Name | Degree | Year | Title (Thesis / Final Report) | Institution | |
Dr. Rima Beeso | PhD | 2024 | Analysis of antioxidant activity, particularly phenolic compounds in Cassiopea andrormeda | University Mauritius | |
Sabine Keuter | PhD | 2023 | Experimente zu Nebenwirkungen von Ozon in der Aquakultur | Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) | |
Juan Molina | PhD | 2020/2021 | Metabolic studies on Lusitanian toadfish (Halobatrachus didactylus) | IADO-CONICET Instituto Argention de Oceanografía | |
Yosmina Tapilatu | PhD | 2020 | Antropogenic pressure effect on Polycarpa sp. Bioactive compounds in Ambon Island waters, Indonesia | LIPI Research Center for Deep Sea, Ambon, Indonesia | |
Kunal Mondal | PhD | 2018 | Improving feed ingredients for sea cucumber aquaculture, Holothuria scabra | ICAR Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture |
PhD Students
Name | Degree | Year | Title (Thesis / Final Report) | Institution |
Lara Stuthmann | PhD | 2023 | Aquaculture of Caulerpa lentillifera (sea grapes, Chlorophyta): Nutritional value, co-cultivation potential and post-harvest procedures of a sea vegetable | University of Bremen |
Lisa Röpke | PhD | 2023 |
The application and potential toxicity of innovative antifouling coatings for coral reef restoration |
University of Bremen |
Jakiul Islam |
PhD | 2021 | Effects of extreme environmental variation on the physiological responses of European seabags, Dicentrarchus labrax | University of Bremen |
Paula Senff | PhD | 2021 |
Improving bioremediation with extractive species in integrated aquaculture: Towards application in tropical recirculating systems |
University of Bremen |
Elham Kamyab | PhD | 2021 | From chemical ecology towards biotechnological applications: a study on sea cucumbers’ derived secondary metabolites | University of Oldenburg |
Inken Hanke | PhD | 2019 | Milkfish (Chanos chanos) under stress: Contributing to fish welfare in tropical aquaculture by identifying and quatifying potential stressors | University of Bremen |
Samir AlJbour | PhD | 2017 | Metabolic and oxidative stress responses of Cassiopea sp. to environmental stress | University of Bremen |
Holger Kühnhold | PhD | 2017 | Temperature tolerance of the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra | University of Bremen |
Pia Kegler | PhD | 2015 | Understanding coral reefs in an impacted world: Physiological responses of coral reef organisms to coastal pollution and global warming | University of Bremen |
Gunilla Baum | PhD | 2015 | Multiple anthropogenic stressors in Indonesia: Impacts on metabolism, spatial distribution and community composition of coral reef organisms |
University of Bremen |
Friedrich Meyer |
PhD | 2015 | The physiology of coral reef calcifiers under local and global stressors | University of Bremen |
Simon Geist | PhD | 2013 | Early life history traits of coastal pelagic fishes in the northern Benguela Current ecosystem off Namibia | University of Bremen |
Sebastian Ferse | PhD | 2008 | Artificial reef structures and coral transplantation: fish community responses and effects on coral recruitment in North Sulawesi, Indonesia | University of Bremen |
Sascha Romatzki | PhD | 2008 | Reproduction strategies of stony corals (Scleractinia) in an equator near, Indonesian coral reef: contributions for the reef restoration | University of Bremen |
Indra-Junaidi Zakaria | PhD | 2004 | On the growth of newly settled corals on concrete substrates in coral reefs of Pisang and Pieh Islands West Sumatra, Indonesia | IP Bogor / ZMT / University of Kiel |
Unggul Aktani | PhD | 2003 | Reef fish community structure as related to the degree of reef recovery following physical Reef destruction | IP Bogor / University of Bremen |
Master students
Name | Degree | Year | Title (Thesis / Final Report) | Institution |
Nora Leonie Rust | MSc | 2024 | From Bali to Berlin: Germany's Role in the Marine Ornamental Fish Trade - Unraveling Key Players, Trade Patterns, Conservation Concerns, and Hobbyist Insights for Sustainable Solutions | University of Oldenburg |
Emma Stempel | MSc | 2024 | Acclimation capacity to different temperatures in two populations of the Southern king crab, Lithodes santolla (Molina, 1782) from Patagonian Fjords | University of Bremen |
Milena Söhnen | MSc | 2024 | Investigating Local Sea Grapes from Fiji: Physiological and Biochemical Responses of "Nama" (Caulerpa racemosa) to Increased Irradiances | University of Bremen |
Stephano Muotcha |
MSc | 2024 | Technical and Economic Feasibility Analysis of a Small-Scale Black Soldier Fly Larvae Production and its Utilization as Feed by Shire Tilapia (Oreochromis shiranus) in Malawi | University of Bremen |
