Gustavo Castellanos-Galindo

Dr. Gustavo Castellanos-Galindo

Programmmanager PA1

+49 421 23800 - 42

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Lebenslauf: Dr. Gustavo Castellanos-Galindo


- Mangrove ecology and conservation
- Tropical fish ecology and conservation
- Ecological modelling
- Invasion ecology
- Small-scale fisheries management
- Sustainability in tropical marine social-ecological systems


Referierte Fachzeitschriften

[45] Castellanos-Galindo GA, Baos R, Zapata LA (2021) Mangrove-associated fish assemblages off the southern Panama Bight region (tropical eastern Pacific). Neotropical Ichthyology 19(4):e210025.

[44] Castellanos-Galindo GA, Casella E, Tavera H, Zapata LA, Simard M (2021) Structural characteristics of the tallest mangrove forests of the American continent: a comparison of ground-based, drone and radar measurements. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4:732468. doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2021.732468

[43] Vilizzi L. et al (incl. Castellanos-Galindo GA) (2021) A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions. Science of the Total Environment 788:147868

[42] Castellanos-Galindo GA, Herrón P, Navia AF, Booth H (2021) Shark conservation and blanket bans in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Conservation Science and Practice DOI: 10.1111/csp2.428

[41] Castellanos-Galindo GA, Kluger LC, Camargo MA, Cantera J, Mancera E, Blanco-Libreros JF, Wolff M (2021) Mangrove research in Colombia: temporal trends, geographical coverage and research gaps. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 248:106799

[40] zu Ermgassen P. et al (incl. Castellanos-Galindo GA) (2021) Fishers who rely on mangroves: Modelling and mapping the global intensity of mangrove-associated fisheries. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 248:106975

[39] Castellanos-Galindo GA, Medina-Contreras D, Lazarus JF, Cantera JR (2020) Cryptobenthic fishes in the National Natural Park Uramba Bahía Málaga (Colombia), tropical eastern Pacific. Bulletin of Marine and Coastal Research 49 (Supl. Esp.):119-136

[38] Castellanos-Galindo GA, Robertson DR, Torchin ME (2020) A new wave of marine fish invasions through the Panama and Suez canals. Nature Ecology and Evolution 4:1444-1446

[37] Castellanos-Galindo GA, Robertson DR (2020) A tropical fish out of water. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18:390

[36] Stuthmann LE, Castellanos-Galindo GA (2020) Trophic position and isotopic niche of mangrove fish assemblages at both sides of the Isthmus of Panama. Bulletin of Marine Science 96:449-468

[35] Herrón P, Kluger LC, Castellanos-Galindo GA, Wolff M, Glaser M (2020) Understanding gear choices and identifying leverage points for sustainable tropical small-scale marine fisheries. Ocean & Coastal Management 188:105074

[34] Mejia-Renteria JC, Castellanos-Galindo GA, Osorio-Cano JD, Casella E (2020) Subaerial exposure of coral reefs during spring low tides in the Eastern Pacific. Bulletin of Marine Science 96:219-220

[33] Castellanos-Galindo GA, Casella E, Mejia-Renteria JC, Rovere A (2019) Habitat mapping of remote coasts: evaluating the usefulness of lightweight unmanned aerial vehicles for conservation and monitoring. Biological Conservation 239:108282

[32] Castellanos-Galindo GA, Robertson DR, Pacheco-Chaves B, Angulo A, Chong-Montenegro C (2019) Atlantic Tarpon in the Tropical Eastern Pacific 80 years after it first crossed the Panama Canal. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 29:401-416.

[31] Herrón P, Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Stäbler M, Díaz JM and Wolff M (2019) Toward Ecosystem-Based Assessment and Management of Small-Scale and Multi-Gear Fisheries: Insights From the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:127.

[30] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Zapata L.A. (2019) Chapter 20: Small-Scale Fisheries on the Pacific Coast of Colombia: Historical Context, Current Situation, and Future Challenges In: Jentoft S., Franz N., Barragan Paladines M. J., Chuenpagdee R. (Eds) Viability and Sustainability of Small-Scale Fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Springer.

[29] Pülmanns N., Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Krumme U. (2018) Tidal-diel patterns in feeding and abundance of armed snook Centropomus armatus from macrotidal mangrove creeks of the tropical Eastern Pacific. Journal of Fish Biology 93:850-859.

[28] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Moreno X., Robertson D.R. (2018) Risks to eastern Pacific marine ecosystems from sea-cage mariculture of alien Cobia. Management of Biological Invasions 9:323-327.

[27] Mejía-Renteria J.C., Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Cantera-Kintz J.R., Hamiton S.E. (2018) A comparison of Colombian Pacific mangrove extent estimations: implications for the conservation of a unique Neotropical tidal forest. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 212:233-240.

[26] Hamilton S.E., Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Millones M., Chen M. (2018). Remote Sensing of Mangrove Forests: Current Techniques and Existing Databases. In Makowski, C., & Finkl, C. W. (Eds.), Threats to Mangrove Forests: Hazards, Vulnerability and Management. Coastal Research Library (CRL) Vol 25, ISBN 9783319730165, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland.

[25] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Chong C., Baos R., Zapata L.A., Tompkins P., Graham R., Craig M. (2018) Using landing statistics and fisher’s traditional ecological knowledge to assess Pacific goliath grouper conservation threats in Colombia. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 28:305-314.

[24] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Cantera J., Valencia N., Giraldo S., Peña E., Kluger L., Wolff M (2017) Modeling trophic flows in the wettest mangroves of the world: the case of Bahía Málaga in the Colombian Pacific coast. Hydrobiologia 803: 13-27.

