Personal Data
- FuRI: Future trajectories of coral reef islands – Integrating sediment budgets and reef island models
- ChagosSand: Characterization of carbonate sediments across the remote Chagos Archipelago
- RedSeaForams: Spatial and temporal variations of the foraminiferal community and their associated symbionts in the northern Red Sea
- COrALesilience: Multi-level assessment of the resistance to and recovery from bleaching in different Red Sea corals
- Effects of ocean acidification and warming on photosymbiotic reef-calcifier
More information
National Geographic Februar 2023, Jg. 25, Nr. 2: Marine Müllspeicher – Meerestierchen bauen Plastik in ihre Gehäuse ein
From the news 2022: Plastic in foraminifera and possible consequences for the environment
National Geographic 2022: Hoffnung für Korallenriffe: Überraschend schnelle Erholung nach Korallenbleiche
From the news 2022: Remote reefs in the Indian Ocean recover quickly after coral bleaching
GEO online 2022: Studie lässt hoffen: Geschützte Korallenriffe erholen sich schnell
Research in short 2022: Can ecosystem design secure the services of coral reefs?
From the news 2021: Little powerhouses: How reef organisms can withstand the effects of climate change
From the news 2019: Early rise of animals questioned by new discovery on sponge biomarkers
From the news 2018: Proteomics provides new insights into reaction of reef organisms to environmental stress
From the news 2016: Expedition to Israel and Universe in Microcosm
Finished PhD-project
(Reverse) Proteomics as novel tool for biodiversity research
Peer-reviewed journals
Schmidt C, Puerto Rueda DN, Nusser M, Oakley CA, Pochon X, Stuhr M, Raposo DS, Davy SK (accepted) A novel menthol-DCMU bleaching method for foraminifera: Generating aposymbiotic hosts for symbiosis research; accepted for publication in Symbiosis; preprint:
29) Estradivari, Pratama AMA, Syafruddin G, Lestari Kanna P, Stuhr M, Torres AF, Munawwarah, Ramos DA, Ambo-Rapp R, Bejarano S, Puebla O, Wild C, Ferse SCA (2025) Coastal urbanization-related stressors affect fish herbivory in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia; Frontiers in Marine Sciences 12, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2025.1359139
28) Stuhr M, Westphal H, Marchese F, Mateu Vicens G, Giovenzana F, Lüdmann T, Vahrenkamp V, Taviani M (2025) Seagrass-rafted large benthic foraminifera transported into the deep Red Sea; Scientific Reports, 15:5724,
27) Farag MA, Saied DB, Afifi S, Kunzmann A, Wessjohann LA, Westphal H, Kühnhold H, Stuhr M (2024) Metabolic responses of sea anemone and jellyfish to temperature and UV bleaching: Insights into stress daptation using LCMS-based metabolomics, molecular networking and chemometrics; Journal of Advanced Research,
26) Farag MA, Baky MH, Kühnhold H, Kriege E, Kunzmann A, Alseekh S, Ezz S, Fernie AR, Westphal H, Stuhr M (2024) Effects of thermal and UV stress on the polar and nonpolar metabolome of photosymbiotic jellyfish and sea anemones; Marine Pollution Bulletin,
25) Kappelmann Y, Sengupta M, Mann T, Stuhr M, Kneer D, Jompa J, Westphal H (2024) Island accretion within a degraded reef ecosystem suggests adaptability to ecological transitions; Sedimentary Geology,
24) Khalil M, Stuhr M, Kunzmann A, Westphal H (2024) Simultaneous ocean acidification and warming do not alter the lipid-associated biochemistry but induce enzyme activities in an asterinid starfish; Science of the Total Environment,