Markus Bernard | MSc | 2023 | Comparison of low-tech multi-trophic recirculating aquaculture system with halophytes and seaweed in Zanzibar, Tanzania | University of Bremen |
Hafzur Rahmann | MSc | 2023 | Economic viability of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture of Seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii), Sea cucumber (Holothuria scabra) and Sea oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) in Zanzibar, Tanzania | University of Bremen |
William Mangile | MSc | 2023 | Growth, survival, and nitrogen assimilation efficiency of seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii) cultured with sea cucumber (Holothuria scabra) and pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) in Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture | University of Bremen |
Anjleen Hannak | MSc | 2023 | The Effect of Shipwrecks on Lutjanus (Snapper) Populations in Colombo, Sri Lanka | University of Bremen |
Amir Hossain | MSc | 2022 | Impacts of propolis and salinity on the growth performance, hematological and antioxidants response in European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) exposed to extreme heatwave stress | University of Bremen |
Jasmin Tesani |
MSc | 2022 | Respirometric analysis of temperature tolerance in the endosymbiotic jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda | University of Bremen |
M Okoli | MSc | 2022 | Assessing growth performance, histological alterations in gills and the blood plasma responses of farmed European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) exposed to ultrasound | University of Bremen |
Pradipta Das | MSc | 2022 | Using oxygen measurements as a tool to study photo-physiological capacities in endosymbiotic jellyfish (Cassiopea andromeda) | University Duisburg-Essen |
Revathi Achuthan | MSc | 2022 | Interactive Effects of Temperature and Salinity on Growth, Photosynthesis, Chlorophyll Content and Antioxidant Activity in Sea Grapes, Caulerpa lentillifera | University of Bremen |
Kim Anderle | MSc | 2021 | The role of nutrients for the aquaculture of sea grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera) | University of Bremen |
Chironjib Samantha | MSc | 2021 | Extreme cold temperature-induced oxidative stress and growth response in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) at varying salinities | University of Bremen |
Brendan Elba | MSc (ISATEC) |
2020 | Investigation of the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra for bioremediation of aquaculture waste | University of Bremen |
David Brefeld | MSc (ISATEC) |
2020 | Extreme cold temperature-induced oxidative stress and growth response in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) at varying salinities | University of Bremen |
Sarah Kempf | MSc | 2020 | The physiological response of an Arctic key species Polar cod, Boreogadus saida, to environmental hypoxia: critical oxygen level and swimming performance | University of Bremen |
Kimberley Schwarz |
MSc |
2020 | The effect of different nutrient concentrations on the physiology of sea grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera) in laboratory culture | University of Bremen |
Mondy Muhando |
MSc |
2019 | The influence of an invasive seaweed species Gracilaria edulis on the growth performance of sea cucumber Holothuria scabra in an integrated mariculture: a case study in Bweleo Zanzibar - Tanzania | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Daisy Flores | MSc (ISATEC) | 2019 | Improving the success of coral larval propagation by applying beneficial microbes in a novel ex-situ nursery system | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Nuri Max Steinmann | MSc | 2018 | Insights into the population genetic structure of sandfish (Holothuria scabra) in Zanzibar, Tanzania | EMBC+, University of Bremen |
Diane Enkelmann | MSc | 2017 | Physiological responses of marine invertebrates exposed to medication against parasitic diseases in ornamental fish (JBL Punktol Plus) | ZMT, University of Rostock |
Nina Paul | MSc (ISATEC) | 2016 | Assessment of Temperature and Predation Stress on the Rock Goby (Gobius paganellus) | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Paula Senff | MSc (ISATEC) | 2016 | Operationalizing the Social-Ecological Systems (SES) framework: A case study on Lombok, Indonesia | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Britt Ronen | MSc (ISATEC) | 2016 | In situ oxygen dynamics of fish-coral interactions in the gulf of Eilat, northern Red Sea | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Elham Kamyab | MSc (ISATEC) | 2015 | Thermal resistance of juvenile Holothuria scabra (Jaeger, 1833) with focus on biochemical indicators of metabolism and immune enzymes activities | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Hannah Moore | MSc (ISATEC) | 2015 | Early fish colonization of artificial reef structures: who, when, and why? Koh Rong Samloem, Cambodia | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Rashid Musa Imam | MSc (ISATEC) | 2015 | Activity of key metabolic enzymes in early life stages of key fish species from the Northern Benguela Current Upwelling System | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Quang Huy Nguyen | MSc | 2014 | Seasonal variability in abundance, distribution and diversity of coastal ichthyoplankton in the Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam (South China Sea) | University of Hamburg |
