Dear Ocean Lovers,
Karen Wiltshire from the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research and myself (Tim Jennerjahn) are co-chairing the UN Ocean Decade Lab "A Healthy and Resilient Ocean", 9-11 March 2022
We'd like to invite you to make a contribution to the core event, which will be live all over the world on 9th March 2022. As part of the programme, we are planning to make a "collage" of short 10-15 second videos from people around the world to get their view on the topic.
You can contribute a video yourself, but we also encourage you to spread this invitation in your professional and private networks. We'd like to include everyone's opinion. So, also ask your stakeholders, your children, your relatives etc. All videos will be deposited on the event platform and can be seen by everybody in the world.
How can I participate?
1) You can record a statement yourself or get any of your colleagues/students/relatives etc. to film you on their mobile phone in landscape format. Here are some questions to guide you
- "What is your vision of a healthy ocean?"
- "Do you think the ocean is healthy and why?"
- "Why is ocean resilience important do you think"
- "Do you think humans are enough concerned about ocean health?"
2) Please start the video by repeating the question a bit (so “I think the ocean where I live is healthy because……”) so people can understand where you are coming from.
3) The videos can be in English, but we will also have subtitles for people talking in German, French, Spanish. If you want to provide one video in your native tongue and one in English - go for it!! Please keep it short.
4) We would like to show who you are. Therefore, please use a file name that includes your name, your country and your job/function (e.g. scientist, student, manager, bus driver, nurse, accountant, barkeeper, grandma, pupil etc.).
5) You can either upload the videos directly to this folder (
or send them via email to
Best wishes,
Tim Jennerjahn & Karen Wiltshire
Twitter: @JennerjahnTim