae) from the Independencia Bight, Pisco, Peru. Journal of Plankton Research, 25(3):279-290.

Ortiz, M., Wolff, M & J. Mendo, 2002. Qualitative modelling for the development of a sustainable management strategy for the Peruvian scallop (Argopecten purpuratus). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems,12: 273-287.

Ortiz, M. & M. Wolff,2002. Dynamical simulation of mass-balance trophic models for benthic communities of northern-central Chile: assessment of resilience time under alternative management scenarios. Ecological Modelling, 148: 277-291.

Ortiz, M. & M. Wolff, 2002. Trophic models of four benthic commuities in Tongoy bay (Chile):comparative analysis and preliminary assessment of management strategies. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 286: 205-235.

Ortiz, M. & M. Wolff, 2002. Application of loop analysis to benthic systems in northern Chile for the elaboration of sustainable management strategies. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 242:15-27.

Ortiz, M. & M. Wolff, Spatially explicit trophic modelling of a harvested benthic ecosystem in Tongoy Bay (central northern Chile). Aquatic Conserv.: Mar.Freshw.Ecosyst.12:601-618

Schmidt, S. & M. Wolff, 2002. Population Ecology and Fishery of Cittarium pica (Gastropods:trochidae) on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. Rev. Biol. Mar., 50: 1-12.

Wolff, M. 2002. Concepts and approaches for marine ecosystem research with reference to the tropics. Rev. Biol.Trop.50(2): 395-414.

Wolff, M., & J.. Mendo, 2002. Upwelling is the Disturbance, not El Niño:Insights from Modelling Community Organization and Flow Structure. Investigaciones Marinas, 30(1):166-167

Velasco, A.& M. Wolff, M.2000. Ictiofauna juvenil de fondos blandos durantela transicion de "secas" a lluvia en la costa pacifica de Colombia. Rev.biol.trop.mar, 48(1): 215-228.

Wolff, M., Koch,V.& V. Isaac, 2000. A trophic flow model of the Caeté Mangrove estuary (North Brazil) with considerations for the sustainable use of its resources. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 50:789-803.

Wolff, M. & J. Mendo,2000. Management of the Peruvian bay scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) metapopulation with regard to environmental change. Aquatic Conserv:mar.Freshw.Ecosyst.10:117-126.

Wolff, M., Koch, V., Chavarria, J. B. & J.A. Vargas, 1998. A trophic flow model of the Golfo de Nicoya. Costa Rica. Rev. Biol. Trop. 46 (Suppl.6): 63-79.

Koch, V. & M. Wolff, 1996.The mangrove snail Thais kioskiformis Duclos: a case of life history adaptation to an extreme environment. J. Shellf. Res.15: 421-432.

Wangelin, M.v. & M. Wolff, 1996. Comparative Biomass spectra and species composition of the Zooplankton communities of the Golfo Dulce and Golfo de Nicoya , Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Rev. Biol. Trop.44 (Suppl.3): 135-155.

Wolff, M.1996. Demersal assemblages along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica: a quantitative and multivariate assessment based on the Victor Hensen expedition (1993/1994). Rev. Biol. Trop. 44 (Suppl.3):187-214.

Wolff, M., Hartmann, H.& V. Koch, 1996. A pilot trophic model for Golfo Dulce, a fjord-like tropical embayment, Costa Rica. Rev. Biol. Trop. 44 (Suppl.3): 215-231.

Wolff, M. & T. Aroca, 1995. Population dynamics and fishery of the Chilean squat lobster Cervimunida johnii Porter, (Decapoda, Galatheidae) off the coast of Coquimbo, Northern Chile. Rev. Biol. Mar. 30(1):57-60

Cerda, G. & M. Wolff, 1993. Feeding ecology of the Chilean crab Cancer polyodon in Herradura Bay, Northern Chile. II. Food spectrum and prey consumption. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 100: 119-125.

Wolff, M. 1993. A trophic model for Tongoy Bay - a system exposed to suspended scallop (Northern Chile). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol.182:149-168

Wolff, M. & E. Alarcon,1993. Structure of a scallop Argopecten purpuratus (Lamarck, 1819) dominated subtidal macro-invertebrate assemblage in Northern Chile. J. Shellf. Res. 12(2): 295-304.

Wolff, M. & H. Perez, 1993. Population dynamics, food consumption and conversion efficiency of Octopus mimus Gould 1853 (Cephalopoda: Octopoda) from Antofagasta, Northern Chile. ICES-Shellfish Commitee C.M. ICES-Shellfish Commitee C.M. 1992/K:1- 29.

Aron, A., Flores, H.,Wolff, M. & R. Riquelme. 1992Analisis del contenido estomacal de Seriolella peruana Steindachner, 1891 (Perciformes, Carangidae), en el area de Coquimbo, Norte de Chile. Rev. Biol. Mar.27(2):147-156.

Wolff, M. & G. Cerda, 1992. Feeding ecology of the crab Cancer polyodon in La Herradura Bay, Northern Chile, I. Feeding chronology, food intake, and gross growth and ecological efficiency. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 89:213-219.

Wolff, M. & M. Soto, 1992. Population dynamisis of Cancer polyodon in La Herradura Bay, Northern Chile. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 85:69-81.

Wolff, M. & J. Garrido,1991. Comparative study on growth and survival of two colour morphs of the Chilean scallop Argopecten purpuratus (Lamarck, 1819) in suspended culture. J. Shellf. Res. 10(1): 47-53.

Wolff, M. 1988. Spawning and Recruitment in the Peruvian scallop Argopecten purpuratus. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 42(3): 213-217.

Wolff, M. 1989. On assessing a fish species role in its community by stomach and gut content analyses: A critical note with suggestions. Medio Ambiente, 10(1): 80-83.

Wolff, M. 1989. Estimates of growth, Mortality and Recruitment of the loco Concholepas concholepas (Bruguiere, 1789) derived from a shell mound study in Northern Chile. Studies on Neotropical Fauna Environment, 24(2): 87-96.

Wolff, M. 1989. A proposed method for standardization of the selection of class intervals for length frequency analysis. Fishbyte, 7(1): 5.

Wolff, M. 1987. Population dynamics of the Peruvian scallop Argopecten purpuratus during the El Nino Phenomenon 1983. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 44:1684-1691

Wolff, M. 1987. A modification of Leslie's method (1939, 1952) for population size estimates to include the effect of natural mortality. Fishbyte, 5(2): 16-19.

Wolff, M. 1986. A simple data adjustment to dermine mortality rates for the Peruvian scallop Argopecten purpuratus by Paloheimo`s linear regression method. Fishbyte, 4(3): 12-13.

Wolff, M. 1984. Impact of the 1982-83 El Niño on the peruvian scallop Argopecten purpuratus. Trop.Ocean-Atmos.Newsl. 28: 8-9.

Wolff, M.1984. Early setback for scallop culture in Peru. ICLARM Newsletter, 1984. July 1984:19-20.

Wolff, M. & R. Wolff, 1983.Observaciones sobre la ultilization y el crecimiento del pectinido Argopecten purpuratus. Boletin IMARPE, 7(6): 197-227.


Wolff, M. & M. Gardener,2009. Proceedings of the Galapagos Science Symposium 2009. Charles Darwin Foundation, Galapagos 231p. 2009.

Tapia, W., Ospina,P.,Quiroga,D.,Reck,G., Gonzalez,J.A., Montes,C., Cruz,E., Milstead, B., Wolff,M.,Watkins,G., Carrion,C., Piu, M. & M. Oviedo, 2008 Hacia una vison compartida de Galapagos: el archipelago como un sistema socio-ecologico. Informe de Galapagos, 2008. 2007/2008.

Criales-Hernandez, M.I., Graco,M., Ayon, P., Flores, G., Schwammborn,R., Hirche, H.J.& M. Wolff, 2006. Temporal variabiity of the mesozooplankton community in the Humboldt Current Upwelling System of Central Peru. International Conference on the Humboldt Current System, 27 Nov-2 Dec., 2006. Published by IMARPE, IRD and FAO, Lima: p. 151.

Hartmann, H., D. Barton, & M. Wolff. 1999.Dessarollo de un modelo transferible para el uso sostenible y la conservacion de los ecosistemas costeros en America Central y el Gran Caribe. in TEMA Pluridisciplinary Workshop on networks in the greater Caribbean and Integrated Coastal Zone Management. 1999. Paris: UNESCO.

Wolff, M.1995 Main Research Lines in the field of larval ecology of marine organisms. PRADEPESCA, 1995. ALA /90/09:285-290.

Wolff, M.& J. Vargas, "RV Victor Hensen Costa Rica Expedition 1993/94 Cruise Report". in ZMT Contribution 2. 1994. p. 109.

Allgemeine Publikationen

Schuhbauer, A., Wolff, M.& M. Castrejon, M.2010 Una estrategia revisada para el monitoreo y manejo del pepino de mar de Galapagos. Informe de Galapagos, 2009/2010:76-82.

Wolff, M., Penaherrera, C. & A. Krutwa, 2010. CDF Fisheries Model Reveals Conservation Success in the Galapagos Marine Reserve. Annual Report Charles Darwin Foundation 2010: 26-29.

Wolff, M. 2009. El Rol de la Ciencia para la conservacion de Galapagos. El Colono, 2009. Sept.2009(1): p. 6.

Wolff, M. (1999) Training in and with tropical countries/ISATEC. In: Building Marine Research Capacity in Tropical Countries. Proceedings of MARUM Workshop on Tropical Marine and Coastal Research 14-15 January 1999, Bremen: 41-44.

Wolff, M. (1999) Ökosystem in Costa Rica. In: Köchert, A. (Ed.) Lateinamerika im Dialog 1995-1996 (Hannover).

Wolff, M. (1999) Tropische Küsten: Zwischen nachhaltiger Bewirtschaftung und Zerstörung. Eröffnung des neuen Master-Studienganges ISATEC an der Universität Bremen. Mitt. Dtsch. Ges. Meeresforschung 4: 31.

Wolff, M. 1986.Gigantismo y deformacion de la concha del ostion del norte - un problema parasitario? in VI JORNADAS DE CIENCIAS DEL MAR. 1986. Osorno, Chile.


Editierte Bücher / Edited Books

Wolff, M. & M. Gardener (eds) 2012. The role of science for the Conservation Routledge, London.299p

Wolff, M. (ed.) 2009. Tropical waters and their living resources: ecology, assessment and management. 1 ed. 2009, Hauschild, Germany: Bremen. 343p

Mendo, J. and M. Wolff, (eds) 2002. Bases ecologicas y socioeconomicas para el manejo de los recursos vivos de la reserva nacional de Paracas. Vol. primera edicion. 2002, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina: Lima. 244p

Wolff, M. (ed.) 1990. Manual de Ecologia Pesquera-Introduccion de conceptos y modelos, U.del. Norte,Chile, 116p

Beiträge für Bücher / Articles

Wolff, M., Penaherrera, C & A. Krutwa. 2012. Food web structure of the Galapagos Marine Reserve after a decade of protection: insights from trophic modeling, in The role of science for t Conservation . Wolff, M. & M. Gardener, Editors. Routledge, London, p.199-227

Wolff, M.& M. Gardener. 2012 Towards a self sustained Galapagos?, in The role of science for t Conservation.Wolff, M. & M. Gardener, Editors. Routledge, London, p.275-285

Wolff, M. & M.H. Taylor, 2011. Steady State Models of Ecological Systems: EcoPath Approach to Mass-Balanced System Description, in Modelling Complex Ecological Dynamics, an introduction into Ecological Modelling, Jopp.F, H. Reuter, & B. Breckling, Editors. Springer Berlin Heidelberg .p. 55-66.

