Jan O. Härter

Prof. Dr. Jan O. Härter

Department Head and Work Group Leader, Professor for Climate Phycis (University of Potsdam)

+49 (0)421 23 800 - 811

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Office: Fahrenheitstr. 8
28359 Bremen
Room: 3002 (ground floor)

Curriculum Vitae: Prof. Dr. Jan O. Härter

Research interests

Modeling of Complex Systems, in particular:
- Atmospheric Convection
- Ecological Systems
- Socio-Economic Systems


For publications please refer to Jan O. Haerter's google scholar profile

Research Groups

At ZMT, we will be building up the research group Complexity & Climate, which will focus on the self-organization of convection cloud, the emergence of clustered cloud systems, such as mesoscale convective systems and complexes, as well as tropical cyclones. In a further step, we will be studying the emergence of extreme events and the potential impact on eco and socioeconomic sysytems. A particular focus will be on tropical coasts, with high population densities and sensitive ecosystems. I further lead the Atmospheric Complexity group at the Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen University. 

Further Affiliations

Jacobs University Bremen

Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen University