Romagnoni G., Kluger L., Tam J., Wolff M. 2022. Adaptations to climate variability in fisheries and aquaculture social-ecological systems in the Northern Humboldt Current Ecosystem: challenges and solutions. In: Human-nature interactions. Exploring nature’s values across landscapes. Misiune I., Depellegrin D., Egarter Vigl L. (Eds). Springer Nature. Open access.
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Depellegrin D., Hansen H.S., Schroder L., Bergstrom L., Romagnoni G., Steenbeek J., Goncalves M., Carneiro G., Hammer L., Palsson, J., Schmidtbauer Crona, J., Hume, D., Kotta, J., Menegon S. Current status, advancements and development needs of geospatial decision support tools for marine spatial planning in European Seas. Ocean and Coastal Management 209, 105644.
Goncalves, M., Steenbeek, J., Tomczak, M., Romagnoni, G., Puntilla, R., Karvinen, V., Santos C., Keijser X., Abspoel L., Warmelink H., Mayer, I.S. (2021). Food-Web Modeling in the Maritime Spatial Planning Challenge Simulation Platform: Results from the Baltic Sea Region. In: Wardaszko M., Meijer S., Lukosch H., Kanegae H., Kriz W.C., Grzybowska-Brzezińska M. (eds) Simulation Gaming Through Times and Disciplines. ISAGA 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11988. Springer, Cham.
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Kluger L.C., Gorris P., Kochalski S., Müller M.S., Romagnoni G. (2020). Studying human–nature relationships through a network lens: A systematic review. People and Nature (
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Kvile* K.Ø., Romagnoni* G., Dagestad K-F., Langangen Ø., Kristiansen T. (2018). Sensitivity of modelled North Sea cod larvae transport to vertical behaviour, ocean model resolution and interannual variation in ocean dynamics. ICES Journal of Marine Science 75, 2413-2424. *equal contribution
Holt R.E, Ferreira A.S., Bardarson H., Bonanomi S., Boonstra W., Butler W., Diekert F.K., Fouzai N., Holma M., Kokkalis A., Kvile K.Ø., Malanski E., Nieminen E., Ottosen K.M., Pedersen M.W., Richter A.P., Rogers L., Romagnoni G., Snickars M., Törnroos A., Weigel B., Whittington J., Yletyinen J., Woods P. (2017). Avoiding Pitfalls in Interdisciplinary Research within Doctoral Education. Climate Research, 74, 121-129.
Pedersen M.W., Kokkalis A., Bardarson H., Bonanomi S., Boonstra W.J., Butler W., Diekert F.K., Fouzai N., Holma M., Holt R.E., Kvile K.Ø., Nieminen E., Ottosen K.M., Richter A., Rogers L.A., Romagnoni G., Snickars M., Törnroos A., Weigel B., Whittington J.D., Woods P., Yletyinen J., Ferreira A.S.A. (2016). Trends in marine climate change research in the Nordic region since the first IPCC report. Climatic Change, 134,147-161.
Boonstra W.J., Ottosen K.M., Ferreira A.S.A., Richter A., Rogers L.A., Pedersen M.W., Kokkalis A., Bardarson H., Bonanomi S., Butler W., Diekert F.K., Fouzai N., Holma M., Holt R.E., Kvile K.Ø., Malanski E., Macdonald J.I., Nieminen E., Romagnoni G., Snickars M., Weigel B., Woods P., Yletyinen J., Whittington J.D. (2015). What are the major global threats and impacts in marine environments? Investigating the contours of a shared perception among marine scientists from the bottom-up. Marine Policy, 60, 197–201
Romagnoni G., Mackinson S., Hong J., Eikeset A.M. (2015). The Ecospace model applied to the North Sea: Evaluating spatial predictions with fish biomass and fishing effort data. Ecological Modelling, 300(0), 50–60