Hildegard Westphal

Prof. Dr. Hildegard Westphal

Programmbereichsleiterin (PB 4), Arbeitsgruppenleiterin, Professorin für Geologie der Tropen (Universität Bremen)

+49 421 23800 - 20

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Office: Wiener Strasse 7
28359 Bremen
Room: 5304 (3. Etage)


- Karbonatsedimente als Archive für Umwelt- und Klimaveränderungen
- Eutrophische tropische Bedingungen als Vorhersageszenarien zukünftiger Umweltbedingungen
- Karbonatsedimente unter Auftriebsbedingungen
- Der Effekt von Ozeanversauerung auf Skelettstrukturen karbonatischer Organismen

Curriculum Vitae

(nur auf Englisch)

Curriculum Vitae

• since 2021 Visiting Faculty at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
• 2011-2017 Scientific Vice President of the Leibniz Association
• 2010-2020 Director of the Leibniz-Centre for Tropical Marine Research, Bremen
• since 2010 Professor for the Geology of the Tropics at University of Bremen, and Workgroup Leader at ZMT
• 2010 Chair for Sedimentology, Universität Heidelberg
• 2008-2009 Spokesperson (chair) of "die Junge Akademie"
• 2005-2010 Member of "die Junge Akademie"
• 2005-2010 Heisenberg grant University of Bremen
• 2004 Albert Maucher Award of the German Science Foundation DFG
• 2004 Habilitation
• 2003 Walter-Schall Award of the Gesellschaft für Naturkunde in Württemberg e.V.
• 2003 Hans Cloos Award of the Geologische Vereinigung
• 2003-2005 Grant of the Universities and Science Program, Institute of Palaeontology Erlangen (Germany)
• 1999-2003 Assistent Professor at Hannover University (Germany)
• 1998-1999 Postdoc at Comparative Sedimentology Laboratory , RSMAS, University of Miami
• 1995-1997 Doctoral student at GEOMAR Forschungszentrum (Kiel/Germany)
• 1991-1992 student at University of Queensland (Brisbane/Australia)
• 1988-1994 student at Tübingen University (Germany)

Laufende Forschungsprojekte

Alle Projekte sind auf der Seite der Arbeitsgruppe Geoökologie und Karbonatsedimentologie zu finden.


Referierte Fachzeitschriften

Maxwell K, Westphal H, Rovere A (2021) A standardized database of Last Interglacial (MIS 5e) sea-level indicators in southeast Asia. Earth System Science Data 13, 4313–4329. 5194/essd-13-4313-2021

Narayan GR, Reymond CE, Stuhr M, Doo S, Schmidt C, Mann T, Westphal H (2021) Response of large benthic foraminifera to climate and local changes: Implications for future carbonate production. 10.1111/sed.12858

Stuhr M, Cameron LP, Blank-Landeshammer B, Reymond CE, Doo SS, Westphal H, Sickmann ARies RB (2021) Divergent proteomic responses offer insights into resistant physiological responses of a reef-foraminifera to climate change scenarios. Oceans 2, 281–314. 3390/oceans2020017

Hierl F, Wu HC, Westphal H (2021) Scleractinian corals incorporate microplastic particles: Identification from a laboratory study. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 1007/s11356-021-13240-x

Guillermic M, Cameron LP, DeCorte I, Misra S, Bijma J, de Beer D, Reymond CE, Westphal H, Ries JB, Eagle RA (2021) Thermal stress reduces pocilloporid coral resilience to ocean acidification by impairing control over calcifying fluid chemistry. Science Advances 7, eaba9958. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aba9958

Cameron LP, Reymond CE, Muller-Lundin F, Westfield I, Grabowski JH, Westphal H, Ries JB (2019) Effects of temperature and ocean acidification in the extrapallial fluid pH, calcification rate, and condition factor of the king scallop Pecten maximus.Journal of Shellfish Research, 28/3, 763-777. doi: 10.2983/035.038.0327