23) Harris JL, Embling CB, Alexander G, Curnick D, Roche R, Froman N, Stuhr M, Fileman ES, Hilbourne S, Carter R, Murray A, Savage J, Stevens GMW (2023) Intraspecific differences in short- and long-term foraging strategies of reef manta ray (Mobula alfredi) in the Chagos Archipelago; Global Ecology and Conservation, 46:e02636,
22) Khalil M, Doo SS, Stuhr M, Westphal H (2023) Long-term physiological responses to combined ocean acidification and warming show energetic tradeoffs in asterinid starfish; Coral Reefs, 42:845-858,
21a) Perry CT, Lange ID, Stuhr M (2023) Quantifying reef-derived sediment generation: introducing the SedBudget methodology to support tropical coastline and island vulnerability studies; Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, 1:e26,
21b) Perry CT, Lange ID, Stuhr M, de Bakker DM (2022) SedBudget: Indian Ocean field data collection protocol (Version 1; Jan 2023);
20) Joppien M, Westphal H, Chandra V, Stuhr M, Doo SS (2022) Nanoplastic incorporation into an organismal skeleton; Scientific Reports, 12:14771,
19) Khalil M, Doo SS, Stuhr M, Westphal H (2022) Ocean warming amplifies the effects of ocean acidification on skeletal mineralogy and microstructure in the asterinid starfish Aquilonastra yairi; Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(8):1065,
18) Börner N, Jochum KP, Stuhr M, Plessen B, Frenzel P, Zhu L, Schwalb A (2022) Late Quaternary changes in moisture availability and weathering on the central Tibetan Plateau indicated by chemical signatures of ostracod shells; Frontiers in Earth Science, 10:826143, doi:10.3389/feart.2022.826143
17) Stuhr M, Blank-Landeshammer B, Meyer A, Baumeister V, Rahnenführer J, Sickmann A, Westphal H (2022) Proteome-based clustering approaches reveal phylogenetic insights into Amphistegina; Journal of Earth Science, 33:1469-1479,
16) Lange ID, Perry CT, Stuhr M (2022) Recovery trends of reef carbonate budgets at remote coral atolls 6 years post-bleaching years post-bleaching; Limnology and Oceanography, 68(S1):S8-S22,
15) Joppien M, Westphal H, Stuhr M, Doo S (2022) Microplastics alter feeding strategies of a coral reef organism; Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 7(2):131-139,
14) Westphal H, Murphy G, Doo SS, Mann T, Petrovic A, Schmidt C, Stuhr M (2022) Ecosystem design as an avenue for improving services provided by marine carbonate producing ecosystems; PeerJ, 10:e12785,
13) Narayan GR, Reymond CE, Stuhr M, Doo S, Schmidt C, Mann T, Westphal H (2022) Response of large benthic foraminifera to climate and local changes: Implications for future carbonate production; Sedimentology, 69:121-161, doi: 10.1111/sed.12858
12) Mann T, Wizemann A, Stuhr M, Kappelmann Y, Janßen A, Jompa J, Westphal H (2022) Early carbonate diagenesis in segments of the calcifying green alga Halimeda; Sedimentology, 69:282-300, doi: 10.1111/sed.12927
11) Helber S, Winters G, Stuhr M, Belshe EF, Bröhl S, Schmid M, Reuter H, Teichberg M (2021) Nutrient history affects the response and resilience of the tropical seagrass Halophila stipulacea to further enrichment in its native habitat; Frontiers in Plant Science, 12:678341
10) Fricke A, Nguyen XV, Stuhr M, Hoang TD, Dao VH, Tran MD, Pham TS, Le HC, Le MH, Pham QL, Schmid M, Kunzmann A, Gärdes A, von Hagen J, Teichberg M (2021) Subtidal macrophyte diversity and potentials in Nha Trang Bay - baseline data for monitoring a rising natural resource; Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 259:107460
9) Prazeres M, Roberts TE, Ramadhani SF, Doo SS, Schmidt C, Stuhr M, Renema W (2021) Diversity and flexibility of algal symbiont community in globally distributed larger benthic foraminifera of the genus Amphistegina; BMC Microbiology, 21:243,
