24/02/2025 | Curious students from the international Bachelor's degree course"Natural Sciences for Sustainability" at the University of Bremen recently visited the ZMT. The innovative degree programme, which was launched in the winter semester 2024/25 and is jointly supported by three faculties (FB1 Physics/Electrical Engineering, FB2 Biology and Chemistry, FB5 Earth Sciences), aims to impart interdisciplinary knowledge on sustainability topics. This coincides in many respects with the profile of ZMT. ZMT scientist Tim Jennerjahn, who teaches for the new degree course, organised the visist.
The students were very interested in getting to know ZMT better. During the visit, which lasted more than two hours, scientists Lara Stuthmann, Raymond Ayilu, Sara Rodriguez and Tim Jennerjahn first provided information about the research and training opportunities at ZMT and engaged in intensive discussions with the students.
No less interesting was the guided tour of the chemistry, biology and geology laboratories, the scanning electron microscope and the seawater test facility by Donata Monien, Sebastian Flotow, Lara Stuthmann and Nina Paul. The students gained a comprehensive overview of the ZMT's mission and work and may even return to ZMT to write a Bachelor's thesis on a sustainability topic.