Höpker SN, Wu HC, Müller P, Barusseau J-P, Vernet R, Lucassen F, Kasemann SA, Westphal H (2019) Pronounced Northwest African monsoon discharge during the mid- to late Holocene. Frontiers in Earth Sciences 7, 314, doi.org/10.3389/feart.2019.00314

Humphreys AF, Halfar J, Ingle JC, Manzello D, Reymond CE, Westphal H, Riegl B (2019) Shallow-water Benthic Foraminifera of the Galápagos Archipelago: Ecologically Sensitive Carbonate Producers in an Atypical Tropical Oceanographic Setting. Journal Foraminiferal Research 2019, Vol.49, 29-47. doi:10.2113/gsjfr.49.1.29

*Stuhr M, Meyer A, *Reymond CE, *Narayan GR, Rieder V, Rahnenführer J, Kucera M, Westphal H, Hallock P (2018) Variable thermal stress tolerance of the reef-associated symbiont-bearing foraminifera Amphistegina linked to differences in symbiont type. Coral Reefs 37, 811–824. doi: 10.1007/s00338-018-1707-9

Humphreys AF, Halfar J, Ingle JC, Manzello D, *Reymond CE, Westphal H, Riegl B (2018) Effect of seawater temperature, pH, and nutrients on the character, distribution, and low abundance of shallow water benthic foraminifera in the Galápagos. PLOS One doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0202746

Stuhr M, Blank-Landeshammer B, Reymond C, Kollipara L, Sickmann A, Kucera M, Westphal H (2018) Disentangling thermal stress responses in reef-calcifiers and their photosymbionts by shotgun proteomics. Scientific Reports 8, Article number: 3524, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-21875-z

*Wizemann A, *Nandini SR, Stuhldreier I, Sánchez-Noguera C, Wisshak M, Westphal H, Rixen T, Wild C, *Reymond CE (2018) Rapid bioerosion in a tropical upwelling coral reef. PLOS One doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0202887

Farag M, Meyer A, Ali A, Salem M, Giavalisco P, Westphal H, Wessjohann L (2018) A comparative metabolomics approach detects stress-specific responses during coral bleaching in soft corals; Journal of Proteome Research, 17(6), pp 2060–2071, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.7b00929

Janßen A, Klicpera A, Satari DY, Westphal H, Mann T (2017) Sediment composition and facies of coral reef islands in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia.Frontiersin Marine Science, 4:144. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00144

Müller P, Staudigel PT, Murray ST, Vernet R, Barusseau J-P, Westphal H, Swart PK (2017) Prehistoric cooking versus accurate palaeotemperature records in shell midden constituents. Scientific Reports 7, pp. 3555. doi 10.1038/s41598-017-03715-8

Müller P, Reymond CE, Siegel P, Westphal H (2017)Paleoenvironmental proxies in echinoid spines (Eucidaris galapagensis, Döderlein 1887) along a natural water temperature gradient, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology484,70-78. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.06.024

Stuhr M, Reymond CE, Rieder V, Hallock Muller P, Rahnenführer J, Westphal H, Kucera M (2017)Reef calcifiers are adapted to episodic heat stress but vulnerable to sustained warming; PLOS One 12(7): e0179753. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0179753

Herrán N, Narayan GR, Reymond CE, Westphal H. (2017) Calcium carbonate production, coral cover and diversity along a distance gradient from Stone Town: a case study from Zanzibar, Tanzania. Frontiers in Marine Science, https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2017.00412

Rieder V, Blank-Landeshammer B, Stuhr M, Schell T, Biß K, Kollipara L, Meyer A, Pfenninger M, Westphal H, Sickmann A, Rahnenführer J. (2017) DISMS2: A flexible algorithm for direct proteome-wide distance calculation of LC-MS/MS runs. Bioinformatics 18:148. doi 10.1186/s12859-017-1514-2.

