4.2.16 | Twenty-five years ago the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research was founded (ZMT) in Bremen. On the occasion of its anniversary the institute starts a new German-language lecture series on February 6 at Bremen’s Haus der Wissenschaft.
The ZMT is the only institute in Germany with a focus on researching coastal ecosystems in the tropics, their resources and use. In close cooperation with partners, ZMT scientists work where coastal ecosystems are undergoing change and their fragile balance is threatened. Nowadays the ZMT is present in almost all tropical regions: North Eastern Brazil, Senegal, Zanzibar, Southern China, Indonesia or the islands of the Pacific are only some of the regions ZMT researcher are working in.
Tropical coastal ecosystems such as mangroves, coral reefs or seagrass beds are among the most productive habitats on the planet and are of great economic and ecological importance. Increasing urbanization, unsparing use of natural resources and global climate change have dramatic effects on coastal ecosystems. Natural and social scientists at the ZMT are investigating key issues that are at the same time major challenges in coastal regions: overfishing, overuse, ocean acidification, biodiversity loss, pollution, climate changes and the interactions between humans and the ecosystems.
The institute was founded in 1991 as the Center for Tropical Marine Ecology in Bremen filling a gap in German marine sciences. At the time there was a need for marine researchers with comprehensive knowledge of the tropics in order to create a scientific basis for the protection and sustainable use of tropical coastal ecosystems. Seven years ago the ZMT became a member of the renowned Leibniz association and was then called Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology.
The ZMT marks the start of its 25th anniversary with a series of inspiring talks introducing the variety of its research. The 30-minute talks take place on Saturdays at 11 am as part of the series “Wissen um 11” at the Haus der Wissenschaft.
Members of the public and media representatives are cordially invited. Questions and discussions after the talk are very welcome.
Admission is free!
ZMT lecture series „25 years of tropical marine research“ at Haus der Wissenschaft
Everything in flow: How groundwater can contribute to the pollution of oceans
Dr. Nils Moosdorf, hydrogeologist, ZMT
Can payments for ecosystem services prevent the destruction of tropical landscapes?
Prof. Dr. Achim Schlüter, social scientist, ZMT
Mangroves: When trees are drowning
Prof. Dr. Martin Zimmer, mangrove ecologist, ZMT
Sea cucumbers, sharks and more: about the apparent and non-apparent use of tropical sea creatures
Dr. Annette Breckwoldt, marine biologist and social scientist, ZMT
Pristine paradise: Is Galapagos an intelligent model for sustainable development?
Prof. Dr. Matthias Wolff, fisheries biologist, ZMT
69 year, 1 month and 21 days: atoll islands on the move
Dr. Thomas Mann, geologist, ZMT
Coral and the global carbon cycle: Do they absorb or release CO2?
Dr. Sönke Hohn, biogeochemist and theoretical ecologist, ZMT
Out of the ivory tower: The social responsibility of research
Dr. iur. Bevis Fedder, marine biologist, ZMT
Small but packimg a punch: What role do bacteria play in the coral reef ?
Dr. Astrid Gärdes, microbiologist, ZMT
White Christmas below water: The third global coral bleaching and its effects
Dr. Sebastian Ferse, reef ecologist, ZMT