8) Stuhr M, Cameron LP, Blank-Landeshammer B, Reymond CE, Doo SS, Westphal H, Sickmann A, Ries JB (2021) Divergent proteomic responses offer insights into resistant physiological responses of a reef-foraminifera to climate change scenarios; Oceans 2(2), 281-314,
7) Prazeres M, Morard R, Roberts TE, Doo SS, Jompa J, Schmidt C, Stuhr M, Renema W, Kucera M (2020) High dispersal capacity and biogeographic breaks shape the genetic diversity of a globally-distributed reef-dwelling calcifier; Ecology and Evolution, 10(12):5976-5989,
6) Hallmann C, Nettersheim BJ, Brocks JJ, Schwelm A, Hope JM, Not F, Lomas M, Schmidt C, Schiebel R, Nowack ECM, De Deckker P, Pawlowski J, Bowser SS, Bobrovskiy I, Zonneveld K, Kucera M, Stuhr M (2019) Reply to “Sources of C30 steroid biomarkers in Neoproterozoic-Cambrian rocks and oils”; Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4:37-39,
5) Nettersheim BJ, Brocks JJ, Schwelm, A, Hope JM, Not F, Lomas M, Schmidt C, Schiebel R, Nowack ECM, De Decker P, Pawlowski J, Bowser SS, Bobrovskiy I, Zonneveld K, Kucera M, Stuhr M, Hallmann C (2019) Putative sponge biomarkers in unicellular Rhizaria question an early rise of animals; Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3:577-581
4) Stuhr M, Meyer A, Reymond CE, Narayan GR, Rieder V, Rahnenführer J, Kucera M, Westphal H, Muhando CA, Hallock P (2018) Variable thermal stress tolerance of the reef-associated symbiont-bearing foraminifera Amphistegina linked to differences in symbiont type; Coral Reefs, 37(3):811-824
3) Stuhr M, Blank-Landeshammer B, Reymond CE, Kollipara L, Sickmann A, Kucera M, Westphal H (2018) Disentangling thermal stress responses in a reef-calcifier and its photosymbionts by shotgun proteomics; Scientific Reports, 8:3524
2) Stuhr M, Reyond CE, Rieder V, Hallock P, Rahnenführer J, Westphal H, Kucera M (2017) Reef calcifiers are adapted to episodic heat stress but vulnerable to sustained warming; PLoS One, 12(7):e0179753
1) Rieder V, Blank-Landeshammer B, Stuhr M, Schell T, Biß K, Kollipara L, Meyer A, Pfenninger M, Westphal H, Sickmann A, Rahnenführer J (2017) DISMS2: A flexible algorithm for direct proteome-wide distance calculation of LC-MS/MS runs; BMC Bioinformatics, 18:148
Conference contributions
Taviani M, Westphal H, Stuhr M, Marchese F, Vahrenkamp V, Giovenzana F, Fuchs L, Castellan G, Petrovic A, Lüdmann T, and the Meteor-193 Scientific Party (2024) Red Sea anoxic brine pools act as taphonomic traps for organic remains; International Meeting of Sedimentology (IAS), 25-27 June, Aberdeen, UK.
Stuhr M, Banc-Prandi G, Cerutti J, Alderdice R, Voolstra C, Fine M (2024) Coral bleaching resistance and recovery in the Gulf of Aqaba: Physiological and transcriptome insights from heat wave experiments; European Coral Reef Symposium (ECRS) 2024, July 2-5, Naples, Italy.
Lange ID, Stuhr M, Rodriguez Fillol J, Perry C (2024) Coral reef growth and sediment production across habitats, atolls and a natural nutrient gradient; ECRS 2024, July 2-5, Naples, Italy.
Puerto Rueda DN, Stuhr M, Schmidt C (2024) Inducing menthol-bleached symbiont switching in Amphistegina lobifera: A novel approach for reef calcifier resilience; ECRS 2024, July 2-5, Naples, Italy.
Stuhr M, Lange ID, Fuchs LTA, Geo Neuhaus A, Perry CT (2024) Foraminiferal perspectives on coral reef health and sedimentary carbonate production in the Chagos Archipelago; TMS-CFFR Foraminifera Spring Meeting 2024, 2-24 May, Cologne, Germany.
