View from above on audience in a large conference room
In 2016, ECSA 56 took place face-to-face in Bremen | Photo: Jan Meier, ZMT

17/08/2021 | The Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) is co-organiser of the international science conference "ECSA 58 - EMECS 13: Estuaries and Coastal Seas in the Anthropocene - Structure, Functions, Ecosystem Services and Management", which will take place as an online event from September 6 to 9, 2021. The broad range of topics is of interest to natural and social scientists as well as to marine and coastal management experts. Registration for the conference is open until September 3.

Since the beginning of industrialisation and largely in the second half of the last century, man-made environmental changes have left measurable traces and permanently altered many ecosystems. This has far-reaching consequences for plants, animals and people – especially in the highly populated coastal zone, where natural resources feed large parts of the local people.

It is therefore more important than ever to understand the causes and effects of these changes in order to then develop solutions for sustainable use of the coastal zones. For this reason, the internationally active scientific organisations Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA) and the International Center for Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas (EMECS) have joined forces to create the "ECSA 58 - EMECS 13" conference, a joint discussion forum for exchanging the latest findings and proposed solutions.

When: 6. – 9. September 2021
Where: Online
Conference webseite:

Registration for conference is open until September 3, 2021

Registration for Early Career Researchers Workshop open until August 27:

About the conference programme

„We have an exciting programme consisting of 300 talks and 100 posters from scientists around the globe, who will present their latest findings in coastal research in four parallel sessions“, says Dr. Tim Jennerjahn, co-organiser and conference coordinator of ECSA and head of the working group "Ecological Biogeochemistry" at ZMT. He adds: „A particular highlight will be the keynote talks by internationally renowned scientists on globally relevant topical issues. Moreover, for the first time a pupil's forum will provide pupils from Japan, Great Britain and the Kippenberg High School in Bremen with the opportunity to present own contributions.“

The organisers hope to welcome many young scientists and researchers from countries in the Global South. To support them ECSA Early Career Scientists organize a three-hour workshop for Early Career Scientists on Friday, September 3, for which one can register until August 27. Participation is free. Jennerjahn says: “This workshop offers Early Career Scientists the opportunity to exchange ideas with each other and with experienced colleagues in an informal atmosphere.”