Hauke Reuter

PD Dr. Hauke Reuter


+49 (0)421 23800 - 58

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Office: Fahrenheitstr. 8
28359 Bremen
Room: 3016 (Erdgeschoss)


- Theoretische Ökologie, Ökosystem- Forschung
- Modellierung mit individuenbasierten Modellen und Zellularautomaten
- Trophische Interaktionen und Strukturen von Nahrungsnetzen
- Entwicklung biologischer Diversität und funktionelle Aspekte der Biodiversität
- Nachhaltiges Management natürlicher Ressourcen
- Ursachen für Phasenübergänge in Korallenriffökosystemen

Persönliche Daten

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Academic CV

- Since 6/2008
Work Group Leader WG Spatial Ecolgy and Interactions, Integrated Modelling, Leibniz-Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), Bremen

- 11/2007
Habilitation in Ecology, “Level integrating interactions in complex ecological networks- Assessment with individual-based models"

- 1/2000-6/2008
Senior scientist at the University of Bremen, Centre for Environmental Research and Technology, Dept Ecology,
Dispersal processes and interaction in food webs, modelling complex interaction networks, theoretical ecology and analysis of anthropogenic impact on ecological systems
Selected Projects: GeneRisk, SIGMEA, GenEERA

- 9/ 2000
PhD degree in Ecology “Individual and Environment: Interactions and feedback processes in individual-based ecological models”
University of Bremen

- 1/1998 – 12/1998
Scientist at the University of Bremen: Evaluation of biocenotic models - Applications for a sustainable agriculture

- 9/1994 – 12/1997
Scientist at the Ecology Centre, University of Kiel, Application of different modelling approaches in the project 'Ecosystem research in the region of the Bornhöved Lakes District'

- 8/1994
Diploma in Biology (MSc), Diploma thesis on the modelling of the reproduction biology of the European Robin (Erithacus rubecula)


- ISATEC (International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology)
- Modelling of spatial and temporal ecological processes
- Standard courses in general ecology
- Projects and lectures in biodiversity, population management, environmental risk analysis, biological invasions


Referierte Fachzeitschriften

Beca-Carretero, B., Winters, G., Teichberg, M., Procaccini, G., Schneekloth, F., Zambrano, R.H., Chiquillo, K. & Reuter H. (2024) Climate change and the presence of invasive species will threaten the persistence of the Mediterranean seagrass community, Science of the Total Environment, 910: 168675, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168675.

Moreira‐Saporiti, A., Hoeijmakers, D., Reuter, H., Msuya, F. E., Gese, K. & Teichberg, M. (2023) Bottom‐up and top‐down control of seagrass overgrazing by the sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla. Marine Ecology . DOI https://doi.org/10.1111/maec.12734.

Kruse, M., Meyer. C., Schneekloth, F. & Reuter H. (2022) How artificial potential field algorithms can help to simulate trade-offs in movement behaviour of reef fishes. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:1037358. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.1037358

Schwindenhammer, D., Francis, J., Gudka, M., Kegler, H., Muhando, C., Reuter, H., George, R., Wambiji, N. & Schlüter, A. (2022) Paradox incentive structures and rules governing sharing of coastal and marine data in Kenya and Tanzania: Lessons for the Western Indian Ocean. WIO Journal of Marine Science (1). pp. 33-46.

Winters, G., Teichberg, M., Reuter, H., Viana, I.G. & Willette, D. A. (2022) Editorial: Seagrasses Under Times of Change. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13 . DOI https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.870478.

Weller, R., Cepok, J., Arzaroli, R., Marnholz, K., Große, C. S., Reuter, H. & Zachmann, G.l (2022) Effects of immersion and navigation agency in virtual environments on emotions and behavioral intentions. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 3 . DOI https://doi.org/10.3389/frvir.2022.893052.

Reuter, H., Breckwoldt, A., Dohna, T., Ferse, S., Gärdes, A., Glaser, M., Huyghe, F., Kegler, H., Knittweis, L., Kochzius, M., Kraemer, W.E., Johannes Leins, J., Lukman, M., Madduppa, H., Nuryanto, A., Hui, M., Miñarro, S., Navarrete Forero, G., Husain Paragay, S., Plass-Johnson, J., Andrianavalonarivo Ratsimbazafy, H., Richter, C., Sawall, Y., Schwerdtner Máñez, K., Teichberg, M., Timm, J., van der Ven, R. & Jompa, J. (2022) Coral reef social ecological systems under pressure in Southern Sulawesi in: Jennerjahn, T., Rixen, T. Irianto, H.E. & Samiaji, J. (ed) Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems (SPICE), Elsevier, Amsterdam. DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815050-4.00005-5.