Farag MA, Al-Mahdy DA, MeyerA, Westphal H, Wessjohann LA (2017) Metabolomics reveals biotic and abiotic elicitor effects on the soft coral Sarcophyton ehrenbergiterpenoid content. Scientific Reports, 7, 648. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-00527-8

Farag MA, Westphal H, Eissa TF, Wessjohann LA,Meyer A  (2017) Effect of oxylipins, terpenoid precursors and wounding on soft corals’ secondary metabolism as analyzed via UPLC/MS and chemometrics. Molecules 2017, 22, 2195; doi:10.3390/molecules22122195.

Farag MA, Fekry MI, Al-Hammady MA, Khalil, MN, El-Seedi HR, Mayer A, Porzel A, Westphal H, Wessjohann LA (2017) Cytotoxic effects of Sarcophytonsp. soft corals - is there a correlation to their NMR fingerprints? Marine Drugs 15, 211; doi:10.3390/md15070211

Reymond C, Zihrul K-S, Halfar J, Riegl B, Humphreys A, Westphal H (2016) Heterozoan carbonates from the equatorial rocky reefs of the Galápagos Archipelago. Sedimentology 63, 940-958

Humphreys AF, Halfar J,  Rivera, F, Manzello D, Reymond, CE, Westphal, H, Riegl, B, (2016) Variable El Niño–Southern Oscillation influence on biofacies dynamics of eastern Pacific shallow-water carbonate systems. Geology, 44, 571-574

Mann T, WestphalH (2016) Multi-decadal shoreline changes on Takú Atoll, Papua New Guinea: Observational evidence of early reef island recovery after the impact of storm waves,Geomorphology 257, 75-84.

Mann T, Bayliss-Smith T, Westphal H (2016) A Geomorphic Interpretation of Shoreline Change Rates on Reef Islands. Journal of Coastal Research 32 (3) 500-507. doi.org/10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-15-00093.1

Mann T, Rovere A, Schöne T, Klicpera A, Stocchi P, Lukman M, Westphal H (2016) The magnitude of a mid-Holocene sea-level highstand in the Strait of Makassar. Geomorphology, 257, 155-163. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.12.023

Farag M, Porzel A, Al-Hammady MA, Hegazy MEF, Meyer A, Mohamed TA, Westphal H, Wessjohann L (2016) Soft corals biodiversity in the Egyptian Red Sea: A comparative MS and NMR metabolomics approach of wild and aquarium grown species. Journal of Proteome Research. 15:1274-1287.

Westphal H, Lavi J, Munnecke A (2015) Diagenesis makes the impossible come true:  intersecting beds in calcareous turbidites. Facies, 6161: 3. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10347-015-0427-7

Brandano M, Westphal H, Mateu-Vicens G, Preto N, Obrador A (2016) Ancient upwelling record in a phosphate hardground (Tortonian of Menorca, Balearic Islands, Spain), Marine and Petroleum Geology, 78: 593–605

Wizemann A, Mann T, Klicpera A, Westphal H (2015) Microstructural analyses of sedimentary Halimedasegments from the Spermonde Archipelago (SW Sulawesi, Indonesia): a new indicator for sediment transport in tropical reef islands? Facies, 61: 4. doi.org/10.1007/s10347-015-0429-5

Wizemann A, Meyer FW, Hofmann LC, Wild C, Westphal H (2015) Ocean acidification alters the calcareous microstructure of the green macro-alga Halimeda opuntia, Coral Reefs, 34, 941-954

Michel J, Wiemers K, Samhudi H, Westphal H (2015) Molluscan assemblages under the influence of peat-draining rivers off East Sumatra, Indonesia; Molluscan Research, 35, 81-94

Klicpera A, Michel J, Westphal H, (2015) Facies patterns of a tropical heterozoan carbonate platform under eutrophic conditions: the Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania, Facies 61, 421-445, doi.org/10.1007/s10347-014-0421-5

Müller P, Taylor M, Klicpera A, Wu H, Michel J, Westphal H (2015) Food for thought: Mathematical approaches for the conversion of high-resolution sclerochronological oxygen isotope records into sub-annually resolved time series; Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 440, 763–776

