Prof. Dr. Raimund Bleischwitz ist Nachhaltigkeitsforscher und Experte für Kreislaufwirtschaft am ZMT | Foto: Jan Meier, ZMT
Prof. Dr. Raimund Bleischwitz ist Nachhaltigkeitsforscher und Experte für Kreislaufwirtschaft am ZMT | Foto: Jan Meier, ZMT

08/05/2023 | Solutions for resource efficiency in industry are the focus of the final event of "r+Impuls", a funding measure of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). At the two-day event (8 and 9 May) in Berlin, newly developed solutions for resource efficiency in industry and the people behind them will be presented.

As an expert on circular economy, Raimund Bleischwitz, ZMT scientific director, will introduce the topic of the event today (8 May, 13:45) and give a one-hour keynote on "Necessities and opportunities for increasing industrial resource efficiency." In the following panel discussion (16:00), Prof. Bleischwitz will exchange views with representatives from some of the projects funded within "r+Impuls". The topic of the pnael discussion is "Turning the tide - opportunities or obstacles for more resource efficiency?"

About the final conference "r+Impuls - results and impulses for industrial resource efficiency".

The demand for raw materials is increasing worldwide, which poses challenges for environmental protection and geopolitics alike. In order to reduce the demand for raw materials, Germany is changing its linear economy in the direction of an efficient, resource-conserving circular economy. This also plays a major role in climate protection.

For a successful transformation towards a circular economy within the required tight timeframe, ideas for restructuring the economy must quickly lead to innovations that reach the market. This is precisely where the Federal Ministry of Education and Research came in with its "r+Impuls" funding measure. In the period from 2016 to 2023, science and industry worked together on 26 research projects. Around 65 million euros were invested in them, more than half of which came from industry's own funds.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI has scientifically accompanied the "r+Impuls" funding measure together with the Technical University of Munich and will present the effects of "r+Impuls" on sustainability and resource efficiency in Berlin.

Further information (incl. programme):