Duarte Moreno, H., Reuter, H., Kase, A. & Teichberg, M. (2021) Seaweed farming and land-use impacts on seagrass meadows in the region of Rote Island, Indonesia, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 263,107635, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107635.

Helber, S. B., Winters, G., Stuhr, M., Belshe, E.F., Bröhl, S., Schmid, M., Reuter, H., & Teichberg, M. (2021). Nutrient History Affects the Response and Resilience of the Tropical Seagrass Halophila stipulacea to Further Enrichment in Its Native Habitat. Frontiers in Plant Science 12:1617. DOI=10.3389/fpls.2021.678341

Helber, S.B., Procaccini, G., Belshe, E.F., Santillan-Sarmiento, A., Cardini, U., Bröhl, S., Schmid, M., Reuter, H. & Teichberg M. (2021) Unusually Warm Summer Temperatures Exacerbate Population and Plant Level Response of Posidonia oceanica to Anthropogenic Nutrient Stress. Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 915 DOI=10.3389/fpls.2021.662682

Prabakaran, N., Bayyana, S., Vetter, K. & Reuter, H. (2021). Mangrove recovery in the Nicobar archipelago after the 2004 tsunami and coastal subsidence. Reg Environ Change 21:87. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-021-01811-0

Moreira-Saporiti, A., Hoeijmakers, D., Msuya, F.E., Reuter, H & Teichberg, M (2021). Seaweed farming pressure affects seagrass and benthic macroalgae dynamics in Chwaka Bay (Zanzibar, Tanzania). Reg Environ Change 21, 11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-020-01742-2

Rölfer, L., Reuter, H., Ferse, S.C.A., Kubicek, A., Dove, S., Hoegh-Guldberg, O., Bender-Champ, D. (2021). Coral-macroalgal competition under ocean warming and acidification, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 534, 151477.

Quadros, A.F., Helfer, V., Nordhaus, I., Reuter, H. & Zimmer, M. (2021) Functional Traits of Terrestrial Plants in the Intertidal: A Review on Mangrove Trees, The Biological Bulletin https://doi.org/10.1086/716510.

Ameyaw, A.B., Breckwoldt, A., Reuter, H. & Aheto, D.W. (2020). From Fish to Cash: Analyzing the role of women in fisheries in the Western Region of Ghana. Marine Policy 113: 103790, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2019.103790.

Kubicek, A., Breckling, B., Hoegh-Guldberg, O., Reuter, H. (2019). Climate change drives trait-shifts in coral reef communities. Scientific Reports 9(1), pp. 3721. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-38962-4. OPEN ACCESS

Ferreira Quadros, A., Nordhaus, I., Reuter, H., Zimmer, M. (2019). Modelling of mangrove annual leaf litterfall with emphasis on the role of vegetation structure. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 218, pp. 292-299. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2018.12.012.

Miñarro, S., Leins, J., Acevedo-Trejos, E., Fulton, E.A. & Reuter, H. (2018). SEAMANCORE: A Spatially Explicit simulation model for Assisting the local MANagement of COral Reefs. Ecological Modelling 384: 296–307, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2018.05.026.

Mariño, M., Breckwoldt, A, Kase, A., Teichberg, M. & Reuter, H. (2019). Livelihood aspects of seaweed farming in Rote Island, Indonesia. Marine Policy, 107, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2019.103600.

