ZMT’s third regional alumni conference will take place from April 23 to 27 2018 – this time the location is Bandung, Indonesia. Participants from India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Vietnam, the Philippines, China, New Zealand and several Indonesian islands are currently making their way to the city on Java for a reunion and exchange of experiences within the alumni network.
The aim of the conference, organised jointly with Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD), is to discuss the topic "Marine Biodiversity in future life: threats, ecosystem services, and future connectivity" from various perspectives.
Prof. Widi Agoes Pratikto, PhD, Executive Director of the Coral Triangle Initiative, will be a guest speaker.
During the workshop and discussion events, the alumni not only have the opportunity to meet colleagues and companions, but also to share their knowledge and present new research approaches. In addition, a working line for cooperation in the alumni network is to be established.
An essential part of the network are the Alumni Ambassadors, who are planning to further develop joint activities and sustainably expand relations with the ZMT and German institutions.
After the conference, participants can take part in a two-day laboratory course on "Genetic Barcoding" offered jointly by Dr. Achim Meyer (ZMT) and Alumnus Dr Hawis Madduppa (IPB Bogor).
The conference is the third regional ZMT alumni conference in the tropical region, after a conference in Stone Town (Zanzibar) in 2016 and 2017 in Santa Marta (Colombia) with the Universidad del Magdalena.
The conference was supported by funding of the DAAD.
First ZMT alumni conference at the Universitas Padjadjaran, UNPAD in Bandung, Indonesia