Agent-based modeling in fisheries

Managing fisheries is a tricky business. The interplay between individual fisher decision-making, interactions between fishers, biological dynamics, legislation, and market prices, means that fisheries can be described as inherently complex and dynamic human-environment systems. In these types of systems, cascading effects and adaptive traits may negate or even invert intended intervention outcomes. In this talk, Dr. Madsen will present the POSEIDON model of fisheries management. It is a computational agent-based model that allows for the inclusion of adaptive human psychology, fisher heterogeneity, and interactions between the elements mentioned above.

In the talk he presents sanity checks and principled proofs, discuss issues relating to calibration and validation of model components, and point to new work surrounding Indonesia, Pacific tuna, and the integration of a more sophisticated cognitive decision-making component into the model. Finally, he will discuss how POSEIDON can be used as a policy-engine to test and optimise legislative, environmental, and economic interventions to achieve a desired outcome (defined by the user of the model).

Jens Koed Madsen is a Senior Research Fellow School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford and a Fellow at Oxford Martin School and INET. He is also the lab manager of CoHeSyS.

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If you like to listen to the talk on Zoom please contact Professor Martin Zimmer, the organiser of ZMT's Wednesday Lunchtime Talk Series for further details at