Reymond CE, Mateu-Vicens G, Westphal H (2014) Foraminiferal assemblages from a transitional tropical upwelling zone in the Golfe d’Arguin, Mauritania. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 148, 70-84

Klicpera A, Taylor PD, Westphal H (2014) Bryozoans on the move: Adaptations to hard-substrate limiting tropical heterozoan carbonates (Banc d’Arguin – Mauritania). Marine Biodiversity  43 (4): 429-444, doi 10.1007/s12526-014-0279-3

Afşa, F, Westphal H, Philipp SL (2014) How facies and diagenesis affect fracturing of limestone beds and reservoir permeability in limestone-marl alternations; Marine and Petroleum Geology 57, 418-432

Mann, T, WestphalH (2014) Assessing long-term changes in the beach width of reef islands based on temporally fragmented remote sensing data, Remote Sensing 6, 6961-6987, doi:10.3390/rs6086961

Wizemann A, Meyer FW, Westphal H (2014) A new model for the calcification of the green macro-alga Halimeda opuntia (Lamouroux), Coral Reefs 33, 951-964

Afşar F, Duda J-P, Zeller M, Verwer K, Westphal H, Eberli GP (2014) First report of sponge rhaxes in the Picún Leufú Formation (Tithonian–Berriasian), Neuquén Basin, Argentina, Göttingen Contributions to Geosciences 77: 49-56

Hanebuth TJJ, Mersmeyer H, Kudrass HR, Westphal H (2013) Aeolian to shallow-marine shelf architecture off a major desert since the Late Pleistocene (Northern Mauritania); Geomorphology 203,132-147, doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.08.031

Klicpera A, Taylor PD, Westphal H (2013) Bryoliths constructed by bryozoans in symbiotic associations with hermit crabs in a tropical heterozoan carbonate system, Golfe d'Arguin, Mauritania; Marine Biodiversity, DOI: 10.1007/s12526-013-0173-4

Preto N, Willems H, Guaiumi C, Westphal H (2013) Onset of significant pelagic carbonate accumulation after the Carnian Pluvial Event (CPE) in the western Tethys; Facies, 59, 891-914

Preto N, Agnini C, Rigo M, Sprovieri M, Westphal H (2013) The calcareous nannofossil Prinsiosphaeraachieved rock-forming abundances in the latest Triassic of western Tethys: consequences for the d13C of bulk carbonate,Biogeosciences, 10, 6053-6068, 2013, doi.org/10.5194/bg-10-6053-2013

Preto N, Rigo M, Agnini C, Bertinelli A, Guaiumi C, Borello S, Westphal H (2012) Triassic and Jurassic calcareous nannofossils of the Pizzo Mondello section: A SEM study. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 118: 131-141. 

Thomas AL, Fujita K, Iryu Y, Bard E, Cabioch G, Camoin G, Cole JE, Deschamps P, Durand N, Hamelin B, Heindel K, Henderson GM, Mason AJ, Matsuda H, Ménabréaz L, Omori A, Quinn T, Sakai S, Sato T, Sugihara K, Takahashi Y, Thouveny N, Tudhope AW, Webster J, Westphal H, Yokoyama Y (2012) Assessing uplift rates and paleo water-depths for Tahiti reefs using U-Th chronology of altered corals. Marine Geology, 295-298, 86-94.

Heindel K, Birgel D, Brunner B, Thiel V, Westphal H, Gischler E, Ziegenbalg SB, Cabioch G, Sjövall P, Peckmann J (2012) Post-glacial microbialite formation in coral reefs in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Ocean. Chemical Geology, 304-305, 117–130.

Michel J, Mateu-Vicens G, Westphal H (2011) Modern heterozoan carbonate facies from a eutrophic tropical shelf (Mauritania). Journal of Sedimentary Research, 81, 641–655.

Massari F, Westphal H (2011) Microbialites in the Middle–Upper Jurassic Ammonitico Rosso of the Southern Alps (Italy). In: Tewari V., Seckbach J. (eds) Stromatolites: Interaction of Microbes with Sediments. Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, vol 18, 223-250. Springer, Dordrecht. doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-0397-1_10 

Michel J, Westphal H, v. Cosel R (2011) The mollusk fauna of soft sediments from the tropical, upwelling-influenced shelf of Mauritania (northwestern Africa). Palaios 26, 447-460.

