For two days, the Leibniz Association's working group on law and personnel met at Bremen's Haus der Wissenschaft | Photo: Eike Strubelt, ZMT
For two days, the Leibniz Association's working group on law and personnel met at Bremen's Haus der Wissenschaft | Photo: Eike Strubelt, ZMT

18.09.2019 | Over two days, ZMT welcomed members of the Legal and HR Working Group of the Leibniz Association to Bremen’s Haus der Wissenschaft. Almost 50 participants representing Leibniz institutes from all over Germany came to the bi-annual meeting on topics ranging from travel regulations or trademark and personnel law, to spin-off companies, recruitment in science or data protection.

ZMT was represented by its directors Hildegard Westphal, who introduced the institute to the participants, and Nicolas Dittert, who as managing director and head of the administration had initiated the meeting in Bremen.

Reflecting on the workshops and talks he said:  “We have had two very fruitful days of discussing a variety of topics that are currently affecting Leibniz institutes and which in some cases are unsettling. I highly appreciate these opportunities of open exchange as they always inspire practical solutions and ways to move forward and they bring people together.”