Otwoma, L., Reuter, H. (2019). Do differences in mating behaviour lead to differences in connectivity patterns of reef fishes? Insights from two sympatric surgeonfish species in the Indian Ocean. Marine Environmental Research, 151, 104760, https://doi.org/10.​1016/​j.​marenvres.​2019.​104760

Otwoma, L., Diemel, V.; Reuter, H., Kochzius, M. & Meyer, A. (2018). Genetic population structure of the convict surgeonfish Acanthurus triostegus: a phylogeographic reassessment across its range. Journal of Fish Biology 93: 597-608, doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/jfb.13686

Glaser M., Plass-Johnson J.G., Ferse S.C.A., Neil M., Satari D.Y., Teichberg M., Reuter H. (2018). Breaking Resilience for a Sustainable Future: Thoughts for the Anthropocene, Frontiers in Marine Science 5:34, DOI:10.3389/fmars.2018.00034 OPEN ACCESS

Plass-Johnson, J.G., Teichberg, M., Bednarz, V.N., Gärdes A., Heiden J.P., Lukman M., Miñarro S., Kegler H., Weiand L., Wild C., Reuter H., & Ferse S.C.A (2018). Spatio-Temporal Patterns in the Coral Reef Communities of the Spermonde Archipelago, 2012–2014, II: Fish Assemblages Display Structured Variation Related to Benthic Condition, Frontiers in Marine Science 5:36, DOI:10.3389/fmars.2018.00036. OPEN ACCESS

Teichberg, M, Wild, C., Bednarz, V.N., Kegler, H., Lukman, M., Gärdes, A.A., Heiden, J.P., Weiand, L., Abu, N., Nasir, A., Miñarro, S., Ferse, S.C.A., Reuter, H. & Plass-Johnson, J.G. (2018). Spatio-Temporal Patterns in Coral Reef Communities of the Spermonde Archipelago, 2012–2014, I: Comprehensive Reef Monitoring of Water and Benthic Indicators Reflect Changes in Reef Health. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:33, DOI:10.3389/fmars.2018.00033 OPEN ACCESS

Naverette Forrero, G., Miñarro, S., Mildenberger, T., Breckwoldt, A., Surdirman & Reuter, H. (2017). Investigating spatial patterns of an artisanal fishery through participatory boat tracking in Spermonde (Indonesia). Frontiers in Marine Science, 4:409. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00409. OPEN ACCESS

Otwoma, L., Timm, J., Reuter, H. & Meyer, A. (2017.) Genetic connectivity in a herbivorous coral reef fish (Acanthurus leucosternon Bennet, 1833) in the Eastern African region, Hydrobiologia DOI:10.1007/s10750-017-3363-4.

Javaid, A., Janssen, M., Reuter, H. & Schlüter, A. (2017). When patience leads to destruction: the curious case of individual time preferences and the adoption of destructive fishing gears. Ecological Economics 42: 91-100.

Königstein, S., Mark, F.C., Gößling-Reisemann, S., Reuter, H. & Poertner, H.-O. (2016) Modeling climate change impacts on marine fish populations: Integrating the effects of ocean acidification, warming and other environmental drivers, Fish & Fisheries, DOI: 10.1111/faf.12155.

Kubicek, A., & Reuter, H. 2016. Mechanics of multiple feedbacks in benthic coral reef communities, Ecological Modelling 329: 29-40. DOI:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2016.02.018.

Reuter, H., Kruse, M., Rovellini, A. & Breckling, B. 2016. Evolutionary Trends in Fish Schools in Heterogeneous Environments. Ecological Modelling 326: 23-35, DOI:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.09.008

Kruse, M., Tayler, M. & Reuter, H. 2016. Lunar, diel, and tidal changes in fish assemblages in an East African marine reserve. Regional Studies in Marine Science 3: 49–57, DOI:10.1016/j.rsma.2015.05.001

Kubicek, A., Jopp, F., Breckling, B., Lange, C. & Reuter, H. 2015. Context-oriented model validation of individual-based models in Ecology: A hierarchically structured approach to validate qualitative, compositional and quantitative characteristics. Ecological Complexity 22: 178-191. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecocom.2015.03.005

Kubicek, A.; Muhando, C. & Reuter, H. (2012) Simulations of Long-Term Community Dynamics in Coral Reefs - How Perturbations Shape Trajectories. PLoS Comput Biol 8(11): e1002791. DOI:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002791 OPEN ACCESS

Aheto, D. W.; Reuter, H.; & Breckling, B. (2011). A modeling assessment of geneflow in smallholder agriculture in West Africa, Environmental Sciences Europe 2011, 23:9 DOI:10.1186/2190-4715-23-9.

