19/05/2021 | In "Science for the Living Room", organised by AWIs4Future, mangrove ecologist Prof. Dr. Martin Zimmer from ZMT explains the "sense and nonsense of planting trees". His talk will be streamed on YouTube on Thursday, 20 May, from 20:30.

The fight against climate change is turning flowers and leaves: planting trees as a means of long-term CO2 storage has quickly become a widespread business model. Since mangroves are among the most efficient stores of CO2, this idea has not left mangrove reforestation unscathed. Good idea? It depends: well meant is not always well done! Often, tree planting campaigns are not only pointless but also unsuccessful: not only must the space be available, the (environmental) conditions must also be right - and in most cases it is not enough just to stick a tree seedling in the ground.

Afterwards, Martin Zimmer answers questions from the audience.


About Science for the Living Room by AWIs4Future

 Portraitfoto des Mangrovenexperten Martin Zimmer

The goal of the series is to communicate scientific results of climate science (from all disciplines), on climate change and its consequences to the public. For this purpose, AWIs4Future have created an online format: "Science for the Living Room". Every Thursday at 20:30 CET, the organisers stream a live talk on YouTube. The format is less formal and, at its best, both interesting and entertaining. AWIs4Future are still looking for exciting talks, if interested please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..