Biodiversity Monitoring with Nanopores


Introduction by Achim Meyer (ZMT).

Within this 10-15min introduction the technical basis of ONT (Oxford Nanopore Technology) high throughput sequencing is explained together with a discussion on error rates, sequencing costs and bioinformatic solutions for species identification on site. I give examples how PA5 uses this technology for capacity building in the global south.

Application by Yassine Kasmi (Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology)

Within this 20-30 min presentation of applied research (ongoing PhD project) from the Thünen Institute, Yassine Kasmi is focussing on a comparison of two high throughput sequencing technologies: ONT is compared with Illumina sequencing for the analysis of eDNA extracted from seawater collected in North and Baltic Seas as well as 16S for Mock communities (bacterial samples). The discussion also addresses the eDNA analysis limitation, such as sequencing errors and artifact species, with a note on the importance of reference databases such as the Mare-MAGE for fish. The comparison includes a discussion on long-read versus short-read sequencing in eDNA studies.

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