ZMT attends "Our Ocean" conference in Malta
05/10/2017 |
Call for Papers: Leibniz Environment and Development Symposium (LEADS) 2018
05/10/2017 |
Thai delegation including representatives from the Ministry for Natural Resources and Environment at ZMT
01/10/2017 |
Winter School "Exploring Complex Systems Using Computational Tools" in Senegal
28/09/2017 |
ZMT geoscientist Nils Moosdorf honoured with Hermann Credner Prize
27/09/2017 |
MoU extended: Mauretanian delegation visits ZMT
22/09/2017 |
IUCN-SCC Mangrove Symposium 2017 at ZMT
15/09/2017 |
“CAMPUS AWARD: Research for a sustainable future - nominations open until November 30, 2018
13/09/2017 |
Book presentation and reading: »Klüger nutzen, besser schützen«
12/09/2017 |
Literature meets Marine Research
11/09/2017 |
Fascinating sharks: New photo exhibition at Haus der Wissenschaft
07/09/2017 |
Fishermen and researchers unite for sustainability
02/09/2017 |
ZMT at BMBF's Open House
29/08/2017 |
ARTE report: Drones in the service of science
29/08/2017 |
See-through stones − a visit to the Thin Section Lab
04/08/2017 |
ZMT's reef simulation to mesmerize visitors at Meeresmuseum Stralsund
18/07/2017 |
Symposium on Reef Research at ZMT on August 7
17/07/2017 |
Fresh water springs in oceans: A hidden water resource
06/07/2017 |
KDM anchors new strategy group »Marine Social Sciences and Humanities«
03/07/2017 |
New book examines implementation of Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines
30/06/2017 |