18/10/2021 | During the month of September, our seagrass education team in the TICAS (Tackling Environmental Change Issues of China’s Coastal Aquatic Systems) project came together once again and gave several lectures on seagrass and other important coastal ecosystems for more than 100 pupils from two primary schools in Hainan. A local artist meanwhile captured the fragility and enchantment of seagrass in colored pencil drawings. The seagrass education team has already compiled a seagrass education handbook and other materials which aim to provide educators with information on basic knowledge of seagrasses and relevant education activities. It can be downloaded on the project website: http://ecoloc.leibniz-zmt.de/?page_id=517
Teaching about seagrass at primary school Squirrel School.

Photos: Hainan Squirrel School
About TICAS:
The TICAS project is coordinated by Dr. Tim Jennerjahn and Dr. Jialin Zhang, with support from the Office for Knowledge Exchange (OKE) at ZMT. It is jointly funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Ministry of Natural Resources of China. It aims to produce and disseminate knowledge that contributes to solving environmental issues of Chinese coastal ecosystems and to enhance the connectivity between scientists and non-scientific stakeholders.
Various knowledge exchange activities including (i) co-designing a seagrass conservation project, (ii) seagrass citizen science monitoring, (iii) compiling a policy brief and fact sheets, (iv) public education events, and (v) aquaculture wastewater treatment technology training workshops, have been conducted during the past three years to facilitate the transfer of scientific knowledge to stakeholders, and to request their feedback in order to identify environmental problems and further research needs. More information can be found on the project website: http://ecoloc.leibniz-zmt.de/