Breckling, B.; Reuter, H.(2011); Preface: Up-scaling ecological effects of genetically modified plants in agriculture, (Guest Editors), Ecological Indicators, 11: 935, DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2009.03.001.

Breckling, B.; Reuter, H.; Middelhoff, U.; Glemnitz, M.; Wurbs, A.;Schmidt, G.; Schröder, W. & Windhorst, W. (2011). Risk Indication of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO): Modelling Environmental Exposure and Dispersal across Different Scales Oilseed Rape in Northern Germany as an Integrated Case Study. Ecological Indicators, DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2009.03.002.

Middelhoff, U.; Reuter, H. & Breckling, B. (2011). GeneTraMP, a spatio-temporal model of the dispersal and persistence of transgenes in feral, volunteer and crop plants of oilseed rape and related species. Ecological Indicators, 11: 974- 988, DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2009.03.006.

Reuter, H.; Schmidt, G.; Schröder, W.; Middelhoff, U.; Pehlke, H. & Breckling, B. (2011) Regional distribution of genetically modified organisms (GMO) – Up-scaling the dispersal and persistence potential of herbicide resistant oilseed rape (Brassisca napus). Ecological Indicators, 11: 980-999 DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2009.03.007

Squire, G.R.; Breckling, B.; Dietz-Pfeilstetter, A.; Jorgensen,R.B.; Lecomte, J.; Pivard,S.; Reuter, H. & Young, M.W. (2011) Status of feral oilseed rape in Europe: its minor role as a GM impurity and its potential as a reservoir of transgene persistence Environmental Science and Pollution Research 18:111-115, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-010-0376-1.

Meyer K.M.; Jopp, F.; Münkemüller, T.; Reuter, H. & Schiffers, K. (2010) Crossing scales in ecology. Basic and Applied Ecology 11:561-562 DOI:10.1016/j.baae.2010.08.003

Reuter, H.; Jopp, F., Blanco-Moreno; J.-M., Damgaard, C.; Matsinos, Y. & DeAngelis, D. (2010). Ecological Hierarchies and Self-organisation– Pattern analysis, modelling and process integration across scales, Basic and Applied Ecology. 11:572-581 DOI:10.1016/j.baae.2010.08.002

Reuter, H., Middelhoff, U., Graef, F., Verhoeven, R., Batz, T., Weis, M., Schmidt G., Schröder, W., Breckling, B. (2010) Information System for Monitoring Environmental Impacts of Genetically Modified Organisms, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17:1479-1490.

Schmidt, G.; Schröder, W.; Kleppin, L.; Breckling, B.; Reuter, H.; Windhorst, W.; Eschenbach, C.; Höltl, K.;Wurbs, K.; Werner, A. Markgraf, R.; Thiel, M. &Winter, G. (2009). Systemic Risks of Genetically Modified Organisms in Crop Production: Interdisciplinary Perspective. GAIA 18: 119-126.

Jopp, F. & Reuter, H. 2008. Der Schutz der Biodiversität als Aufgabe für den modernen Naturschutz – Einsatzmöglichkeiten hybrider Modellierungsansätze. Reihe Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt, BfN Bonn Band 60, Seite 17-22.

Reuter, H.; Menzel, G.; Pehlke, G. & Breckling, B. 2008. Hazard Mitigation or Mitigation Hazard? Would genetically modified dwarfed oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) increase feral survival? Environmental Science and Pollution Research 15 (7) 529-535.

Reuter, H.; Jopp, F.; Hölker, F.; Eschenbach, C.; Middelhoff, U. & Breckling, B. (2008) The ecological effect of phenotypic plasticity -- Analysing complex interaction networks with agent based models. Ecological Informatics 3: 35 – 45.

Breckling B., Middelhoff U. & Reuter H. (2006) Individual-based models as tools for ecological theory and application: Understanding the emergence of organisational properties in ecological systems. Ecological Modelling 194, 102-113.

Breckling, B., Müller, F. Reuter, H., Hölker, F. & Fränzle, O. (2005) Emergent properties in individual-based ecological models – introducing case studies in ecosystem research context. Ecological Modelling 186: 376 – 388.

Jopp, F., Reuter, H. (2005) Dispersal of carabid beetles - emergence of distribution patterns. Ecological Modelling 186: 389 – 405.