Stuhr M, Giovenzana F, Westphal H, Marchese F, Taviani M (2024) Coastal foraminifera dispersion dynamics into deep-sea sediments; TMS-CFFR Foraminifera Spring Meeting 2024, 23 May, Cologne.
Stuhr M, Perry CT, Gea Neuhaus A, Lange Ines D (2023) Effects of climate change on reef communities, carbonate production and sediment systems in the remote Chagos Archipelago; Invited presentation, AGU Fall Meeting 2023, Dec 11-15, San Francisco, CA, USA; doi: 10.22541/au.170869880.05882677/v1.
Kappelmann Y, Sengupta M, Stuhr M, Westphal H, Kneer D, Mann T (2023) A recently degraded reef ecosystem still fosters reef island growth in SE Asia; AGU Fall Meeting 2023, Dec 11-15, San Francisco, USA.
Stuhr M, Banc-Prandi G, Cerutti J, Fine M (2023) Differential responses to heat wave scenarios reveal species-specific physiological resilience in common Red Sea corals; RCUK 2023, Dec 09, Newcastle, UK.
Gea Neuhaus A, Lange ID, Perry CT, Stuhr M (2023) Composition of recent coral reef-derived sediments across the remote Chagos Archipelago; 17th Bathurst Meeting 2023, Sept 5-7, Naples, Italy.
Neumüller K, Basu S, Stuhr M, Schmidt C, de Beer D, Westphal H, Klatt JM (2023) Large benthic foraminifera Amphistegina lobifera as a sink for H2O2 in iron-rich coral reef sediments; 6th International Symposium on Microbial Sulfur Metabolism (ISMSM-6), July 2023, Antwerp, Belgium.
Stuhr M, Gea Neuhaus A, Fuchs LTA, Perry CT, Lange ID (2023) Foraminifera of the remote Chagos Archipelago – Community responses to local and global drivers and their effects on coral reef sediment production; International Symposium on Foraminifera (FORAMS) 2023, June 26-30, Perugia, Italy.
Joppien M, Westphal H, Chandra V, Doo SS, Stuhr M (2023) Plastic particles can be mistaken as a food source and incorporated into benthic foraminifera tests; FORAMS 2023, June 26-30, Perugia, Italy.
Neumüller K, Basu S, Schmidt C, Stuhr M, de Beer D, Westphal H, Klatt JM (2023) Benthic foraminifera as a sink for H2O2 in coral reef sediments from the northern Red Sea; FORAMS 2023, Perugia, Italy.
Puerto D, Stuhr M, Schmidt C (2023) Menthol-induced bleaching of Amphistegina lobifera and investigation on diatom photosymbiont flexibility; FORAMS 2023, June 26-30, Perugia, Italy.
Schmidt C, Puerto Rueda D, Stuhr M, Raposo D, Pochon X, and Davy S (2023) Menthol-induced bleaching as an effective method to rear foraminifera aposymbiotic; FORAMS 2023, June 26-30, Perugia, Italy.
Estradivari, Pratama AMA, Syafruddin G, Kanna PL, Stuhr M, Torres AF, Ramos DA, Ambo-Rappe R, Jompa J, Wild C, Ferse SCA (2023) Urbanized reefs of the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia: Ecological status and potential management strategies; Asia-Pacific Coral Reef Symposium (APCRS), June 2023, Singapore.
Fuchs LTA, Stuhr M, Westphal H (2023) Foraminifera assemblages in the Chagos Archipelago as indicators of environmental changes; International Meeting of Sedimentology, June 2023, Croatia.
Stuhr M, Banc-Prandi G, Cerutti J, Fine M (2023) Physiological signatures of bleaching in thermally resistant corals from the northern Red Sea; DFG Priority Programme "Tropical Climate Variability & Coral Reefs" 1st Topical Meeting, May 30 – June 1 2023, Bremen, Germany.