[23] Lee S.Y., Jones E.B.G., Diele K., Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Nordhaus I. (2017). Chapter 3: Biodiversity. In: Rivera-Monroy V, Lee SY, Kristensen E, Twilley RR (Eds). Mangrove Ecosystems: A Global Biogeographic Perspective; Structure, Function and Services. Springer.

[22] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Kluger L.C., Tompkins P. (2017) Panama’s impotent mangrove laws. Science 355(6328): 918-919.

[21] Ramírez-Martínez G.A., Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Krumme U. (2016) Tidal and Diel Patterns in Abundance and Feeding of a Marine-Estuarine-Dependent Fish from Macrotidal Mangrove Creeks in the Tropical Eastern Pacific (Colombia). Estuaries and Coasts 39: 1249-1261.

[20] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Baos R., Zapata L.A. (2016) Mariculture-induced introduction of cobia Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus, 1766), a large predatory fish, in the Tropical Eastern Pacific. BioInvasions Records 5: 55-58.

[19] Baos R., Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Chong C, Tompkins P, Zapata L.A. (2016) Length-weight relationship of the Pacific Goliath Grouper, Epinephelus quinquefasciatus (Bocourt, 1868). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 32: 727-728.

[18] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Krumme U. (2015) Tides, salinity and biogeography affect fish assemblage structure and function in macrotidal mangroves of the Neotropics. Ecosystems 18: 1165-1178.

[17] Hutchison J., et al. (incl. Castellanos-Galindo G.A.) (2015) Building an Expert-Judgment-Based Model of Mangrove Fisheries. American Fisheries Society Symposium 83: 17-42.

[16] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Cantera J., Saint-Paul U, Ferrol-Schulte D. (2015) Threats to mangrove social-ecological systems in the most luxuriant coastal forests of the Neotropics. Biodiversity and Conservation 24: 701-704.

[15] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Krumme U. (2014) Long-term stability of tidal-related patterns in mangrove creek fish assemblages in North Brazil. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 149: 264-272.

[14] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Giraldo A., Zapata F.A. (2014) Tidepool fish assemblages of Gorgona Island, Colombian Pacific coast: a local and regional comparison. Revista de Biologia Tropical 62: 373-390.

[13] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Krumme U. (2013) Tidal, diel and seasonal effects on intertidal mangrove fish in a megahumid area of the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series 494: 249-265.

[12] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Krumme U. (2013) Mangrove fish assemblages from data-sparse regions and the measurement of ecological equivalence: Comment on Sheaves (2012). Marine Ecology Progress Series 474: 299-302.

[11] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Krumme U., Rubio E.A., Saint-Paul U. (2013) Spatial variability of mangrove fish assemblage composition in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 23: 69-86.

[10] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Sanchez G.C., Beltrán-León B.S., Zapata L.A. (2011) A goby-fry fishery in the northern Colombian Pacific Ocean. Cybium 35(4): 391-395.

[9] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Cantera J.R., Espinosa S., Mejía-Ladino L.M. (2011) Use of local ecological knowledge, scientist’s observations and grey literature to assess marine species at risk in a tropical eastern Pacific estuary. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 21: 37-48.

[8] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Krumme U., Willis T.J. (2010) Tidal influences on fish distributions on tropical eastern Pacific rocky shores (Colombia). Marine Ecology Progress Series 416: 241-254.

[7] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Giraldo A. (2008) Food resource use in a tropical tidepool fish assemblage, Colombia. Marine Biology 153(6): 1023-1035.

[6] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Rodríguez-Moreno M., Escarria E. (2007) Spatial distribution of damselfishes (Pomacentridae) in a coral reef of the Colombian Caribbean. Cespedesia 29 (84-85): 65-76 [In Spanish]

[5] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Rubio E.A. Beltrán-León B., Zapata L.A. & Baldwin C. (2006) Check-List of gadiform, ophiidiform and lophiiform fishes from Colombian waters of the Tropical eastern Pacific. Biota colombiana 7(2): 191-209.

[4] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Rubio E.A., Beltran-Leon B. & Baldwin C. (2006) Check-List of stomiiform, aulopiform and myctophiform fishes from Colombian waters of the Tropical eastern Pacific. Biota colombiana 7(2): 245-262.

[3] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Caicedo-Pantoja J.A., Mejía-Ladino L.M., & Rubio E.A. (2006) Marine and estuarine fishes of Malaga Bay, Valle del Cauca, Colombian Pacific Ocean [In English and Spanish]. Biota colombiana 7(2): 263-282.

[2] Rodriguez J., Ospina R., Berrio M., Cepeda B., Castellanos G., Valencia M. (2006) Daily periodicity of macro-invertebrate drift and organic matter in a Tropical mountain Stream, Nariño, Colombia [In Spanish]. Acta Biológica colombiana 11S: 47-53.

[1] Castellanos-Galindo G.A., Giraldo A. & Rubio E.A. (2005) Community structure of an assemblage of tidepool fishes in a Tropical eastern Pacific rocky shore, Colombia. Journal of Fish Biology 67: 392-408.


Wissenschaftliche Abschlußarbeiten

Castellanos-Galindo GA (2013) The temporal and spatial variability of nursery habitats for fishes in macrotidal mangrove systems of Colombia and Brazil. PhD Dissertation. Bremen University, Bremen, Germany.

Castellanos-Galindo GA (2008) Tides and seascape configuration: determinants of reef fish intertidal migration in the tropical eastern Pacific (Colombia) . Master thesis. Bremen University, Bremen, Germany.

Castellanos-Galindo GA (2004) Spatial and trophic organization of a tidepool fish assemblage, Malaga Bay, tropical eastern Pacific (Colombia) [In Spanish]. Bachelor Thesis. Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.