29.6.16 | Prof. Dr. Hildegard Westphal, Director of the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), has been appointed as a new member to the university council of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB).
The geologist is one of two new members to join the board. Dr. Ricarda Brandts, President of the Constitutional Court and the Higher Administrative Court of North Rhine-Westphalia, has also been appointed to the RUB’s University Council.
Following a change in legislation university councils in North Rhine-Westphalia now have to comprise seven members; the two new appointments were made in June.
The members of the RUB’s University Council are appointed for five years and have far-reaching powers. The University Council plays a direct strategic role in determining the future development of the university and is responsible for supervising the operative business carried out by the university management.
More information at:

Prof. Dr. Hildegard Westphal
+49 421 23800 - 20This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.