Stefan Partelow

Dr. Stefan Partelow

Postdoctoral Researcher

+49 (0)421 23800 - 148

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Office: Fahrenheitstr. 8
28359 Bremen
Room: 3103 (1st floor)

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Curriculum Vitae: Dr. Stefan Partelow

Research interests

Identity: Environmental social science, Political science, Sustainability science
Concepts: Social-ecological systems, SES framework, commons, collective action, governance, privatization, deliberation, co-management
Data collection: Interviews, ethnographic observation, focus group discussions, systematic literature review, data mining
Data analysis: Qualitative data analysis, content analysis, MaxQDA, R, network analysis, Gephi, descriptive statistics
Topics: small-scale fisheries, aquaculture, coastal tourism, science studies, oceans, coastal systems

Personal Data

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Peer-reviewed journal publications

Partelow, S; Hornidge, A-K; Senff, P; Stäbler, M; Schlüter, A. 2020. Tropical marine sciences: Knowledge production in a web of path dependencies. PLOS One. 15(2): e0228613.

Partelow, S; Abson, D; Schlüter, A; von Wehrden, H; Fernandez-Gimenez, M; Collier, N. 2019. Privatizing the commons: New approaches need broader evaluative criteria for sustainability. International Journal of the Commons.

Chavez, I; Partelow, S; Schlüter, A. Do responsible fishing areas work? Comparing collective action challenges in three small-scale fisheries in Costa Rica. 2019. International Journal of the Commons.

Nelson, K; Partelow, S; Schlüter, A; Vance, C. 2019. Extending the scope of marine park user fees to terrestrial conservation across coupled land-sea ecosystem boundaries. Journal of Environmental Management.

Partelow, S; Fujitani, M; Soundararajan, V; Schlüter, S. 2019. Transforming a social-ecological systems framework into a participatory management and stakeholder deliberation tool. Ecology and Society.

Partelow, S. 2018. A review of the social-ecological systems (SES) framework: Applications, methods, modifications and challenges. Ecology & Society 23(4):36.

Partelow, S; Solano, S; Glaser, M; Schlüter, A. 2018. Mangroves, fishers and the struggle for adaptive co-management: Applying the social-ecological systems framework to a Marine Extractive Reserve (RESEX) in Brazil. Ecology & Society.

Partelow, S; Nelson, K. 2018. Social networks, collective action and the evolution of governance for sustainable tourism on the Gili Islands, Indonesia. Marine Policy.

Senff, P; Partelow, S; Indriana, L; Buhari, N; Kunzmann, A. 2018. Improving Pond Aquaculture Production on Lombok, Indonesia. Aquaculture.

Partelow, S; Senff, P; Schlüter, A; Buhari, N. 2018. Operationalizing the social-ecological systems framework to pond aquaculture. International Journal of the Commons (12) 1. 485-518.

Partelow, S; Schlüter, A; von Wehrden, H; Janig, M; Senff, S. 2017. A sustainability agenda for tropical marine science. Conservation Letters.

Partelow, S; Winkler, K.J. 2016. Interlinking ecosystem services and Ostrom’s framework through orientation in sustainability research. Ecology & Society (21).

Partelow, S. 2016. Coevolving Ostrom’s social–ecological systems (SES) framework and sustainability science: four key co-benefits. Sustainability Science (11), 399–410. doi:10.1007/s11625-015-0351-3

Partelow, S; Boda, C. 2015. A modified diagnostic social-ecological system framework for lobster fisheries: Case implementation and sustainability assessment in Southern California. Ocean & Coastal Management. 114, 204–217. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2015.06.022

Partelow, S; von Wehrden, H; Horn, O. 2015. Pollution exposure on marine protected areas: A global assessment. Marine Pollution Bulletin. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.08.026

Partelow, S. 2015. Key steps for operationalizing social–ecological system framework research in small-scale fisheries: A heuristic conceptual approach. Marine Policy (51) 507–511. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2014.09.005

 Luederitz, C., Brink, E., Gralla, F., Hermelingermeier, V., Meyer, M., Niven, L., Panzer, L., Partelow, S., Rau, A.-L., Sasaki, R., Abson, D.J., Lang, D.J., Wamsler, C., von Wehrden, H. 2015. A review of urban ecosystem services: six key challenges for future research. Ecosystem Services (14) 98–112. doi:10.1016/S0921-8009(99)00013-0

Book chapters | Editorials | Book reviews

Book review of Private Oceans: The Enclosure and Marketisation of the Seas (In-press), By Fiona McCormack, London, Pluto Press, 2017, 184 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7453-9910-2. Published in Journal of Maritime Research (forthcoming 2020).

Partelow, S. Analyzing natural resource governance with the social-ecological systems framework. 2020. (Book chapter 4 in Governing renewable natural resources: Theories and frameworks, Routledge, Editor: Fiona Nunan)

Schlüter, A. Partelow, S. Torres, LE. Jennerjahn, T. 2019. Coastal commons as social-ecological systems. (Book chapter in The Commons Handbook, Routledge, Editors: Hudson, B; Cole, D; Rosenbloom, J.)

Schlüter, A; Partelow, S; Fujitani, M. 2018. Coastal Systems in Transition: From a 'natural' to an 'anthropogenically-modified' state. Ocean and Coastal Management (Editorial to special issue). 162. 1-5. 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2018.05.001


Ph.D. 2018          Partelow, S. Finding sustainability: Advancing multiple methods to apply the social-ecological systems framework. Jacobs University. Bremen, Germany.

M.Sc. 2014          Partelow, S. Assessing sustainability in lobster fisheries as social-ecological systems: A framework and research protocol. Lund University. Lund, Sweden.