Breeding marine organisms: Bottlenecks and recent advances on the examples of Mud-Crabs (Scylla sp.) and Frogfish (Histiophryninae)

Christian Göbel would like to invite you to this week's PA1 Seminar. He will give a presentation on "Breeding marine organisms: Bottlenecks and recent advances on the examples of Mud-Crabs (Scylla sp.) and Frogfish (Histiophryninae)"
This will be a wrap up of his most recent projects, demonstrating how captive breeding can contribute to species conservation in various ways. He will talk about challenges in larval rearing and broodstock maintainance in the economically important Mud-Crab, reveal some unpublished observations on post-larval development in frogfish and give an outlook on upcoming aquaculture projects in Bremen.