Berger, U. & M. Wolff, 2010. System processes and Forest development, in Mangrove Dynamics and Management in North Brazil, U. Saint Paul and H. Schneider, Editors. Springer: Heidelberg. p. 143-150

Wolff, M. 2009. Fundamentals of Aquatic Ecology, in Tropical waters and their living resources:ecology,assessment and management. M. Wolff, Editor,1 ed. 2009, Hauschild, Germany: Bremen. p.3-23

Wolff,M. 2009. Population dynamics and stock assessment, in Tropical waters and their living resources:ecology,assessment and management. M. Wolff, Editor,1 ed. 2009, Hauschild, Germany: Bremen. p.119-126

Wolff,M. 2009. Modelling trophic flows of ecosystems, in Tropical waters and their living resources:ecology,assessment and management. M. Wolff, Editor,1 ed. 2009, Hauschild, Germany: Bremen. p.127-131

Wolff, M. 2009: Comunicating Science, in Tropical waters and their living resources:ecology,assessment and management. M. Wolff, Editor,1 ed. 2009, Hauschild, Germany: Bremen. p.295-300

Wolff, M. 2006. Auftriebsgebiete, in Faszination Meeresforschung--Ein ökologisches Lehrbuch, G. Hempel, Hempel, I. and S. Schiel, Editors., Hauschild: Bremen. p. 48-55

Wolff, M., C. Wosnitza-Mendo, and J. Mendo, 2003.The Humbold Current Upwelling System-Trends in exploitation, protection and research, in Large Marine Ecosystems of the World - Trends in Exploitation, Protection and Research, G. Hempel and K. Sherman, Editors., Elsevier Science. p. 279-309.

Mendo, J.& M. Wolff, 2002. Pesqueria y manejo de la concha de abanico (Argopecten purpuratus) en Bahia de Independencia. Fishery and management of the peruvian scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) in Independence bay, in Bases ecologicas y socioeconomicas para el manejo de los recursos vivos de la Reserva Nacional de Paracas, J. Mendo & M. Wolff, M.(eds). 2002, Universidad Agraria La Molina: Lima. p. 188-194.

Wolff, M., E. Brand v., & L. Jollan, 1991. Temperature shock treatment for early larval selection in the Chilean scallop Argopecten purpuratus (Lamarck, 1819). In: Scallop Biology and Culture. A Tribute to James Mason. World Aquaculture Workshops, S.E. Shumway & P.A. Sandifer, Editors. 1-10.

Wolff, M. 1986. Abundancia masiva y crecimiento de preadultos de la concha de abanico peruana (Argopecten purpuratus) enzona de en Pisco bajo condiciones de "El Nino 1983". In: El fenomeno EL NINO y su impacto en fauna marina (W. Arntz; A. Landa & J. Tarazona, eds.). in El fenomeno "El Nino" y su impacto en la fauna marina. 1986. Arequipa, Peru: Noveno Congreso Latinoamericano de Zoologia.

Wissenschaftliche Abschlußarbeit

Wolff, M.1994. Population dynamics, life histories and management of selected invertebrates of the Southeast Pacific upwelling System. Habilitation thesis, Bremen University, 210 p.

Wolff, M.1985. Fischerei, Oekologie und Populationsdynamik der Pilgermuschel Argopecten purpuratus (L) im Fischereigebiet von Pisco (Peru) unter dem Einfluß des EL NINO 1982/1983, Ph.D. thesis: Kiel University: Kiel, 112 p.

Wolff, M. 1981. Die Nutzung von Muscheln an der Südküste Perus, Diplomarbeit/Master thesis Kiel University, 86 p.