Nur Garcia Herrera | MSc (ISATEC) | 2014 | Physiological effects of the mutualistic relationship between Dascyllus marginatus and Stylophora pistillata in the northern Red Sea | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Mary Namukose | MSc (ISATEC) | 2014 | Holothuria scabra and Eucheuma denticulatum mariculture integration - effects on growth and sediment organic matter content: a case study from bweleo in Zanzibar, Tanzania. | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Nicole Herz | MSc (ISATEC) | 2014 | High-performance liquid chromatography to determine thiocyanate in illegaly caught reef fish - a practical application in the field | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Riki Nakajima | MSc (ISATEC) | 2014 | Temporal and Spatial Comparison of Scleractinian Coral Growth Rate in Spermonde Archipelago | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Godfrey Fabiani | MSc (ISATEC) | 2013 | Community-led integrated polyculture of sea cucumber (Holothuria scabra) and seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii) at Ushongo, Pangani in Tanzania | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Johanna Wiedling | MSc (ISATEC) | 2013 | Invertebrate recruitment and population connectivity in the Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Kati Michalek | MSc | 2012 | Activity of metabolic key enzymes in early life stages of Cape horse mackerels, Trachurus trachurus capensis from the Nothern Benguela Current Upwelling System | University of Bremen |
Marisol Beltran-Guitterez | MSc (ISATEC) | 2012 | Integrated multitrophic aquaculture of seaweed Kappaphycus striatum and sea cucumber Holothuria scabra, Zanzibar, Tanzania | University of Bremen |
Pia Kegler | MSc | 2011 | On the metabolic activity of the anemonefish Amphiprion ocellaris | University of Bremen |
Christoph Zimmer | MSc | 2010 | Respiration und Korallenbleiche bei Porites lobata als mögliche Indikatoren für Stress aufgrund variierender Umweltparameter (Temperatur, pH und Nährstoffkonzentrationen) | University of Bremen |
Hendrik Monsees | MSc (ISATEC) | 2010 | Einfluss von Licht auf die Nitrifikation mikrobieller Biofilme auf „Lebenden Steinen“ in marinen Zierfisch- aufzuchtanlagen | University of Bremen |
Lisa von Essen | MSc (ISATEC) | 2010 | Assessment of sea cucumber farming as an alternative source of income for the local community in Likupang area, North Sulawesi, Indonesia | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Anne Buhmann |
MSc | 2009 | Untersuchungen zum Phytoremediationspotential zweier Mangrovenarten | University of Bremen |
Sebastian Kaspers | MSc | 2009 | Nutritional value of the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei fed several feed additions | University of Bremen |
Andrea Wagner | MSc | 2009 | Untersuchungen zur Stressphysiologie der Zooxanthellen aus der Riesenmuschel Tridacna spec. | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Christian Nebel | MSc (ISATEC) | 2009 | River reef impact in Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam: The potential use of d15N/d13C isotopes as tracer of anthropogenic input in a heterogenic environment | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Niklas Lücke | MSc (ISATEC) | 2009 | Contributions to the nutrient budget of a modified extensive shrimp farm in India, including the application of biofilters | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Tim Migawski | MSc | 2008 | Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Wachstums- und Sterblichkeitsrate bei juvenilen Hippocampus erectus und Hippocampus cf. reidi | University of Oldenburg |
Carmen Arndt | MSc | 2008 | Beitrag zur Erhöhung von Nährstoffaufnahme und Produktion ungesättigter Fettsäuren in marinen Mikroalgen | University of Bremen |
Nur Fadli | MSc (ISATEC) | 2008 | Use of modified coral rubble as medium for coral transplantation | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Sebastian Schmidt | MSc | 2007 | In-Situ-Observation von Korallenrecruitment via Fluoreszenzfotografie in Indonesien | University of Bremen |
