Birte Hemmelskamp-Pfeiffer

Dr. Birte Hemmelskamp-Pfeiffer

Head of Research Data Infrastructure

Phone: +49 (0)421 23800 - 75

Fax: +49 (0)421 23800 - 30

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Office: Fahrenheitstr. 6., Annexe
28359 Bremen
Room: 2217 (2nd floor)


- More than 8 years of experience in institutional data management
- Mission: Development of demand-oriented services and products in research data management along the whole research cycle
- Spokesperson of the Leibniz Working Group Research Data Section E
- Responsible for the ZMT as Use Case 27 in the NFDI4Biodiversity
- Organisation of a variety of lectures and workshops on research data management



Peer-reviewed journals
Vüllers, J., B. Pfeiffer, and M. Basedau (2015), Measuring the Ambivalence of Religion: Introducing the Religion and Conflict in Developing Countries (RCDC) Dataset, in: International Interactions 41(5).
Basedau, M., B. Pfeiffer, and J. Vüllers (2014), Bad Religion? Religion, Collective Action, and the Onset of Armed Conflict in Developing Countries, in: Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Mulder, P., H.L. de Groot, and B. Pfeiffer (2014), Dynamics and Determinants of Energy Intensity in the Service Sector: A Cross-Country Analysis, 1980–2005, in: Ecological Economics 100, 1-15.
Pfeiffer, B., and P. Mulder (2013), Explaining the Diffusion of Renewable Energy Technology in Developing Countries, in: Energy Economics, 40, 285–296.

Master Thesis: „Bedarfsgerechte Bibliotheksdienstleistungen im Forschungszyklus am Beispiel des GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies", Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Extra-occupational Master Studies in Library and Information Science.
Dissertation: „Foreign Banks in sub-Saharan Africa – Do South-South and North-South Banks Induce Different Effects on the Efficiency of Domestic Banks?", Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Diploma Thesis: "Internationaler Klimaschutz in Entwicklungsländern", Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.