CAPTURE Colloquium

From November 1 to 2 2018, the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) will be holding a colloquium addressing the current research on tropical coral reefs and their much needed protection. The two- day event will take place in Bremen at the Haus der Wissenschaft. The colloquium is in English. There is no charge to take part in the event. You can register below until October, 15 2018. Please be aware that spaces are limited and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.


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Around 30% of the world's reefs are considered to be already  severely damaged by human activity, and climate models predict a regular bleaching of nearly 90% of all reefs by the middle of the century.  As a contribution to the 3rd International Year of the Reef, the CAPTURE colloquium will bring together renowned coral reef scientists from around the world to


  1. highlight how and why the degradation and protection of tropical coral reefs concerns non tropical nations in Europe and around the world, and
  2. identify novel proactive avenues that scientists, practitioners, and governments should take in response to the rapidly-evolving coral reef crisis,
  3. examine if and how these approaches could lead to the extended lifetime of coral reef’s integrity, biodiversity, and ecosystem services.


These scientific goals will be linked to awareness-raising activities supported by top-quality photography, videography, 360-degree filmmaking, and virtual reality.

Ultimately, this international workshop aims to respond to the declaration of 2018 as the International Year of the Reef, and focuses on the 'International Coral Reef Initiative's call to strengthen global awareness on the value and threats to coral reefs and to promote partnerships among governments, private sector, academia and civil society.