5.5.17 | ZMT recently held a cross-sectoral stakeholder workshop in Penang (Malaysia), within the context of its interdisciplinary BAKAU project on urban mangroves. This project investigates the current and past status of mangrove sites across urban and peri-urban areas in terms of their aerial extent, biodiversity, and provision of resources while linking these to diverse value-systems among local communities.
Entitled “Mangrove Futures in Penang: Bridging Science, Policy & Perspectives” the event was attended by 33 invited participants comprising state-level decision-makers such as city councilors and policy experts, scientists, private-sector spokespersons from real estate development and tourism, together with local representatives from civil society organizations entailing NGOs, fisheries associations, film and media.
The workshop was conducted by Dr. Inga Nordhaus and Dr. Rapti Siriwardane and supported by Dr. Lucy Gwen Gillis from ZMT. The event was co-organised and hosted by the core institutional partner Dr. Chee Su Yin from CEMACS*, and took place at Universti Sains Malaysia.
Adopting a Participatory Learning and Action format, the workshop focused on identifying key policy-science-public visions, challenges and solutions with regard to the conservation and sustainable use of Penang’s urban and peri-urban mangrove ecosystems, in the face of rapid coastal transformation.
*CEMACS : Center for Marine and Coastal Studies, Penang

Dr. Inga Nordhaus