Marian Merckens | MSc | 2007 | Der Einfluss der Temperatur auf den Standardstoffwechsel von Scorpaeniden am Beispiel Myoxocephalus scorpius | University of Bremen |
Bevis Fedder | MSc (ISATEC) | 2007 | Assessment of global marine biodiversity indicators for the Global Environment Facility Resource Allocation Framework (GEF RAF) | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Ivan Fernando Angel | MSc (ISATEC) | 2007 | Contributions to feed management in aquaculture of tropical sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Armin Schlüter | MSc | 2005 | Vergleichende Nährstoffuntersuchungen an Riesenmuscheln (Tridacna spec.) | University of Bremen |
Jocelyn Hernandez | MSc (ISATEC) | 2005 | The effects of different lighting conditions and nutrient concentrations on the growth, survival and symbionts of juvenile giant clams Tridacna maxima and T. squamosa | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Neslihan Akbulut | MSc (ISATEC) | 2005 | Comparison of different protein sources in shrimp feed in relation to shrimp growth and water quality | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Sebastian Ferse | MSc (ISATEC) | 2004 | Rearing techniques for coral fragments in an ocean-based nursery: the use of cages | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Christian Neumann | MSc (ISATEC) | 2004 | Contributions to the Yala Fisheries Management Plan - Key Characteristics of the Fishery in Kirinda, Sri Lanka | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Prathiba Mallu | MSc (ISATEC) | 2004 | The influence of dietary protein on the growth performance of juvenile European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) cultured in a recirculation system | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Karin Schiefenhövel | MSc (ISATEC) | 2003 | Post-harvest mortality in the marine aquarium trade: a case study at an Indonesian export facility | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Christiane Schmidt | MSc (ISATEC) | 2003 | Reduction of post-harvest mortalities in an Indonesian export facility: a contribution to a sustainable marine aquarium trade | ZMT, University of Bremen |
José Gomez | MSc (ISATEC) | 2002 | Maintaining fisheries resources off Yala National Park: a contribution based on historical, biological and socio-economic data | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Annika Mackensen | MSc (ISATEC) | 2002 | Assessment of Sea Turtle Nesting and related Threats at Rekawa Bay, South Sri Lanka | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Iris Freytag | MSc (ISATEC) | 2001 | Growth and mortality of Acropora nobilis (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) fragments in shallow waters of the Seribu Islands, Indonesia, using different attachment methods | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Christopher Slade | MSc (ISATEC) | 2001 | The Ecology of Trichodinids (Ciliphora: Peritrichida) from Southwest Java, Indonesia with Taxonomic Descriptions | ZMT, University of Bremen |
Jeroen van Brugge | MSc | 1997 | Rapid assessment of coral reefs | University of Amsterdam |
Undergraduate Students
Name | Degree | Year | Title (Thesis / Final Report) | Institution |
Hannes Riep | BSc | 2024 | Impact of light- and UV-stress on protein production and antioxidative activity of three edible macroalgae Caulerpa lentillifera, Botryocladia pseudodichomata and Codium taylorii | Hochschule Bremerhaven |
Arne Heydtmann |
BSc | 2024 | Nutzungspotential von Polychaeten des Artkomplexes Eurythoe complanata: Methodenentwicklung und Nährwertanalyse | University of Bremen |
Yinka Dorscheid | BSc | 2024 | Influence of storage temperature under packaging conditions on the microbiome of Caulerpa lentillifera | Hochschule Bremerhaven |
Kira Kaul | BSc | 2023 | Impact of light- and UV-stress on lipid peroxidation and photosynthesis of the three edible macroalgae Caulerpa lentillifera, Botryocladia botryoides and Codium edule | Hochschule Bremerhaven |
Elisa Kriege | BSc | 2023 | Bestimmung der Auswirkungen von schmalbandiger UVB-Strahlung auf die endosymbiontische Qualle Cassiopea andromeda unter Berücksichtigung von physiologischen und metabolischen Parametern sowie der Regenerationsfähigkeit | Hochschule Bremerhaven |
Aaron Cordes | BSc | 2023 | Integration of Babylonia areolata into existing tidal ponds for the cultivation of Caulerpa lentillifera | Hochschule Bremerhaven |
Mia Pribbernow | BSc | 2022 | Physiological Response of Two Edible Green Seaweeds (Caulerpa lentillifera and Codium edule; Chlorophyta) to Different Photoperiods in Aquaculture | University of Bremen |
Jasmin Tesani | BSc | 2022 | Respirometric analysis of temperature tolerance in the endosymbiotic jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda | University of Bremen |