Reuter, H. (2005) Community processes as emergent properties: Modelling multilevel interaction in small mammals communities. Ecological Modelling 186: 427 – 446.

Reuter, H., Hölker, F., Middelhoff, U., Jopp, F., Eschenbach, C. & Breckling, B. (2005) The concepts of emergent and collective properties in individual based models - Summary and outlook of the Bornhoved case studies. Ecological Modelling 186: 489 – 501.

Reuter, H.; Breckling, B. (1999) Emerging properties on the individual level - Modelling the reproductive phase of the European Robin (Erithacus rubecula). Ecological Modelling 121: 199 – 219.

Reuter, H; Breckling, B. (1994) Selforganization of fish schools: An object-oriented model. Ecological Modelling 75/76: 147 – 159.


Jopp, F., Reuter, H. & Breckling, B. (Eds, 2011) Modelling Complex Ecological Dynamics, An Introduction into Ecological Modelling, Springer, Heidelberg, New York (siehe auch www.mced-ecology.org)

Breckling, B., Jopp, F. & Reuter, H. (2011) Historical background of ecological modelling and its importance for modern ecology. In: F. Jopp, F., Reuter, H. & Breckling, B. (Eds.), Modelling complex ecological dynamics. Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Chapter 3

Breckling, B., Jopp, F. & Reuter, H. (2011) System Analysis and Context Assessment. In: F. Jopp, F., Reuter, H. & Breckling, B. (Eds.), Modelling complex ecological dynamics. Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Chapter 4

Breckling, B., Jopp, F. & Reuter, H. (2011) Ordinary Differential Equations. In: F. Jopp, F., Reuter, H. & Breckling, B. (Eds.), Modelling complex ecological dynamics. Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Chapter 6

Jopp, F., Reuter, H. & Breckling, B. (2011) Background and Scope of Ecological Modelling – between Intellectual Adventure and Scientific Routine. In: F. Jopp, F., Reuter, H. & Breckling, B. (Eds.), Modelling complex ecological dynamics. Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Chapter 1

Jopp, F., Breckling, B, Reuter, H. & DeAngelis, DL (2011) Perspectives in Ecological Modelling In: F. Jopp, F., Reuter, H. & Breckling, B. (Eds.), Modelling complex ecological dynamics. Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Chapter 24

Müller, F., Breckling, B., Jopp, F. & Reuter, H., (2011) What are the general conditions, under which ecological models can be applied? In: F. Jopp, F., Reuter, H. & Breckling, B. (Eds.), Modelling complex ecological dynamics. Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Chapter 2

Reuter, H. Breckling, B. & Jopp, F. (2011) Individual-based Models. In: F. Jopp, F., Reuter, H. & Breckling, B. (Eds.), Modelling complex ecological dynamics. Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Chapter 12

Reuter, H. Breckling, B., Jopp, F. Lange, C. & Weigmann, G (2011) How valid are model results? Assumptions, Validity Range and Documentations. In: F. Jopp, F., Reuter, H. & Breckling, B. (Eds.), Modelling complex ecological dynamics. Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Chapter 23

Reuter, H., Böckmann, S. & Breckling (2008) Analysing cross-pollination studies in maize. In Breckling, B., Reuter, H. & Verhoeven, R. Implications of GM-Crop Cultivation at Large Spatial Scales. Theorie in der Ökologie 14. Frankfurt, Peter Lang, pp 47 – 53.

Reuter, H., Breckling, B., Wurbs, A. & Höltl, K. (2008) Modelling maize hybridisation probabilities on the regional level – Exemplary simulations for the county Elbe Elster in Brandenburg, Germany. In Breckling, B., Reuter, H. & Verhoeven, R. Implications of GM-Crop Cultivation at Large Spatial Scales. Theorie in der Ökologie 14. Frankfurt, Peter Lang, pp 54 – 59.

Irmler, U.; Nellen, W.; Pfeiffer, H.-W.; Hölker, F. & Reuter, H. (2008) Biocoenotical interactions between different ecotopes. In: Fränzle, O.; Kappen, L.; Blume, H. P. & Dierssen, K., Ecosystem Organization of a Complex Landscape - Long-Term Research in the Bornhöved Lake District, Germany Ecological Studies 202, Springer, New York, Berlin, Chapter 7