Alexander V. Hernandez

Alexander V. Hernandez


+49 (0)421 23800 - 0

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Office: Wiener Strasse 7
28359 Bremen
Room: 5204 (2. Etage)


- Paleoecology of marine invertebrates
- Paleoclimate reconstruction
- Museum collections (gray fossil collections)
- Biodiversity dynamics
- Conservation paleobiology


2021 - M.Sc. Geology [Western Washington University, WA, USA]

2014 - B.Sc. Geological Sciences [California State University Long Beach, CA, USA]

Current Project:

Red Sea Paleoenvironmental Evolution under Monsoon fluctuations in the Pleistocene to Holocene (REPLENISH)

The Red Sea, situated within the Saharo-Arabian desert belt, is critical for palaeoclimatic and palaeoanthropological research. However, its marine realm and climate archives remain understudied.

This project aims to investigate:

  • Recording of Pleistocene humidity-aridity phases in marine sediments
  • Impact of these phases on shallow- and deep-water carbonate systems off W Saudi Arabia
  • Identification of unique warm-water (>20°C) high-salinity deep-sea coral assemblages

Expected outcomes will enhance understanding of Pleistocene climate evolution, sea-level changes, and their impact on carbonate development, contributing to future climate predictions.