Annika Schmidt | BSc | 2020 |
Morphologische Charakteristika von Kappaphycus alvarezii (Rhodophyta) im Vergleich einer Tank- und Ozean-Kultur aus Vietnam
University of Bremen |
Jonas Sommer | BSc | 2020 | Effects of Different Light Intensities on the Antioxidant Potential of Sea Grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera; Chlorophyta) | University of Bremen |
Hannah Jacob | BSc | 2019 | Physiological Responses of Different Reef-Dwelling Cnidaria and Isolated Zooxanthellae Under Elevated Seawater Temperatures | University of Bremen |
Laura Belter | BSc | 2019 | Physiological Performance of Various Reef-Associated Cnidaria and Isolated Zooxanthellae at Elevated Seawater Temperatures | University of Bremen |
Katharina Berg | BSc | 2018 | Response of zooxanthellae from different host organisms to increasing seawater temperatures | University of Bremen |
Dominic Osztermayer | BSc | 2018 | Auswirkungen einer Sauerstoffübersättigung im Meerwasser auf die Respiration und fotosynthetische Effizienz des Modellorganismus Pocillopora damicornis | University of Bremen |
Jakob Sölter | BSc | 2018 | Physiological responses of marine invertebrates and their symbionts under elevated seawater temperatures | University of Göttingen |
Christian Hohe | BSc | 2017 | Biochemical analysis of dried seaweeds in context with sea cucumber aquaculture |
University of Bremen |
Pauline Beziat | BSc | 2017 | The effect of environmental stressors on Cassiopea sp. Jellyfish – increased temperature and heavy-metal exposure | Jacobs University |
Yi-Shuan Huang | BSc | 2016 | Establish RT-qPCR Assay to Quantify Heat Shock Protein 70 (Hsp70) mRNA in Sea Cucumber Species, Holothuria scabra | Jacobs University |
Jessica Petereit | BSc | 2016 | Measurements of active metabolic rates of juvenile and adult clownfish Amphiprion frentatus at different oxygen concentrations | University of Bremen |
Nuri Max Steinmann | BSc | 2016 | Identification of control genes for gene expression analysis in Holothuria scabra | University of Bremen |
Valeska Diemel | BSc | 2015 | „Am Rand oder mittendrin?“ Embryonalentwicklung und Metabolismus bei Amphiprion ocellaris und Amphiprion frenatus | University of Bremen |
Nina Paul | BSc | 2013 | Metabolische Schlüsselenzyme in frühen Lebensstadien der Anemonenfische (Amphiprion spec.) | University of Rostock, IfB |
Sonja Franziska Heeling |
BSc | 2013 | Aktivität von Schlüsselenzymen des Stoffwechsels juveniler Entwicklungsstadien von Sardinops sagax und Engraulis capensis aus dem Nördlichen Benguela Auftriebsgebiet | University of Bremen |
Moritz Lürig | BSc | 2010 | Effects of elevated temperature and CO2 -concentration on photosynthesis, respiration and calcification of the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata (Esper 1797) | University of Oldenburg |
Diplom Theses (Diplomarbeiten)
Name | Degree | Year | Title (Thesis / Final Report) | Institution |
Jana Michaelis | Diplom | 2012 | Effects of fragmentation on the metabolism of scleractinian corals | University of Bremen |
Stefanie Grass | Diplom | 2009 | Einfluss von Nitrat und verschiedenen Lichtbedingungen auf die Physiologie von Tridacna maxima und Tridacna squamosa | University of Oldenburg |
Isabelle Schulz |
Diplom | 2008 | Biogeochemical studies of dissolved and particulate matter in the Tac River, Cai River and the bay of Nha Trang, Vietnam | University of Bremen |
Lars Hauptmann | Diplom | 2004 | Untersuchung der Wachstumsraten asexuell vermehrter Kolonien hermatypischer Steinkorallen in einem geschlossenen Aquariensystem unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Leuchtmittel und Strahlungsintensitäten | University of Bremen |
Markus Molis | Diplom | 1997 | Untersuchung zur Anwendbarkeit der Indikator-Hypothese von Fischen der Familie Chaetodontidae an unterschiedlich stark gestörten Riffen vor der Küste Sumatras (Indonesien) | ZMT / University of Kiel |
Gerhard Maack | Diplom | 1996 | Untersuchungen zur Fortpflanzungsbiologie von Encrasicholina punctifer (Fowler, 1938) (Engraulidae, Clupeiformes) vor der Westküste Sumatras, Indonesien | ZMT / University of Bremen |
Margit Busch | Diplom | 1995 | Kultivierung von Kappaphycus alvarezii und Eucheuma denticulatum (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) auf der Insel Pini (Westküste Sumatra, Indonesien) | ZMT / University of Bremen |
Anke Ortmann | Diplom | 1995 | Beifänge in der Baganfischerei vor der Küste Padang’s (West Sumatra, Indonesien) | ZMT / University of Bremen |
Hans Rohdenburg | Diplom | 1995 | Beitrag zur Baganfischerei und zur Bestandsabschätzung von Encrasicholina punctifer (Engraulidae, Pisces) vor der Küste Padang’s (West-Sumatra, Indonesien) | ZMT / University of Bremen |