24.10.16 | As part of its 25th anniversary celebration, the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) is holding its alumni kick-off conference from 25th to 28th October 2016. About 50 out of 600 alumni, who did their research at ZMT, will join the conference. Most of the alumni have completed their PhD with ZMT or are graduates of the Master Programme International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology (ISATEC). Also former guest researchers such as NAM fellowship holders are among the distinguished guests, who come from about 27 different, mainly tropical countries. At present, the alumni often work as scientists at universities and research institutes around the globe. However, some former colleagues also have left science and work for NGO or ministries now.
The main objectives of the alumni kick-off conference are to strengthen the international alumni network, support the scientific dialogue with the tropics as well as foster research collaboration. The conference starts with an informal get-together on 25th October providing a first opportunity to network and reconnect with former colleagues. Moreover, the conference programme offers four workshops. During the first workshop, opportunities and challenges of interdisciplinary research projects will be discussed followed by a science communication training, focusing on how to write policy briefs.
Furthermore, a workshop on the diversity of social science approaches will be offered, followed by a presentation on "Approaches for Resource Assessment and Modelling" on 28th October. One day of the alumni conference is dedicated to an Ocean Governance Training, which will address the global marine governance regime and the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14, highlighting its implementation into ocean and coastal management structures.
Besides scientific workshops, a social programme has been organized offering networking opportunities, such as a joint conference dinner and a medieval night watchman tour in the old city center. The alumni will also join the Senate Reception on 26th October at the old City Town Hall, where ZMT’s 25th anniversary celebration will take place.