18.10.17 | Dr. Sonia Bejarano is heading the new workgroup Reef Systems at the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT). The workgroup has started its consolidation phase in mid-October. As it develops, it will contribute to the mission of the ZMT and the Leibniz Association by conducting scientific research that addresses the most pressing threats faced by tropical coral reefs. The workgroup’s research aims to rise to the challenge of sustaining coral reef integrity, biodiversity, and functioning with themes within the Reef Systems workgroup including:
1. The impacts of major environmental and anthropogenic pressures on reef organisms, species assemblages, ecosystem functions, and fluxes between reefs and adjacent ecosystems.
2. The influence of species’ morphology, behaviour, and life history on their ecosystem role and vulnerability to different stressors.
3. Spatial and temporal patterns of coral reef vulnerability, resilience, and adaptability, and their drivers.
4. Effectiveness of different management instruments in preserving coral reef biodiversity and function, as well as ecosystem services and human wellbeing.
5. Rates of change and large scale spatial patterns of different facets of biodiversity of coral reefs.
6. Human-reef system interactions that strengthen or weaken the sustainability of socioecological systems.
If you are interested in becoming involved as a Master’s student, applying for a PhD position that can be funded through a scholarship, or engaging in a post-doctoral project funded through a fellowship, and your research interests align with the thematic focus of the group, please contact the workgroup leader
To find out more about the workgroup Reef Systems please see the workgroup webpage.

Dr. Sonia Bejarano
+49 (0)421 23800 - 51This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.