Heindel, K., Birgel, D., Peckmann, J., Kuhnert, H., Westphal, H. (2010) Formation of deglacial microbialites in coral reefs off Tahiti (IODP 310) involving sulfate-reducing bacteria; Palaios 25, 618-635.

Iryu, Y., Takahashi, Y., Fujita, K., Camoin, G., Cabioch, G., Matsuda, H., Sato, T., Sugihara, K., Webster, J.M. and Westphal, H. (2010) Sealevel history recorded in the Pleistocene carbonate sequence in IODP Hole 310-M0005D, off Tahiti; Island Arc, 19, 690-706.

Westphal, H., Halfar, J., Freiwald, A. (2010): Non-coralgal carbonates in subtropical to tropical settings in the present and in the past. International Journal of Earth Sciences; 99, S153-S169; invited paper.

Westphal, H., Heindel, K., Brandano, M., Peckmann, J. (2010) Genesis of microbialites as contemporaneous framework components of coral reefs, deglacial of Tahiti (IODP 310); Facies, 56, 337-352.

Wienberg, C., Kwoll, E., Westphal, H., Hebbeln, D. (2010) An isolated carbonate knoll in the Timor Sea (Sahul Shelf, NW Australia): facies zonation and sediment composition; Facies, 56, 179-193.

Westphal, H., Hilgen, F., Munnecke, A. (2010) An assessment of the suitability of individual rhythmic carbonate successions for astrochronological application. Earth Science Reviews, 99, 19-30.

Michel, J., Westphal, H., Hanebuth, T. (2009) Sediment partitioning and winnowing in a mixed eolian-marine system (Mauritanian shelf). Geo-Marine Letters, 29, 221-232.

Heindel, K., Wisshak, M., Westphal, H. (2009) Microbioerosion in Tahitian reefs: A record of environmental change during the last deglacial sea-level rise (IODP #310). Lethaia, 42, 322-340.

Bornholdt, S., Sneppen, K. & Westphal, H. (2009) Longevity of orders is related to the longevity of their constituent genera rather than genus richness; Theory in Biosciences, 128, 75-83.

Heindel, K., Westphal, H., Wisshak, M. (2009) Bioerosion in the reef framework, IODP Expedition #310 off Tahiti (Tiarei, Mara'a, and Faa'a); Proceedings IODP Vol 310; doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.310.201.2009, 28p.

Heindel K., Birgel D., Peckmann J., Kuhnert H. & Westphal H. (2009). Sulfate-reducing bacteria as major players in the formation of reef-microbialites during the last sea-level rise (Tahiti, IODP 310). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (13), Goldschmidt Conference, A514-A514.

Asprion U., Westphal, H., Nieman, M., Pomar, L. (2009) Ground Penetrating Radar for extrapolating depositional geometries of a Miocene carbonate ramp (Menorca, Spain). Facies, 55, 37–46.

Brandano, M., Westphal, H., Mateu-Vicens, G. (2009) The sensitivity of a tropical foramol-rhodalgal carbonate ramp to relative sea-level change:Miocene of the Central Apennines, Italy; in: Mutti, M., Betzler, C.,Piller, W.E.; Carbonate systems during the Oligocene-Miocene climatic transition. IAS Special Publication 42, 89–106.

Westphal, H., Munnecke. A., Böhm, F., Bornholdt, S. (2008) Limestone-marl alternations in epeiric sea settings – witnesses of environmental changes, or of rhythmic diagenesis? In: C. Holmden, B. R. Pratt; Geological Association of Canada Spec Paper 48, 389-406

Westphal, H., Munnecke, A., Brandano, M. (2008) Effects of diagenesis on the astrochronological approach of defining stratigraphic boundaries in calcareous rhythmites: The Tortonian GSSP; Lethaia 41, 461-476

Munnecke, A., Westphal, H., Kölbl-Ebert, M. (2008) Diagenesis of plattenkalk: examples from the Solnhofen area (Upper Jurassic, S-Germany), Sedimentology 55, 1931–1946.