Stuhr M, Lange ID, Fuchs LTA, Ntim Kleine BW, Gea Neuhaus A, Harris JL, Perry CT (2022) Foraminifera as carbonate sediment producers and bioindicators of coral reef habitat variations over time and space; RCUK 2022, London, UK
Stuhr M, Cameron LP, Reymond CE, Kollipara L, de Beer D, Sickmann A, Westphal H, Ries JB (2022) Coral proteomic responses, calcifying fluid pH and symbiont health give insights into adaptive physiology and calcification under ocean acidification; ICRS 2022, Bremen, Germany.
Love C, Stuhr M, Valentine D, Sivan O, Russak E, Fine M (2022) Measuring coral feeding in a changing ocean: A metabolic framework using fatty acids; ICRS 2022, Bremen, Germany.
Lange ID, Perry CT, Stuhr M (2022) Collapse and early recovery of reef community structure and carbonate production following mass coral bleaching in the Chagos Archipelago; ICRS 2022, Bremen, Germany.
Schmidt C, Stuhr M, Raposo D, Pochon X, Davy S (2022) Menthol-induced bleaching as a tool for rearing aposymbiotic foraminifera for symbiosis investigations; ICRS 2022, Bremen, Germany.
Love C, Stuhr M, Radice V, Fox M, Fine M, Valentine D (2022) Measuring coral trophic plasticity with fatty acids; Association for the Sciences of Limnology & Oceanography (ASLO) Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022 (virtual), Feb 24-Mar 4, Hawai’i, USA.
Lange ID, Perry CT, Stuhr M (2021) Recovery of reef carbonate budgets after a coral bleaching event; Reef Conservation UK 2021, Nov. 27, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Mann T, Wizemann A, Stuhr M, Kappelmann Y, Janßen A, Jompa J, Westphal H (2021) Shallow-marine carbonate cementation in Holocene segments of the calcifying green alga Halimeda; GeoKarlsruhe 2021, Annual Conference of The German Geological Society, Sept. 19-23, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Stuhr M, Cameron L, Blank-Landeshammer B, Reymond CE, Westphal H, Sickmann A, Ries JB (2019) Physiological and proteomics response of photosymbiotic foraminifera to combined ocean acidification and warming confines their resilience potential; IUI Jubilee Symposium, Oct. 23-24, Eilat, Israel.
Stuhr M, Blank-Landeshammer B, Kucera M, Reymond CE, Kollipara L, Sickmann A, Westphal H (2018) Bottom-up approach permits disentangling the proteomics responses of foraminifera and their photosymbionts; Marine ‘omics Workshop, July 16 - 17, Delmenhorst, Germany.
Stuhr M, Meyer A, Reymond CE, Narayan GR, Rieder V, Rahnenführer J, Kucera M, Westphal H, Hallock P (2018) Are variations in thermal stress tolerance of different Amphistegina species linked to differences in symbiont type?; International Symposium on Foraminifera (FORAMS) June 17-22, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Stuhr M, Blank-Landeshammer B, Kollipara L, Reymond CE, Sickmann A, Kucera M, Westphal H (2018) Proteomics allow novel insights into stress responses of foraminifera and their photosymbionts; International Symposium on Foraminifera (FORAMS) June 17-22, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Stuhr M, Blank-Landeshammer B, Reymond CE, Sickmann A, Ries JB, Westphal H (2017) Proteomic response of photosymbiont-bearing foraminifera to global impacts on ocean conditions; 52nd European Marine Biology Symposium, Sept. 25-29, Piran, Slovenia.
Kollipara L, Blank-Landeshammer B, Biß K, Rieder V, Stuhr M, Schell T, Zahedi R, Pfenninger M, Rahnenführer J, Westphal H, Sickmann A (2017) Biodiversity research based on a combinatorial approach comprising proteomics, proteogenomics and MS/MS spectral similarity; Proteomic Forum 2017, Apr. 2-5, Potsdam, Germany.
