The Workshop is one of the activities undertaken within the GIZ-funded research project INDUCE - Defining socially-inclusive strategies for conserving fish functional diversity and promoting sustainable blue economy in Senegal. The aim of the workshop is to discuss how aspects of fish ecology (e.g. fish functional diversity) are reflected in the current governance policies of artisanal, small-scale fisheries and how these two dimensions (ecology and governance) can be best integrated to support the economic growth of the maritime sector in a sustainable way.
Topics covered comprise Image credit: Agostino Merico
- Blue economy
- Small scale fishereis
- Fish functional diversity
- Fishery governance
- Habitat diversity
- Climate
The Workshop is structured into presentations of 30 minutes (20 minutes talk plus 10 minutes discussion) and three plenary discussions (one per day) about challenges, solutions, and way forward.
Dates: June 6-8, 2022
Location: African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), Mbour, Senegal
Organisers: Dr. Jailson F. de Moura (ZMT), Dr. Kwabena A. Owusu (AIMS), Prof. Dr. Moustapha Fall (AIMS), Prof. Dr. Agostino Merico (ZMT)
Language of workshop: English
Format: Invited-only workshop
Participating countries: Senegal, Ghana, Germany