Camoin, G.F., Y. Iryu, D.B. McInroy, IODP Expedition 310 Scientists (2007) IODP Expedition 310 reconstructs sea level, climatic, and environmental changes in the South Pacific during the last deglaciation, Scientific Drilling, 5, 4-12.

Westphal, H. (2006): Limestone-marl alternations as environmental archives and the role of early diagenesis: a critical review . Int. Journal of Earth Science 95, 947-961.

Munnecke, A. & Westphal, H. (2005): Variations in primary aragonite, calcite, and clay in fine-grained calcareous rhythmites of Cambrian to Jurassic age - an environmental archive? Facies, 51, 592-607.

Swart, P.K., Cantrell, D., Westphal, H., Handford, R. and Kendall, C. (2005) Origin of Dolomite in the Arab-D Reservoir from the Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia: Evidence from Petrographic and Geochemical Constraints. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 75, 476-491.

Munnecke, A. and Westphal, H. (2005): Schwankende Umweltbedingungen des südwestdeutschen Oberjura dokumentiert in Kalk-Mergel-Wechselfolgen. Jahreshefte d. Ges. f. Nat. in Würt. 160, 33-48.

Westphal, H., Surholt, I., Kiesl, C., Thern, H.F. and Kruspe, T. (2005) NMR Measurements in Carbonate Rocks - Problems and an Approach to a Solution. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 162, 549-570.

Westphal, H., Böhm F. and Bornholdt, S (2004) Orbital Frequencies in the Sedimentary Record: Distorted by Diagenesis? Facies, 50. p. 3-11.

Pomar, L., Westphal, H. and Obrador, A. (2004) Oriented concretions in Upper Miocene carbonates of Menorca, Spain: Evidence for fluid flow through a heterogeneous porous system. Geologica Acta, 2, 271-284.

Pomar, L. , Brandano, M. & Westphal, H. (2004) Environmental factors influencing skeletal grain sediment associations: a critical review of Miocene examples from the western Mediterranean. Sedimentology, 51, 627-651.

Westphal, H., Eberli, G.P., Smith, L.B., Grammer, G.M. & Kislak, J. (2004): Reservoir characterization in the Mississippian Madison Formation, Wind River Basin, Wyoming. AAPG Bulletin, 88, 405-432.

Munnecke, A. and Westphal, H. (2004) Shallow-water aragonite recorded in bundles of limestone-marl alternations - the Upper Jurassic of SW Germany. Sedimentary Geology, 164, 191-202.

Westphal, H., Munnecke, A., Pross, J. and Herrle, J. (2004) Multi-proxy approach to understanding the origin of Cretaceous pelagic limestone-marl alternations (DSDP Site 391, Blake-Bahama Basin). Sedimentology, 51, 109-126.

Westphal, H. & Munnecke, A. (2003) Limestone-marl alternations - a warm-water phenomenon? Geology, 31, 263-266.

Böhm, F., Westphal, H., and Bornholdt, S. (2003) Required but disguised: Environmental signals in limestone-marl alternations. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2987, 1-18.

Pomar, L. , Obrador, A. & Westphal, H. (2002) Sub-wavebase cross-bedded grainstones on a distally steepened carbonate ramp, upper Miocene, Menorca, Spain. Sedimentology, 49, 139-169.

Melim, L.A. , Westphal, H. , Swart, P.K. and Eberli, G.P., Munnecke, A. (2002) Questioning carbonate diagenetic paradigms: Evidence from the Neogene of the Bahamas. Marine Geology, 185, 27-53.

Kenter, J.A.M., Anselmetti, F.S. , Kramer, P., Westphal, H. & Vandamme, M.G.M. (2002) Acoustic properties of "young" carbonate rocks, ODP Leg 166 and Holes Clino and Unda, Western Great Bahama Bank. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 72, 129-137.