Stuhr M, Reymond C, Kucera M, Blank-Landeshammer B, Kollipara L, Sickmann A, Westphal H (2016) Understanding the molecular basis for stress response in foraminifera and symbionts by proteomics; Batsheva de Rothschild Workshop – Live foraminifera as a new model system for monitoring and reconstructing marine environments, Sept. 10-16, Eilat, Israel.
Stuhr M, Reymond C, Kucera M, Blank-Landeshammer B, Kollipara L, Rieder V, Rahnenführer J, Sickmann A, Westphal H (2016) Application of MS-based proteomics to study larger benthic foraminifera and their responses to environmental changes; 13th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS), June 19-24, Honolulu, Hawai´i, USA.
Blank-Landeshammer B, Biß K, Kollipara L, Rieder V, Stuhr M, Schell T, Zahedi R, Pfenninger M, Rahnenführer J, Westphal H, Sickmann A (2016) Novel approaches in de novo peptide sequencing and proteogenomics as tools to explore uncharted organisms; 64th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, June 5-9, San Antonio, Texan, USA.
Stuhr M, Reymond C, Kucera M, Westphal H (2015) Acclimatization potential of Amphistegina spp. and their symbionts to long- and short-term thermal stress; GSA 2015 – Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Nov. 1-4, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Stuhr M, Reymond C, Sickmann A, Kucera M, Meyer A, Westphal H (2014) (Reverse) Proteomics as tool for biodiversity research - Applications on Foraminifera; Computational Molecular Analysis Summer School, Sept. 29 - Oct. 3, Wilhelmshaven, Germany.
Stuhr M, Westphal H, Schoenig EM, Wild C (2014) Geobiological assessment of river discharge influences on a coral reef, Gulf of Thailand; GeoFrankfurt 2014 – Earth Systems Dynamics, Sept. 21-24, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Schwalb A, Plessen B, Stuhr M, Wrozyna C, Börner N, Daut G, Doberschütz S, Frenzel P, Haberzettl T, Kasper T, Mäusbacher R, Zhu L (2012) Carbonate isotope evidence for melt water and dry events during the past 26 kyr on the southern Tibetan Plateau; 12th International Paleolimnology Symposium, Oct. 21-24, Glasgow, UK.
Schwalb A, Plessen B, Stuhr M, Wrozyna C, Börner N, Daut G, Doberschütz S, Frenzel P, Haberzettl T, Kasper T, Mäusbacher R, Zhu L (2011) Stable isotope evidence for linkages between monsoon dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau and northern hemisphere climate since the LGM; AGU fall meeting 2011 – American Geophysical Union, Sept. 5-9, San Francisco, California, USA.
Stuhr M, Plessen B, Schwalb A (2011) Lake system response to late Quaternary monsoon dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau: A 23-kyr stable isotope record from Nam Co, Southern Tibet; ILIC 2011 – 5th International Limnogeology Congress, Aug. 31 - Sep. 3, Konstanz, Germany.
Stuhr M (2017) Disentangling the effects of thermal stress on symbiont-bearing coral reef foraminifera – from populations to proteins –; PhD Thesis, Bremen University, 200 pp.
Stuhr M (2013) Geobiological assessment of river discharge influences on a coral reef of Koh Pha Ngan, Gulf of Thailand; Master Thesis, University of Tübingen, 102 pp.
Stuhr M (2011) A 23-kyr stable isotope record from Nam Co, Southern Tibet; Bachelor Thesis, Technical University of Braunschweig, 99 pp.
Other publications
Schmidt C, Puerto Rueda DN, Nusser M, Oakley CA, Pochon X, Stuhr M, Raposo DS, Davy SK (2024) A novel menthol-DCMU bleaching method for foraminifera: Generating aposymbiotic hosts for symbiosis research; bioRxiv 2024.12.09.627035
Wissenschaft fürs Wohnzimmer (2022) Ohne Sand kein Strand – Tropische Küsten, Korallenriffe und Karbonatproduktion im Klimawandel
Stuhr M (2018) A winter’s tale – of coral reef research; Reef Encounter 33(1):62-63