31.07.2018 | On September 14, the Leibniz Association will be holding a conference on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals at its Berlin headquarters. ZMT scientists are involved in two panels: “Sustainable food systems from agriculture and aquaculture” (related to SDG2) and “Social inequalities, coastal megacities and environmental crises” (related to SDG 10).
With the launch of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, the world community has set the agenda for tackling the world’s most pressing challenges, including ending poverty and ensuring prosperity for the growing world population while respecting planetary boundaries.
The research community contributes to the agenda by reflecting on the concept of sustainable development and by improving the evidence base of the complex processes and challenges to be addressed and playing a critical role in developing the individual, organizational and institutional capacities globally for working towards SDG fulfilment.
But how do researchers translate grand societal challenges into research agendas? What is the implication for the conduct of research in responsible science to acknowledge the complexity of problems and contributions to societal transformation? How do researchers cooperate across disciplines and how do they engage with civil society and policy sectors to co-create the knowledge required for transformative actions towards sustainable development?
The particular objective of the conference is to present and discuss key findings from basic and application oriented research that are relevant for solutions towards specific SDGs and the nexus between them.
The conference addresses researchers and administrative heads, policy makers, further stakeholders (e.g. NGOs) and citizens and should serve as an opportunity for transdisciplinary exchange.
The conference language will be English. No conference fee will be charged, but the number of participants is limited.
The SDG conference will be flanked by a number of side events such as the Leibniz Environment and Development Symposium (LEADS) 2018 on September 12 and 13.
Panels with ZMT involvement
Social inequalities, coastal megacities and environmental crises
September 14 | 13:00 | Haus der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, Chausseestr. 111, 10115 Berlin
Organised by: Leibniz Research Alliance “Crises in a Globalised World”
Chairs: Anna-Katharina Hornidge (ZMT), Stephan Kroll (HSFK)
Invited Speakers:
Mobilizing from below - How low-caste fishers from Chennai, India, climb the socio-economic ladder | Prof. Dr. Maarten Bavinck, University of Amsterdam & Mare
Politics of Slow Violence along an Urban Shoreline: Meanings, Ambiguities and Contradictions of Coastal Defense in Island Southeast Asia | Dr. Rapti Siriwardane, ZMT
Climate risks in agriculture – Securing rural livelihood with index-based crop insurance | Dr. Lena Kuhn, IAMO
Prospects and challenges for the reduction of social inequalities: Recent experiences from Latin America | PD Dr. Jonas Wolf, HSFK
Sustainable food systems from agriculture and aquaculture
September 14 | 13:00 | Haus der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, Chausseestr. 111, 10115 Berlin
Organised by: Leibniz Research Alliance "Sustainable Food Production and Healthy Nutrition"
Chair: Frank Ewert (ZALF)
Invited Speakers:
Tapping the Potential of Marine Aquaculture for Global Food Provisioning | Holger Kuehnhold and Andreas Kunzmann
more to be announced….
Information on the conference, the programme, keynote speakers and more: https://www.leibniz-gemeinschaft.de/ueber-uns/veranstaltungen/leibniz-conference-on-sustainable-development-goals/
Register for free at: https://www.leibniz-gemeinschaft.de/ueber-uns/veranstaltungen/leibniz-conference-on-sustainable-development-goals/registration/