Munnecke, A. , Westphal, H., Elrick, M. & Reijmer, J. (2001) The mineralogical composition of precursor sediments of calcareous rhythmites: a new approach. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 90,795-812.

Cantrell, D.L., Swart, P.K. , Handford, C.R., Kendall, C.G. & Westphal, H. (2001) Geology and Production Significance of Dolomite, Arab-D Reservoir, Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia. GeoArabia, 6, 45-60.

Moritz, E., Bornholdt, S. , Westphal, H. and Meschede, M. (2000) Neural network interpretation of LWD data (ODP Leg 170) confirms complete sediment subduction at the Costa Rica convergent margin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 174, p. 301-312.

Westphal, H., Head, M.J. & Munnecke, A. (2000) Differential diagenesis of rhythmic limestone alternations supported by palynologic evidence . Journal of Sedimentary Research, 70, 715-725.

Westphal, H., Reijmer, J.J.G. & Head, M.J. (1999) Input and Diagenesis on a Carbonate Slope (Bahamas): Response to Morphology Evolution and Sea-Level Fluctuations.- In: Harris, P.M., Saller, A. and Simo J.A., Advances in Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy: Applications to Reservoirs, Outcrops, and Models. SEPM Special Publication v. 63, p. 247-274.

Bornholdt, S. , Nordlund, U. & Westphal, H. (1999) Inverse stratigraphic modelling using genetic algorithms.- In: Numerical Experiments in Stratigraphy, SEPM

Head, M.J. & Westphal, H. (1999) Palynology and paleoenvironments of a Pliocene carbonate platform: the Clino Core, Bahamas.- Journal of Paleontology 73, p. 1-25.

Bornholdt, S. & Westphal, H. (1998): Automation of stratigraphic simulations - quasi-backward modeling using genetic algorithms.- In: Mascle, A., Puigdefabregas, C., Fernandez, M. & Luterbacher, H.P. Cenozoic Foreland Basins of Western Europe, Geological Society Special Publication v. 134, p. 371-379.

Munnecke, A. , Westphal, H., Reijmer, J.J.G. & Samtleben, C. (1997): Microspar development during early marine burial diagenesis: a comparison of Pliocene carbonates from the Bahamas with Silurian limestones from Gotland (Sweden).- Sedimentology, v. 44, 977-990.

Westphal, H. & Aigner, T. (1997): Seismic stratigraphy and subsidence analysis in the Barrow-Dampier Subbasin, NW-Australia.- AAPG Bulletin, v. 81, 1721-1749.

Westphal, H. & Munnecke, A. (1997): Mechanical compaction versus early cementation: differentiation by the preservation of organic microfossils.- Sedimentary Geology, v. 112, p. 33-42.

Westphal, H. & Bornholdt, S. (1996): Lithofacies prediction from wireline logs with genetic algorithms and neural networks.- Zeitschrift der DGG, v. 147, p. 465-474.

Westphal, H. (1996): Cenozoic Progradation in the Barrow-Dampier Subbasin, Northwest Shelf of Australia.- Zeitschrift der DGG, v. 147, 125-135



Massari, F., Westphal, H. (2011) Microbialites in the Middle-Upper Jurassic Ammonitico Rosso of the Southern Alps (Italy); in: Seckbach, J. and Tewari, V. (Eds.) Stromatolites: interaction of microbes with sediments. Springer-Verlag. Series: Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, 2011, Volume 18, Part 2, 223-250.

Schmundt, H.; Vec, M.; Westphal, H. (eds.) (2010): Mekkas der Moderne - die Pilgerstätten der WIssensgesellschaft. Böhlau Verlag.

Westphal, H.; Riegl, B.; Eberli , GP. (eds.) (2010) Carbonate depositional systems - assessing dimensions and controlling parameters. Springer Verlag.

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Westphal, H. (1998) Carbonate Platform Slopes - A Record of Changing Conditions. The Pliocene of the Bahamas .- Lecture Notes in Earth Science, v.75, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York. 197 p.